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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Homespun is more economical when telling anecdotes made up out of whole cloth.
  2. Not true she refudiated those allegations.
  3. RK is hilarious he seems to spend most of his time looking to be offended- and as the Bible says "seek and ye shall find"
  4. of course all the atheists who don't profess their atheism would be unknown to you, but you know about most atheists how- psychic? God tells you? by their unattendance at religious gathering? little old ladies abused!!! so you experienced this? give some details, Times, places, words spoken,actions taken- I mean God knows I've done it, (once I was going up to Middleport in bad weather and there was this little old lady at the side of the road with a flat tire- I change he tire and put on her spare- when I was done I came to her window to tell her she was all set and she had the nerve to say "thank you, god bless you" I was so incensed I told her to wait a minute and I took off her spare and put her flat tire back on-then I gave her a lecture on the evils of religion and sped off.)
  5. Williams is above average but NT isn't his best position - I think he'd be much better in a 4-3 defense with a Ted Washington immovable object type DT next to him- Carrington,Williams, Troup, Bowers might be a pretty good Dline- lots of ways to go on defense depending on a decision on 3-4 or 4-3.
  6. at $3 -$10 a pop not too bad but it's an on going expense isn't it- the hilarious and more expensive part is the 3 guys in the room figuring out want domain names to get- I imagine it as something like this GuyOne: well we got "business name" su#k$, su#k$ D$@#,su%k$ F#$%ing D#@%, etc etc.... does that wrap up su#k GuyTwo: what about donkey, like "business name" su#ks donkey D#@% GuyOne: good catch, good catch- Henderson get on all the donkey variants, and what about Zebras people we are global lets think multi-culturally.
  7. Another case in point where RK reads like a robots- so misses the sarcasm and humor.
  8. funny as always - I give you a bunch of names without judgement (except as possible presidential candidates) and you project- maybe my masters gave me Kucinich as a figure of hate ( or do you think short and high pitched is praise)or maybe the figure of hate is all the names unlisted, after all what do politicians find more hateful than being ignored.
  9. A charge is not proof and you know I'd charge everybody, I'm sure you're guilty of something but I'm waiting for mob rule.
  10. 2012 Palin ,Bolton you had us at OORAH, Bolton wants to be President but figures he can pull a Cheney Dean, Kucinich-Short and high pitched Obama challengers- Obama feels unappreciated and quits Ron Paul, Wesley Clark......sneaking in as independents.
  11. Not one of my favorites by King but could be one of those few books that are better as movies.
  12. Sorry while those charges were made( and probably true) they were dismissed without prejudice due to lack of standing and statute of limitations- so we will never know because they settled. Hey they did suck back 67mil of the 140mil he snagged out before the roof collapsed on Country Wide well 47mil from him and 20mil from Country Wide- so he only came out with 93mil- so listen here kids being unethical doesn't pay.
  13. TE Kevin Boss not a super-star but a good blocker who can catch a ball too. OT Jared Gaither I'd rather get a decent ROT in free agency and concentrate on defense in the draft. OLB Merriman if this guy could ever get back what he had, I know big if
  14. Sorry trick question the answer was no, they manipulated no data merely withheld their opinion of their products and they came to a settlement with no claim of wrong doing- the insider trading was a little trickier but it could be said that the information was out there if one knew what they were looking for and had the fortitude to pour through the numbers- so legally no fraud only fraud in the way a normal human being would use the word and that excludes you Tommy.
  15. Did Angelo Mozilo commit fraud?
  16. Did OJ commit murder?
  17. Tom was there ever an act of fraud you didn't love or jump to defend- is it only white collar crime you love or do you love all criminal acts- you, magox, gg, and OC could be the human centipede of fraud defense.
  18. about 49% wanted Ngata 49% wanted Brodrick Bunkley 2% wanted Cutler no one wanted Whitner until the Bills picked him at which time 50% of the board made up reasons why Whitner was a great pick and 50% of the board thought Whitner was the worst pick ever.
  19. Your first post was stupid I didn't answer it I made fun of it and then added commentary that had nothing to do with your comment- which made your second post even funnier but wait here awhile and I'll give an answer.
  20. so your argument is everybody is committing fraud so get use to it?
  21. I'd say new government but maybe no government would be better
  22. Hey maybe you could help this become a reality instead of a fantasy. Transparency? there are so many accounting gimmicks used to hide the real bottom line you must be kidding. Independent auditors? audit shopping you mean, Arthur Andersen ring a bell- Ernst & Young up to bat. Insider trading? Tom you know about expert networks stop pretending all this crap you laugh about every day doesn't exist. "Financial Industry Regulatory Authority" captured and toothless.
  23. Not that it's new just that it's ugly head needs to be caved in again. "We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me--and I welcome their hatred." FDR
  24. The Money=Speech, Corporations= people, argument you make would make Nazis blush with shame.
  25. and Damn it you're right I need some Saul Alinsky to put next to my John Perkins, William Black, Jane D’Arista, Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, and all my other leftist propaganda- I could send you a leaflet. The financial industry and corporations in general would be wise to develop some professional ethical standards and to start to self police- right now there is an increase interest in freaken Marx in America, that is a stunning failure of neoliberalism as it is now practiced- my simple advice is stop killing the golden goose and return to the bygone days when finance was symbiotic with the productive economy not parasitic upon it- fraud is not a longterm business model and it's not even good for the corporations themselves, after they hollow out America and Europe where do they think they're going to go- these multinational globalists are going to find themselves out of luck in five years when they feel abused by the policies of China Inc. and Russia Inc. and the run to American and Europe for help- without manufacturing , or premier consumer markets, or reserve currency, influence on trade policy will be minuscule.
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