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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Don't worry about the Goldman Sachs they are doing the God's work.
  2. linky nation state vs the religion of business
  3. The nation state vs the religion of business http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3vbCxj2ifs
  4. Well being drunk is better than the alternative but you shouldn't attack people for things they never said, that's OCs Trademark you may be sued for infringement.
  5. dev/null - Connor just wrote the opposite of what you implied- are you drunk? to break Conner down 1. Palin is perceived as unintelligent because she seemed to lack understanding on a host of topics that people would expect a presidential candidate to have a grasp on. 2. To prove this isn't a bias against her being a conservative - he sites the following conservatives (Rove or Huckabee or Romney) that no one has ever accused of being dumb.
  6. Magox I know you are smarter than this- it's not that one country's self interest is different than another country's self interest, it's the amount leverage that we have to apply a third world country is different than to a G20 country. Obama may be a problem, but he is not the problem- we are losing (have lost) our relative advantages in education, R and D, infrastructure, the worlds 1# market, and in the near future the advantages of the worlds reserve currency- most of the G20 members are making perpetrations for when, not if the U.S has another financial collapse, not that they wish this, but they think it and they are all trying to set up their own little trading blocks,- they are buying each others currencies now in perpetration, what they are not going to do is allow the U.S to export our problems to them, expect capital controls at least and increased protectionism or even trade wars are not out of the question . now unless someone brings back Nixon's madman theory or some other belligerent outside the norms of civilized relationships policy
  7. wait I thought Bush got those agreements done in 2007? so Bush got them done he just didn't get them done done it was for Obama to get them done done- so what is the status of these agreements? alive, dead or in limbo.
  8. Yes, you are right!,Colombia and Panama are exactly equivalent to G20 countries and I'd be shocked, shocked I tell you if anyone on this board would dispute that.
  9. Rob I'm shocked that a person of keen powers observation and insight failed to see sarcasm in that first line.
  10. I am shocked that a man of Obama's charisma couldn't get countries to go against their own self interest for the sake of propping up the U.S. economy- previously America had two coercive factors, our military might to use on third world counties and the worlds largest consumer market to get our way in economic matters, that consumer market is contracting in relative terms and in the near future will probably contract in absolute terms.
  11. part of agriculture - parts is parts and they taste like chicken.
  12. Finance, Military, Energy, pharmaceutical, agriculture, telecom in that order.
  13. Take the combined yardage of our three TEs and our FB and you can see that we are playing with one or two players that aren't considered by the defense most of the time- we need help all over but a TE who isn't a liability might be the biggest boon next to a franchise QB.
  14. What does game theory predict?
  15. I guess my question would be are we getting close to a tipping point- it seems there are a lot of countries that would like to get out of U.S treasuries, out of the dollar - none of them want to start a panic but they are all easing towards the exit- the tipping point is when they stop easing and start sprinting.
  16. +1, and in the few cases where they are not Haynesworth,Peppers they are a)out of Ralph's price range b) looking to play for a team that has a shot at the Super Bowl The Bills have a better shot at raiding a few practice squads
  17. wildly optimistic GDP unless inflation is not counted. My predictions for the the first half of 2011 1) People will finally start to understand that they have been robbed and that neither Bush or Obama stopped a financial crisis they merely postponed it and at the same time transfered huge amounts of money from Mainstreet to Wallstreet the bailout was a tiny part of the robbery, Fed action through buying bad assets at full value, near zero credit to bond arbitrage , and QE transfered much more wealth. The next wealth transfer will be from the upcoming stock bubble and the carry trade. Oh and don't feel picked on, they are trying to rob the whole world not just Joe working slob American. 2) People will be shocked by the combination of high inflation and low interest return- money will be moved from bonds into stocks and most will be crushed when the bubble bursts get in before mid January at the latest and out before late March - the in the know money has been in for 9 weeks already. not an investment guy but depending on how much you got I'd say invest in lowering your energy usage if you can get off grid get off grid, buy physical silver, start exchanging US currency for Canadian currency and buy farm land.
  18. I liked what I saw of him during preseason - I think he lacks some speed but he runs tough enough I'd pick him up and let spiller replace Parrish in the slot .
  19. I predicted 3-13 at the beginning of the season and have been dead on or one off for the last 6 years and being close on my predictions has been about the only pleasure the Bills have been giving me lately- but I suppose even that is in danger as the Bills look fully capable of going 0-16.
  20. The reason they want to get rid of the old machines (that were simple, and worked fine) is that they are not hackable - every other reason they give is bullcrap.
  21. Before you do anything do a patent search either on your own or pay around $800-$1200 and have it done for you.
  22. It'd be a little closer if the move-on guy chocked out a 115 pound Tea party women with two other Move-on guys holding her arms - and then asked for an apology from her- but points for effort Magox. The Amazing thing is the guy thought the women should apologize to him, I'm old fashion, I've never hit a women in my life, but maybe that's how the Tea Party expresses it's position on gender equality.
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