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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Immense wealth and resources are indeed being sacrificed, but not exactly needlessly. A great deal of money is being made, and a great deal of power is being transferred to the world’s governments. Which is the principal point of global warming alarmism. A California well is leaking 55 tons of methane an hour, Fukushima, 96 Americans died building the Hoover dam, Worldwide estimate of premature deaths due to wood smoke is 2.7 to 3 million, with respiratory illness being the largest killer of infants. Health and Environment in Sustainable Development, World Health Organization, BP oil spill you got a perfect energy source? or should we judge energy sources for there relative merits, and their negative externalities .
  2. “He who fights with Asshats should look to it that he himself does not become a Asshat . . . when you gaze long into the ass the ass also gazes into you” This advice is unfortunately too late for Deranged Rhino.
  3. OC is head of the Jackassian movement, ain't that right Tony baloney.
  4. Anquan Boldin ran a 4.7 he turn out pretty good, of course faster is better all other things being equal.
  5. Are you confusing C.E. time with A.H. time? Mr Wahhabi was born 1703 Calendar era
  6. I think the Wahhabi sect is more like 200-300 years old
  7. Well to be fair it should be Reagan's American hostages exchange for 1,500 missiles going to Iran, who knows what it cost?- plus Reagan was a good guy who reminded us fondly of our slightly senile grandfathers not a uppity Black man.
  8. 19: R1P19 DT ROBERT NKEMDICHE OLE MISS 49: R2P18 TE HUNTER HENRY ARKANSAS 80: R3P17 WR DE'RUNNYA WILSON MISSISSIPPI STATE 114: R4P19 DT HASSAN RIDGEWAY TEXAS 144: R5P17 CB ARTIE BURNS MIAMI (FLA.) 174: R6P17 S TYVIS POWELL OHIO STATE Fanspeak beat me up pretty good each round I'd have 3-4 players I'd want and none of them fell
  9. stop wondering it's called syphilitic dementia
  10. Once you take out full-time students, senior citizens, the disabled, and those who have chosen not to work to take care of their children, a more reasonable estimate of "out of work" Americans is somewhere in the neighborhood of 21 million- of course if you are a disingenuous prick you should continue to use that 93 million number.
  11. lucky we're not Russia drifting into Turkey's territorial waters
  12. Tom why don't you talk about the 1935 reorganization? oh yeah because you are a disingenuous prick- well Gatorman like all private corporations the Federal Reserve's board of Governors are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate- and like with all private corporations the President of the United States picks chairman and like with all private corporations the chairman has to report to congress twice a year to congress .
  13. This was why I didn't want Rex in the first place not because I had anything against him as a coach but because the strongest part of our team was our 4-3 defense and Rex is a 3-4 coach, every time a new coach comes in to a situation like this they always say something like "even though I coach Blah blah blah X system and the team has personal for Blah blah blah Y system we'll modify our system to take advantage of the talent we got" then they go ahead and implement their system whether it takes advantage of the players strength or not. It's sad to think about what might have been but even if we had kept our 4-3 defense it probably would have been a little down anyways, Kyle Williams is coming to an end as a full-time pro-bowl DT, he's going to be a very good pass rush specialist DT or if he continues to play a majority of downs, a guy who's penetrating big plays continue to diminish while the number of plays he gets washed out increases. Mario Williams might have good reason to think the 3-4 doesn't make best use of his talents but beyond that lets not forget his history has been very very good seasons alternating with very mediocre seasons. Finally for the defense there is not doubt injuries have hurt especially Arron Williams injury. Now I think the Bills have to move on and get Rex guys who fit his defense, get a better number 2 WR, a better backup QB, RT etc etc
  14. That damn Obama releasing Gitmo prisoners during the Bush Administration what a cheeky !@#$
  15. " i contend that those still supporting the idea of the confederacy and by extension its link to slavery, are in fact very likely to be ethically inferior to those that don't. young makes the point with artistry i don't possess." I would say ethically inferior is too broad, life is large, I'm living in the country now and I have neighbors who would give you the shirt off their backs and are also terrible racists, when I was living in the city I knew a guy who made most of his living dealing drugs and maybe ripping off other drug dealers but he was the first guy to help the little old ladies in the neighborhood, push out a stuck car and was rumored to give generously to the Boys Clubs where he spent much of his youth- on the other hand I don't get the urge to honor the Southern Confederacy I read once that there were about 50 Confederate monuments for every Union Monument (maybe Tom would know) if they are not romanticizing a time where the most lowly white man could still look down on a black man I'm not sure what the attraction is, is it the bucolic vs the industrialized? it was still mostly farm boy vs farm boy, sure the South probably had better shots and horsemen and were defeated by industrial prowess but that is the way of modern warfare I haven't heard any of our Confederacy supporters making mention of the bravery and self sacrifice of the motorcycle suicide bomber vs guys who pilot flying death machines 2000 miles from the action.
  16. Only been in usage since the 1930s I'm surprised a word snob like you let into your writing
  17. So we've reached the point in the conversation where you blame everyone else for your own words?
  18. These are your first two posts in this thread what did you show up with?
  19. So are you saying that if we own anything that was made by people working under horrendous conditions we have no right to express an opinion on slavery, or whether men who fought directly or indirectly for slavery should have monuments honoring themselves on public land ?
  20. Saving pies ate Ryan
  21. Well since we don't have a draft anymore how about the right to not to be sent to another country against our will.
  22. Richard Dreyfuss was seen leaving the area
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