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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. When I saw Kevin Boss as a UFA I thought the same thing- how great would it be to have complete TE, of course I think the chances are slim or none that even if the Giants let him get to FA that the Bills could pick him up.
  2. Post Finance, PayPal, MASTERCARD and others are coming under international hacker attacks. It's like the Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"
  3. I agree- Bell needs a little more strength and a little better technique but he's on the right track also I agree on this nonsense about moving him to RT like RT is just where you stuff failures at LT.
  4. Don't worry there will come a time when people simple stop lending to us- at that time will we default and become a pirate nation.
  5. The only part of this Bill that makes sense is the business R&D tax incentives- everything else sucks- they do need to help the unemployed but after a year on unemployment you have to say your job ain't coming back and switch to a work/training program which would probably cost more than unemployment in the short term but you need to stop the deterioration of basic job skills in the long term.
  6. The amazing thing about the draft is that about 50% of the geniuses drafting would do better taking their picks from a copy of Street and Smith or ProFootball weekly NFL draft edition. The only explanation I can think of is that they suffer from information overload and over think most of the picks.
  7. you should hide Carrington Williams Haynesworth (Bowers or Quinn)
  8. Most economies are mixed economies and if you look all the way and all the way down a GDP per capital chart you will see a mix of both right leaning and left leaning economies from top to bottom. Education and literacy rates have a much higher correlation with standard of living.
  9. As always no socialism except for banks and large corporations, no morale hazard except for the CEOs of banks and large corporations, no economic distortion except for.... yes you guessed it banks and large corporations.
  10. I'd keep Evans or Parrish but not both- Nelson and Easley need some chance to develop.
  11. Only when our government can watch us,probe us, and control us will our freedoms be safe.
  12. agreed, and I know everyone hates Haynsworth but a Dline of Carrington,Williams,Haynsworth, and Bower or Quinn might be pretty sweet.
  13. I forgot which JP Morgan was it who would tell small children that their parents had died in a steam boiler accident and then collect their tears in a vial - which JP Morgan would then drink once a year with a meal of eels and leeks. a handsome man
  14. first you play hard to get but now your curious- I knew I could reel you in. more youtube for everybody.
  15. supposedly because silver is a by product of copper mining and they want to promote the opening of new copper mines- which sounds kinda convoluted but there have been stranger shananagans. I'm glad you came back and added the youtube smack, the original was a little weak. Almost Elphinstone like.
  16. What don't you understand about paranoid- and haven't you noticed my open hostility for investment professionals.
  17. I'm sure it'd be worth every penny The youtube chatter is JP Morgan making a play against Silver by selling gold and buying copper but us youtuber are a paranoid bunch.
  18. has anyone heard anything unusual about the silver market?
  19. If I am to understand the role of insurance as the promise to make whole in return for a premium which is calculated by the size of the obligation and the perceived risk - and if the tax payers are in the end the insurer for the to big to fails- then where is the tax payers premium.
  20. Since we have some knowledgeable Finance people on board and we are talking about the societal benefits of modern Wall Street maybe someone can answer a couple questions. What are the societal benefits of the following 1. High frequency trading and the related front running of orders 2. Credit default swaps which started off as insurance except without all those dull capital requirements but more importantly their function as bets on failure of financial instruments. 3.Allowing banks to arbitrage between the FED and Treasury.
  21. How about about Rush deriding the Black Farmers and calling their court decided judgement for discrimination as slavery reparations.
  22. How well do they do their due diligence and vet the start ups now as compared to then.
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