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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. The Bills are a bad team on merit, no one is tanking games- that said, there is a difference or at least should be between a team that is taking a kick at the super-bowl or at least the play-offs and a team that is in total rebuilding mode- to me it would make sense for a team like Minnesota to trade a little of the future for players that can help them now but for a team like the Bills who need to find a group of core players to build around adding vets on the downside of their careers makes little sense. That's why the Bills are at times unfathomable to me, as an example the T.O. pick up then tearing our Oline apart- Picking up T.O. could make sense or tearing our Oline apart and starting fresh could make sense but doing both doesn't make a lick of sense.
  2. What would you think of an Offensive line of Bell LT, Brandon Carter LG, Wood C, Herman Johnson RG, McNeil RT
  3. I'm not a believer but I do think Religion can have life enhancing effects- belief even in things that are not real can have a powerful effect as placebo studies have shown (example people thinking they were getting super strong performance enhancing drugs gained more strength than control groups), Religion can act as a super behavioral program, but I think that the community gathering at the local church or worship is the greatest benefit, I really wish that atheists and agnostics had a social community analogous to the local church.
  4. what's the deal on Rice- and can you trade injured players- depending on Rice's injury I would seriously consider Evans for him- especially when I consider that there may be no football 2011.
  5. His blocking looks a lot better than what our OL will be able to give him.
  6. I have asked servicemen, some love it and think it's great and other hate it and think it sucks. I not sure how this is different than private health care, I was in the hospital about two years ago and had both very competent and very incompetent care depending on the shift, doctor, lab, and so on. I would like to add that VA probably needs funding increases and on the whole our appreciation for Vets tends to be shown more as lip service than in tangible action.
  7. I'm still wondering what is so heinous about Chad Jackson that he can look like at least the second best WR on this team and end up cut- is it drugs, sex, gambling, attitude problem, is he a locker room lawyer, a theif, a whiner, a Jehovah Witness, a Commie, a Nazi- if anyone has a theory please share.
  8. "And I want to eat ice cream all day and not get fat. Good luck with your quest, pollyana" GG You had the first non sequitur, the first analogy, and the first ad hominem attack, though Pollyana is pretty tame.
  9. Project much? "The only problem was that Hypo RE paid out over 32 million to one of their employees"- wrong they paid 32 mil total and The spokesman (for Hypo) added that "no bonuses larger than 500,000 euro were handed out," but it doesn't matter that it's not as egregious as you made out I'm still against that lessor amount. and do you think that there is some type of German consensus that this is a good thing? "Politicians, meanwhile, have reacted with outrage to HRE's announcement and defense of the bonus payments. Germany is shelling out for a 'zombie bank' say experts Frank Schaeffler, a financial expert of the joint-governing Free Democrats, told the online edition of the daily Handelsblatt that it was "unfathomable" that the payments were being made, directing his criticism just as much at the Social Democrat-Christian Democrat coalition which was governing when HRE was rescued." link And again, you made the argument that 1. I walk in lock step with the Huffington Post positions- 2. that the results of these positions being fulfilled would be (gasp) a European quality of life - I said fine I'll take Germany, you know the Germany in Europe- again which European country can I have is Denmark OK - I get it, you lie awake nights fearing we'll end up like Canada or Iceland or Germany or England or France or Denmark, while I'm afraid we'll end up like Mexico, or Colombia.
  10. Muggings happen everyday too, and your never going to totally stop it, so you should never have a cop patrolling, or light a dark street, or try to find and arrest the mugger, or provide care for the victim - I may be Pollyana but you are pre-haunting Scrooge.
  11. QB is the most important position OL is the most important unit If your Oline is bad and your QB takes a beating every game eventually you'll ruin him mentally and physically certain positions take longer to develop than others generally speaking LBs, CBs, OG, S, K, P, and RBs will come in and be productive the soonest If you want a QB, OT, WR, TE, DE, DT, or any LB or S with play calling responsibilities to come in and be immediately productive at a high level then you are talking free agent not draft pick. Build offense first because a bad defense doesn't get your offense worn down and injured but a bad offense will get your defense worn down and injured.
  12. Detroit has got some pieces to the puzzle but they are still a ways away - they need a better grind it out back to go with Best, could use a better #2 WR, OL help , and if their QB keeps getting hurt it might not matter- I think they are a good off-season from the play-offs a lot closer than the Bills who might sadly be three really good off-seasons away from the Play-offs, RW is from Detroit maybe he should send what little talent the Bills have over there and live vicariously - we don't really have much to send, Evans, a RB, a DB or two, that's about it.
  13. Republicans are starting to realize that it's not an anti-Democrat backlash it's an an anti-incumbent backlash- I can see them now saying we better get out in front of this Tea-party movement before it runs us over.
  14. I blame French revolutionaries did anyone hear “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, ou la mort” being shouted.
  15. He's probably talking about the Dunning-Kruger Effect .
  16. Did you mean Europe excluding Germany- why don't you explain to me which parts of Europe I can or can not have as an example of the quality of life if all of my (Huffingtonpostesk)desires were met,
  17. The old saying - it's a recession if your neighbor loses his job it's a depression if you lose your job. My mother's family was mostly farmers in the general W.N.Y area, and my Mom didn't have any hardship stories My Father's family lived in more Urban areas and did more factory work, day labor, worked for the railroad and he saw and went through harsher things.
  18. 1. HYPO REAL ESTATE BONUSES.- So what. I have no expectations of finding a country that fits my standards, values and priorities perfectly unless I'm king of the Island of me. So I think they are wrong - pay out bonuses on your own dime I say not the tax payer's and there is nothing less I'm worried about that financial brain drain, I'd be worried if it was scientists, engineers, or health professionals but I think losing lawyers, Economists, and white shoe financial suits might be addition through subtraction - when or if they pay back the tax payers they can pay out a bonuses to their hearts content . 2. I made no comparison of German leverage as compared to U.S. leverage I said they were increasing capital requirements and reigning in leverage, if they completely thwart BASEL I'll be wrong. 3. Yeah the German BANKERS don't like it, I'm sure they will try to influence their government or anyone else to reduce proposed BASEL capital requirements or increase implementation time - I like how you said Germans like there were masses of Germans people protesting, we all know Bankers are not people - and I make no claim of what leverage ratio gives the optimum results between economic growth and risk, I think 9 to 1 or lower is too low, and 30 to 1 and higher is too high but I'll leave the exact ratio to unbiased experts- which does not include the Bankers who while maybe expert are hardly unbiased.
  19. In the area's I'm concerned (environmental protection, worker safety, and product safety) German is as strict or stricter than the United States- In the area of finance Germany has reigned in leverage with increased capital requirements, has restricted some derivatives, and naked short selling. I have nothing against high end bonuses when a company is doing better than industry averages on their merit - I'm against high end bonuses when the company or institution is receiving government support through- direct cash, the government buying assets for more than they're worth, or being able to borrow unlimited amounts of money at near zero interest. I also think that share-holders need a greater voice in management pay as I think there is a huge principal-agent problem in American business. I also think the American Financial system is rife with fraud and corruption- whether penny ante like Churning, pump and dump, distort and short, Ponzi schemes, insider trading, fraudulent asset rating and accounting or massive manipulations of commodities and currencies. What do you do when a criminal mindset has changed a once symbiotic relationship between Wall street and Main street into a parasitic relationship and the wolf has bought the service of the sheepdog.
  20. I wish they'd play Brohm not because I think he's good just because I'd like to make 100% sure that the Bills know he's not the answer- I don't want to give them any reason what so ever to pick a DB because he's the BPA and they weren't sure what they had in Brohm.
  21. RW started worrying that he was going to have to pay some rookie a Kabillion dollars.
  22. Either you don't know Germany or you don't know my beliefs- Universal Health care, high investment in human capital and infrastructure, a serious push for energy independence and a serious but not cult like appreciation of environmental protection all fall in line with my beliefs.
  23. I don't know if I could make the Bills better but I could make them more interesting. Cut Green, Kelsay, and Hangartner Bring in Herman Johnson, Brandon Carter, and Pierre Walters DE Trade Parrish, Levitre and our 2nd round 2011 pick to SD for V. Jackson and McNeil Trade McGee and Stupar to Dallas for Bennett Martellus, move Dominique Harris from practice squad to 53 rooster cut Trent Bring in Jamarcus Russell Starters OL - Bell LT, B. Carter LG, E,Wood C, Herman Johnson RG, M McNeil RT WRs Evans, V. Jackson, TE Bennett Martellus, RBs Fred Jackson, Spiller QB Jamarcus Russell That offense would have people talking, maybe not saying nice things, but talking.
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