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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Crushed? yeah if you are delusional. Jim Cramer = Crushed Jon Steward asked some mildly tough questions he could have asked about the wars, continuing violations of the forth Amendment,continuing expansion of executive power, continuing lack of transparency in government and about 10 other issues that many progressives aren't really too happy about with Obama. Crushed? maybe if the total fawning FOX displays with conservatives is your standard.
  2. 1. It isn't the SS fund that spends too much and takes in too little it's the general fund that spends too much and takes in too little. 2. If the American government is seriously considering defaulting on their securities I say fine but default all the way down the line, they can't default selectively on SS obligations. 3. If there is a default then the so called entitlement payroll taxes were just regular Income Taxes so lets never hear again how the poor don't pay Fed income taxes.
  3. We have two find out to things about Fitz before we can consider him our QB and only one will be found out this season. 1. can he be consistent at this high level 2. can he play when there is a lot on the line we are going to have to wait a while to find that out.
  4. I'm not going to go too crazy but he reminds me a little bit of Kurt Warner maybe not the greatest athletic talent but when combined with the right intangibles enough athletic talent to win games.
  5. Crap-shoot? I think the Bills drafts for the last 8 years have just been crap period.
  6. Baltimore Ravens ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch painful to watch game
  7. Senator you are so delusional I've never understood why you let our losses filter into your fantasy, just say "19 and 0 baby" all year, why let reality interfere with your little world?
  8. I'm going to try to be a little more sensitive to the fact that you obviously live in constant fear.
  9. The Bills have been going against conventional wisdom in the draft for a long time and so far conventional wisdom is kicking their butts- sad to say but a guy with three draft magazines would have done much better.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking if they're here to blow something up they are probably wearing a three piece suit which would make me nervous because I might mistake them for something dangerous like a banker. I don't think Juan Williams is a bigot but I do think he is irrational, the statistical probability of him dying in a terrorist attack is less than getting hit by lightning or having a co-worker poisoning his coffee.
  11. rent to damn high
  12. If you have a conviction that a college QB is going to be elite in the NFL you take him- what you don't do is take a QB with a high pick just because you need a QB and a guys next on the board.
  13. Forget scouting, pick up about three draft magazines and follow their advice - sad to say but if the Bills had done that they would have been further along these last eight years.
  14. not sure what you're confused about, in both cases the position is federal law enforced by federal agencies- I would think the opposite but consistent view is a states rights argument that individual states should be able to decide on both the legality of substances and Immigration issues- I have a position which is less defensible in consistency that the Feds should butt out in CA but that immigration enforcement should be a Federal function not a State function.
  15. Winning percentage of .473 coming into the season ranked 23rd, it's not the worst but nothing to get too proud about either.
  16. Since when has international law applied to us or any country we favor- we go where we want and do what we please, at least for now.
  17. Straw-man much, that point was never made.
  18. Happy balance thats the key, I have nothing against the profit motive and begrudge no one who has gotten rich by producing a better product or service- but is it hard to understand being against profit by fraud or manipulation?- I'm sure you'd be against people engaging in a home repair swindle or a auto mechanic doing fraudulent repairs- are you not also concerned when rating agencies give AAA ratings to junk, when accounting allows insolvent companies to appear to be profiting, when financial institutions are allowed to arbitrage tens of billions between nearly zero rate fed loans and 3% treasury bonds.
  19. If you are implying when I write military industry I'm talking about our brave veterans- well I know you are smart enough to know better, you know I'm talking about the corporations which profit off the Military, Northrop Grumman, DynCorp, Mantech, KBR , Blackwater/Xe/U.S. Training center/Eagle Inc/ and whatever the hell they are calling themselves now to name a few. It's not that I think these companies are run by villains rubbing there hands together and laughing maniacally but it's a problem that these companies are so intertwined with the government through direct campaign finance, staffer duality, and a 50 state employment strategy.It's a problem when we can't get rid of weapon systems that the Pentagon says it doesn't need or want. It's a problem when nation defense goals are mixed with the profit motive. You put together this conflict of interest with two undeclared wars that lack transparency as to what their end goals are, and the fact that there is almost nothing as corrosive to individual liberties as a long term war footing and it's a problem.
  20. Better to give people SS at 60 and then cut it off at 63, not to be ageist but anyone who wants everyone working to 70+ hasn't really thought about it very deeply, also I can't wait for the old style retirement plan to start namely families with 6+ children.
  21. I doubt anyone is in love with our government as it is presently constituted, and just because I loath about every Republican except Ron Paul doesn't mean I have too much respect for the Democrats either- I think that the Government is in a big cesspool with 1. wall street, bankers, finance 2. Military industry 3. Big Energy 4. Big Pharm 5. Big Farm, the main turds in the bowl- the whole government is becoming systemically corrupt and there are no easy fixes just a lot of unpleasant to abysmal choices, corruption is the hallmark of a third world country and that's where we are headed. As for the economy, stupid spending won't help us neither will stupid cuts, QE the way they are doing it is also a joke- People who advocate stimulus don't seem to understand that the level of stimulus produced by each dollar spent is a fraction of what it use to be, consumption doesn't work very well to stimulate the economy because so little is produced here, trickle down tax cuts for the rich do very little because in the global economy money can be invested anywhere, infrastructure construction can work but it has to be something that has value in the end, any government that had the future in mind for this country would have plans for a hundred+ nuclear plants, hundreds of desalination facilities, would be developing coal to liquid fuel with bio-fuel mediation of CO2, would be starting hundreds of binary geothermal plants, would be starting high speed rail, would be starting vertical farming, would be starting soil conservation and remediation. well I'm going off topic which is why I usually try to keep it brief as I start to lose my sense of humor when I get into it. I'll save why I think most people who talk about cutting government are disingenuous or morons for later.
  22. Could Russel be a better than average QB absolutely - will Russel ever be any type of QB doubtful, he doesn't seem to have love and respect for the game, some of these guys seem to love the money, fame, women surrounding the NFL but not that they are playing in the NFL - could Russel grow up, get a work ethic, find God so to speak ... yeah it's possible, but it's more likely that he has enough money to slack around and party.
  23. I wish we could get in there for Mankins - could SD use Evans
  24. Green read this board and got a severe case of hurt feelings and only doctor mom can cure him- Herman Johnson, S Capers and Brandon Carter are still out there on practice squads waiting to be stolen.
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