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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Jim Kelly did it exactly right, be a self indulgent pr!ck when you're young and strong then come to Jesus when your old and worn out.
  2. JW you know and like Schobel and that makes you bias- I don't know Schobel and have no strong emotions about him one way or another- this "I don't know if I want to play or not" is bullpoop, I give Schobel more credit than being some kind of women who has to sort out how she feels about it, it is calculated, Schobel knows that the Bills have to see him play OLB for awhile before they can commit to paying the type of salary he's going to get this year but I don't blame him a bit because if any of the young guy were to step up the Bills would have cut him anyways probably just before the season started.
  3. It was obvious months ago the Schobel wanted to be released - Schobel is just like Peters except more media savvy, Peters wanted to do what was good for Peters and Schobel wants to do what's good for Schobel- and I can't blame them - Schobel would have no trade value unless he would renegotiate his contract, and why would he do that when he could shop himself to 3 or 4 teams (his greatest value is as a pass rush specialist on a 4-3 team)- if he had come to camp what probably would have happen is that unless every other OLB just sucked he would have been cut just before the season started.
  4. Wait you're blaming Conner for ignoring "the real story" I find that hilarious since the original topic of the thread (8.7bil of the Iraqi reconstruction fund, from sold Iraqi oil, unaccounted for) has been ignored.
  5. Wood seems like a decent player but what does that prove? even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while- It kinda makes me sad that the fans of this once great team have been reduced to congratulating ourselves that a first round pick we make doesn't suck.
  6. I fully believe that 99.999999% of state secretes are about protecting job security not national security.
  7. more slotting for Spiller would be my guess
  8. Just think someday we can be the new Malaysia.
  9. Even as American companies continue to invest heavily in China some Chinese companies are moving operations to Vietnam and Malaysia where labor is cheaper.
  10. U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion of Iraq's money: audit BAGHDAD (Reuters) – The U.S. Department of Defense was unable to account properly for $8.7 billion of Iraqi oil and gas money meant for humanitarian needs and reconstruction after the 2003 invasion, according to an audit released on Tuesday. The figure is nearly 96 percent of the $9.1 billion funneled to the Pentagon from the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), said the audit report from the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). The report described lax management of some of the billions of dollars designated for rebuilding war-shattered Iraq, where residents routinely complain about lack of electricity and other basic services more than seven years after the invasion. The DFI was established by the Coalition Provisional Authority, the U.S.-run body that took charge of Iraq following the invasion. It was meant to harness money from export sales of oil, petroleum products and natural gas, as well as frozen Iraqi assets and surplus funds from the U.N. oil-for-food program, and spend it for the benefit of Iraqis. The U.N. Security Council approved the creation of the fund. "Weaknesses in DoD's financial and management controls left it unable to properly account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion in DFI funds it received for reconstruction activities in Iraq," the SIGIR report said. The report cited poor record-keeping and said most of the organizations at the Pentagon that received DFI funds failed to establish required Treasury Department accounts. "Our selective review shows the records were not always complete. For example, DoD could not provide documentation to substantiate how it spent $2.6 billion," it said. The government of Iraq ordered the Pentagon to return DFI funds at the end of 2007. But the audit found Department of Defense organizations that were still holding and in some cases spending DFI funds. "The breakdown in controls left the funds vulnerable to inappropriate uses and undetected loss," the report said. Iraq is almost completely reliant on oil revenues to rebuild infrastructure and housing stock devastated by years of war and economic sanctions. More than 95 percent of the federal budget comes from the oil sector. The audit report said the Pentagon had agreed to adopt and implement by November the inspector-general's recommendations to tighten up financial controls. "SIGIR believes the identified actions, if implemented as planned, will address SIGIR's concerns," the report said. (Reporting by Jim Loney, editing by Tim Pearce)
  11. He doesn't want to be traded, he wants to be cut because he'd have more negotiating power as a free agent- and he has some leverage to get cut, he is scheduled to make around 8mil and I don't see him as worth that in a new position and not wanting to play here. My prediction he shows up, stinks gets cut goes to the Texans and plays as a pass rush specialist for two years.
  12. Sorry this is Bush raising Taxes on small businessmen- you can only blame Obama for not thwarting Bush's devilish Tax increase.
  13. Actually I just meant Dueling in general, as for Obama and the Dems in general they are either cowards or complicit, ball-less or bought.
  14. Thank you for watching the unedited video, my opinion of you has gone up a notch.
  15. the whole speech is on youtube so he should watch the whole thing so he doesn't think us Libs are pulling the wool over his eyes- Rangle should get kicked out and I hope this starts a partisan fight where all the scum bags and scoff-laws are charged with ethic violations- some people want less partisanship I want more and I want the progressives to stop taking a pillow to a gun fight, Obama is weaker than a thrice used tea bag- grow a set Obama- and bring back dueling.
  16. you have obviously not watched the unedited video- "Sherry Sherrod the full video" it's on youtube- nothing of the kind happens the only time they applaud is when she talks about God goodness and when she says "it's about poor people"- I don't expect you to watch the video
  17. There's a couple things that probably contribute Changes in the share-holder company relationship vis-a-vis pension funds,hedge funds, and mutual funds, formerly when the stock market was more for rich individuals a majority owner had more knowledge of the company and more say in company policies and direction, now that stock holding are more aggregate holdings managed more by statistical analysis more than any knowledge of the company or industry majority owners if there are any are hands off. Changes in the CEO Board relationship- much more cozy for a lot of reasons Pay rate contagion - any company overpaying can quickly turn into a new norm Very large companies are in stiff competition for the best managers - there may only be a slight difference between the very best manager and the 250th best manager but in a huge company that slight difference could be worth hundreds of millions or maybe billions- thus the #1 manager might get offered 5x the salary of the 250th best manager even though the difference in their skills is tiny. There is a problem though called "Regression toward the mean" now the guy you're paying 5x as much isn't preforming any better than the 250th guy in fact he may be a tiny bit worst- now you are going to have 250 CEO's pointing to your CEO saying I'm doing better than him why is he making 5x what I make. and on it goes, oh and there is a lot of fraud going on too- look into restatement of earnings figures for American businesses - and wonder if any bonuses based on original earning statements were ever given back.
  18. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue, that's the Chicago way. I predict in two weeks we'll see 10 republican congressmen up on ethics charges.
  19. finance guys, that explains a lot, most of those guys have huge egos - plus it's an economic sector that isn't hurting that bad it's not like those jobs are being exported to Mexico, China, or Vietnam.
  20. Jim, on the plus side anyone who says "if you can't offer me as much as I'm making on unemployment I'm not interested." isn't too bright in the first place- you might think it but you got to be an idiot to come out and say it.
  21. Maybe your HR department isn't doing a very good job explaining the pay model - or maybe people have been scammed by less legitimate companies, in college I worked some collections and telemarketing and could tell you some horror stories. Give out information of what your people make with your pay model. When I see certain places always hiring I wonder are they expanding or do they have huge turnover because the commissions and bonuses are just pie in the sky.
  22. I have the exact same recollection.
  23. Dave, Obama is neither pro business nor anti-business he is simply owned by corporate interests as are most Republicans and the majority of Democrats - don't confuse owned by corporate interests as being pro-business, we are talking 1. Wall Street, Big bank, finance 2. Military industries 3. Big Pharm 4. Big Farm (agriculture) 5. Big insurance/medical industry. those are omnipresent going concerns - other corporate interests or heaven's forbid Union/ special interest occasionally make an appearance but they are small fry - the Auto companies might have been left to fend for themselves except that they share supply chains with the Military industries and there were concerns that those supply chains might not survive without the auto companies.
  24. Obama and the Dems in general are every bit the Ivy league educated, corporate owned elites that the Republicans are- other interests are either marginalized or infiltrated.
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