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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. This Bigger, Stronger, and just as fast If you look at a WR route tree Evans runs one excellent, two very well and the other seven average or below average- Andre Johnson is probably excellent at eight of the routes and average at two.
  2. You think we have averted a financial crisis that was caused by inadequate liquidity- nothing was averted merely postponed and will back come in the form of a sovereign debt crisis and a monetary crisis, and this will come not in a period of relatively cheap energy as it would have if we took the admittedly painful steps to reorder an out of control worldwide finance industry- it will come with expensive energy and all that entails and with average Americans already depleted of resources- your problem is you believe in an economics that is based on psychology but it is not the psychology of a normal human being , it is the psychology of a sociopath- it is the "hey it's just business" of the mobster, this mentality is making inroads to all businesses but nowhere is as pervasive as the finance industry which self selects in favor of those devoid of empathy. What the FED and the government has really done is transfered wealth to the top and has given time for poor positions to be gracefully unwind from and a transition from paper assets to tangible assets to be made. I can see how this pleases you as you seem to think that all good things come from the top and everyone else should be grateful for whatever crumbs fall from the sky.
  3. yeah Tommy I get it we are being held hostage- screw that let it blow up we'll be better off in the long run.
  4. Bumps might be up or down but the long term trend is down at least in relative terms. 2.5 trillion dollar deficit in infrastructure and that doesn't even include what we have to do to get ready for a future of much more expensive water and energy. Remember this equation (energy usage x efficiency of use = Standard of living).
  5. as long as they know the difference between the poop deck and the head.
  6. I give Gene Frenkle the win in quality of posts, board name, avatar, and signature I give LABillzFan credit for having a Z like JayZ and I'm pretty sure his mom loves him.
  7. In July 2008, the SEC concluded that the CRAs failed to manage conflicts of interest between MBS and CDO issuers and the CRAs. CRAs were supposed to serve investors, but conflicts of interest led some CRAs to cater to MBS and CDO issuers by inflating ratings. Conflicts of interest were caused by: 1. Relationship conflicts: CRAs have had a close, ongoing working relationship with the largest MBS and CDO issuers; 2. Issuer-paid ratings: 98% of the ratings produced by the CRAs have been paid for by issuers, not investors. The pay incentive led some CRAs to try to inflate ratings of paying issuers in hopes of gaining repeat business from those issuers; and 3. Advising-rating combination: CRAs advised issuers on how to structure MBSs and CDOs to get high ratings. Then CRAs “confirmed” that advice by issuing the “promised” ratings.
  8. Links please .
  9. I know, what's anyone complaining about, only 600 billion went to foreign banks the rest went to U.S. banks and corporations, everyone who was important got bailed out. What was really great was when all those good and important people being somewhat humbled and grateful for being bailed out decided to do all they could for Main Street America, and as a gesture to show solidarity with the average American worker who they knew would take a hit as a result of the financial crisis vowed to give their bonuses to food banks and other charities for a year to help relieve any suffering.
  10. wow I am in total agreement with this- add a TE in FA like Kevin Boss and I probably start losing money on betting the Bills again.
  11. capitalism dog! don't be a hater.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3TZDPONSiA
  13. I don't get to watch much college football live - so any opinions on how the 3-4 DEs rate.
  14. My link My link2 My link3
  15. Europe? she was working on WMD in Iran and Pakistan you know the A.Q. Khan's network.
  16. geezz how many times am I going to have to say Obama= corporatist, I'm not kidding, I'm not joking.
  17. I forgot who got the death penalty when Plame was outed and some of her contacts got disappeared.
  18. I've occasional broken bread with some master of the universe types, they're not dumb but they aren't geniuses either, their main advantage is extremely flexible ethics and a lack of empathy. Churning portfolios, pushing garbage stocks, or scamming old ladies with reverse mortgage swindles were all talked about pride.
  19. I have though for awhile that we've had decent talent in the skill positions but that pretty bad QB and OL play hid it. Three players away from the playoffs? maybe if the players are Mario Williams, Clay Matthews,and Jason Witten, I just hope we retain our quality players this year- you can put together optimist scenarios together- like what if the Bills hit big on a one of the highly touted DT/3-4 ends with their 1st, come away with an OT who can contribute right away with their 2nd, grabs some talent at LB 3rd and 4ths, Sean Nelson proves to be a real TE, Shawne Merriman returns to form, Carrington, and Troup come on- but I'm not going to go too crazy, I've seen how much Detroit has improved their talent and they still can't win.
  20. I love the fact, that even though God doesn't seem to have much regard to little children dying in all manner of horrific ways, how many people think God cares about whether someone catches a football or not- or a million other trivial little things.
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