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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. only if their starving mothers sell them freely- free market baby.
  2. You don't want to pay to help the homeless I don't want to pay for a global military empire you don't want to feed the hungry I don't want to bailout the banks and subsidize businesses you don't want to pay for healthcare I don't want to pay for a police state you say why should those making 250,000+ pay a higher rate I say why should wages and regular interest be taxed at a higher rate than dividends and capital gains you say corporations should have the right to pollute without government interference I say the people affected by that pollution should have a right to protect themselves and their property using any means necessary without government interference But mostly I say get the @#$% over yourself you are not the only one who pays taxes and I have just as many places I don't want my taxes going as you do.
  3. There is only one party the corporate party and you will bow your heads.
  4. Since when have Republicans ever cut spending? Change where the money is spent yep, but except for lip service what overall budget cut or actual decrease in national debt can you point towards to show that Republicans care about debt or deficits.
  5. taking time to write on this board? =Throwing pearls before swine or in financial speak, exceedingly low return on investment.
  6. excellent observation I'm all for it, no public money on defense, law enforcement, court system, trade negotiation, roads, trains, public education, R and D, water, sewage, waste management, no business subsidies, no public fire fighting, no contract law, no licensing requirements for any profession, no product safety, no food safety,no legally recognized marriage, no housing code, no property rights enforced by anything other than your ability to defend them- sounds like utopia to me.
  7. Oh and don't forget Feith he's a real doll.
  8. Wait I thought you were against that, along with any environmental safety regulations, or product safety regulation. I really hope if you are truly for the protection of government employees then you were against the Iraq war- when all the given reasons for the war have been disproved- no WMD, no Al Qaeda, improving Iraqi lives? minimum 66,000 Iraqi civilians killed, 2 million displaced, electrical, portable water, sewage and waste infrastructure still nowhere near prewar level, torture still widespread and now the United States is complicit , Or if you were for the war how about at least wanting so righteous fury to come down on Halliburton for providing provided contaminated water to Soldiers or soldiers killed by faulty wiring link2 or maybe you could at least admit that a whistleblower like say Dr Aaron Westrick who exposed that "Second Chance Bulletproof Vests" were defective actually saves lives
  9. Ron lays it down. Awesome video Conner.
  10. Well then I certainly want all the money back that was spent on the TSA and I thought all that applause of resources spent on attacking Wikileaks was about the potential of loss of life from someone, somewhere, somehow at sometime- the cognitive dissonance displayed on this board is astounding.
  11. the world where Magox learned his economics
  12. While he's not playing this year I might add Quinn to the list- The best pick also depends on whether we are going 3-4, 4-3, or a mix - right now I'd go Bowers and go 4-3 but I wouldn't cry about drafting Fairley either.
  13. There are four or five DT/DE out there who look really really good and he's one of them.
  14. The side that incessantly name calls is childishly idiotic.
  15. no one would accuse you of being a useful idiot.
  16. The only thing that is happening freely is that you are freely out of your mind.
  17. Maybe because many of our two million unemployed are armed but would you be for the following- it would cost more than just unemployment but a better way to go in my opinion. "In addition to halving the unemployment benefits period, the government is pinning high hopes on job activation programs, one of the three pillars in Denmark’s famed “flexicurity” model. Employers have carte blanche to hire and fire, and in turn, the jobless are guaranteed benefits if they attend retraining and job placement programs tailored to prepare them for work where labor is scarce."
  18. Satan isn't God's nemesis, Satan is Man's accuser, and God's jilted Lover.
  19. Does rolling Fed loans over count as repaying and does the Fed taking toxic assets at pre-crisis value count as profit.
  20. The time tested way to build a team is to use mostly draft picks to build your team until the team is 8-8 to 10-6 then try to make some smart free agent pick ups to get the team into a playoff contender. The problem is that we have to hit on 1st and 2nd round guys more than not- something the Bills haven't really done the last 10 years.
  21. What if Dean won the Dem primary and what if Palin won the Republican nomination- man that would be fascinating chapter in history.
  22. FAs, Kevin Boss TE, Gaithers OT, Michael Bush RB Draft 1.Bowers (but I'd rather they go back to the 4-3) 2.probably the BPA pick but a quality DT would be nice. Picks 3-7. Heavy on the LBs and DBs
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