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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. How about that Feingold is against all tax cut or for the total expiring of the Bush tax cuts however you want to word it, and that Durbin, Harkin and Rockefeller wanted the 250,000 limit not the 1,000,000 limit. How about that Durbin, Harkin and Rockefeller made the crass political decision that it would be better for the compromise to fail and let all the Bush tax cuts expire so they could beat up the Republicans on voting against a middle-class tax cut.
  2. How does the Wall Street of today compare to the Wall Street of 30-40 years ago in this function.
  3. If by some act to God Andrew Luck is available then grab him but I don't see that happening and grabbing the next best QB just because he is a QB makes no sense- think how miserable a team would have been if they took Clausen in the top 10 just because he was the next highest rated QB- there are some are some quality DEs and DTs around this year thats the way to go IMO.
  4. Let me think about it.....nah
  5. Except for science there are no original ideas, when it comes to economics and politics we have a cafeteria choice of unoriginal ideas, every idea is derivative, the only difference is how we mix and match our plate. You just find my plate unpalatable - Original ideas please, what you mean is that my ideas are not unique and original like yours and your cronies who parrot each other endlessly.
  6. I'd rather go strong with a battle of ideas win or lose and have the Tea baggers in charge than a mushy middle of corporate Republicans and Democrats running the country.
  7. me thinks you protest too much
  8. I want a crowsbow for Christmas whether it a crossbow that fires crowbars, or a crowbar that fires arrows.
  9. Yeah Connor tremendously disappointing, I tried to give Obama the benefit of the doubt for about six months- but eventually as the bible says "you will know them by there fruits". Instead of weak, stupid or complicit, I've used the phrase Ball-less, brainless or bought for the last year or so. I think the alteration is more pleasant to the ear.
  10. Dear Peace I find that many on this board either can't or won't Read. I find endless strawmaning, an abundant of nitpicking on grammar and spelling and that ad hominem attacks are the norm. I'll give an example of a person who can't read. Those articles don't support the statement that she was in Iraq and Pakistan. Even worse one source contradicts her Pakistani involvement. Quote While many have speculated that Plame was involved in monitoring the nuclear proliferation black market, specifically the proliferation activities of Pakistan's nuclear "father," A.Q. Khan, intelligence sources say that her team provided only minimal support in that area, focusing almost entirely on Iran. See this person-X seems to equates minimal to not or no- so I guess he wouldn't be offended by a statement like "Person-X generally has sex with human beings and only engages in minimal sexual activity with live-stock". coming back to this board it's the only place I know of where Sarcasm, comic exaggeration to make a point, word play, and whimsy all have to be clearly labeled and where the least amount of ambiguity in a sentence will be misunderstood in the most ridiculous way possible. Oh (this is me joking) and I suspect many of the finance monkeys are coming to this board during working hours and I hope watching Youtube videos helps to give away the fact that the majority of their time is spent screwing around on the computer instead of working. (now back to serious) These video's are not to change your mind, they are for anyone on this board who like me strongly suspected that there was massive fraud going on in the financial industry but didn't have the education to clearly understand the mechanisms of that fraud. So here's another one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlWhAih5Q8E&feature=related
  11. jeepers I hope our corrupt oligarchy puts the kibosh on him before the Russian corrupt oligarchy, I'd hate to lose the cover-up race.
  12. I'm all for it.
  13. Ron Paul will now be my favorite in congress as Grayson and Feingold are soon gone- I share a lot of his views but I believe the government should have large role in infrastructure and basic Research and Development.
  14. These guy are awful tone deaf to what people are going through- like the CEOs who fly to Washington in their private jets to ask for money- why is it so hard for these people to understand that in tough times there must be shared sacrifices if you want to maintain social cohesion.
  15. Wildly optimistic
  16. TALF and CPFF are like pain relievers - great if you take them and then get your cancer removed- terrible if they let you ignore the cancer. I have the feeling that you think this is another business cycle not the mine field of a dozen really bad tipping points which we are negotiating through with tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber fighting for the helm.
  17. agreed, I wish he would have been voted out but people have such low standards for their Representatives now- we got everything from unabashed war criminals to petty crooks and not many people like their choices.
  18. well that's one way to go if you are mentally deficient. I prefer that large, internationally active financial institutions- that are too big to fail or too interconnected to fail- should be reduced to holding companies of national operations that are organized as stand-alone units in the respective countries. Such a structure would reduce the risks to financial stability by creating domestic financial institutions subject to local jurisdictions in the respective markets, But to each their own.
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