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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. if true they should stop being pissed and leak the leaks
  2. and what created the intelligent and powerful something
  3. go to a foreign country of your choice grab some state secrets and send them to wikileaks and I'm sure he'll even it up for you- of course in some countries you might have to use floppies, and some countries might not have anything on computer so you'd have to sneak out a file cabinet and the poor basterds in NK might not even have paper.
  4. I've done work in a couple different masks with filters- not easy at best and kinda torture if you are doing hard physical work- and it gets worse as your filter starts to clog up- with the type of dust in 9/11 you might have to get a new filter every half hour or so - otherwise it's like trying to suck air through a long thin straw- try doing that while going up and down a hill of rubble carrying a quarter beer keg to get a feel for it.
  5. I like the fact that he's letting young players get to play some, of course some that has been forced on him through injury-but still I like it- I was getting a little worried when he kept C Green in for so long, if an older guy can't play he's no going to get suddenly better, at that point you should see what some of the youngsters got-that was one of my many complaints about Jauron.
  6. Agreed with POZ does not suck he's average- I have attacked the unwarranted hype he got early in his career along with the brutal criticism London Fletcher got- but if Poz stays healthy he is serviceable- as for Moats he has certainly shown some pass rushing skills.
  7. If believing in God means I have to believe in a personified, Omnipotent, omniscient, being who created man and then decided that for man to really be perfect he need to cut off part of his @#$% then I'm an atheist. If believing in God means believing in some sort of creative force or that in some way everything is interconnected and God loves and takes care of us the way we take care of an aquarium wanting the best but not caring if a guppy or two gets eaten then I'm an agnostic. Most likely God is just our gratitude for and fear of, nature and each other.
  8. Need to cut a program to pay for this? how about cutting some foreign aid to Egypt and Israel those two Welfare Queens have been on the dole for close to 40 years.
  9. Wacka in fact Wacka Wacka Wacka
  10. does the D in d-bag stand for Dwight?
  11. Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act link some Shep Smith outrage more extensive Shep on huffpo ShepHuffpo
  12. Before we talk about getting rid of Evans I wish someone told me what we get- for example we use our 1st on Marcell Dareus then trade back into the first round using our 2nd and Lee Evans and get Akeem Ayers or Von Miller that I would consider- or Chicago offers us Greg Olsen TE that might be OK, but this addition through subtraction thing has not worked for us at all.
  13. In my college days there was a period where I lived on lentils and egg noodles adding sometimes tuna, or frozen veggies - and for favor hot sauce, salsa, or pasta sauce- plain lentils? I give you a week at most, more likely 3 days.
  14. Called up my three year old granddaughter and told her to take a look - she said not worthy
  15. Nanker ChefJim LAbills OCinBuffalo So no one feels left out especially you OCinBuffalo wouldn't want you to get traumatized again.
  16. I predicted 3-13 so the Bills are ahead of where I had them - The thing I feel most wrong about is Fitz who I thought would be only an OK backup, I'm glad he's a lot better than that.
  17. RKFAST DCTOM JiminAnchorage Rob'shouse anyone can play right?
  18. maybe this helped raise the cost
  19. well his name is real
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