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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. http://usawatchdog.com/big-banks-will-take-depositors-money-in-next-crash-ellen-brown/
  2. left out writing a book and then have campaign fund buying millions of said books and sending them out to donors, also left out employing most of the family in very well paid campaign jobs as long as funds hold out, also left out buying/renting a super luxury oversize RV for vacationing errrrrr "Campaigning".
  3. True but this is our best chance in years and probably for years to come to get change - maybe through Supreme Court appointments or by using the bully pulpit to encourage an Article V Convention to get money out of politics.
  4. Whole cars have been lit up for driving away from a police stop let alone coming towards a police barricade at speed and when they tried to go around the barricade they almost hit an officer and that did not get them all shot - the officers showed amazing restraint compared to so many other incidents.
  5. Haven't seen the crushing - I've seen the refusal of wading through the feces strewn river of Styx that is your stream of consciousness.
  6. Yeah eventually the Sun will expand and boil away our oceans leaving us as desolate as Mars
  7. We will need the equivalent of the Manhattan Project in psychological research and I don't know if we have enough people with the courage and iron stomachs to find out.
  8. Some people hate state government even more
  9. Well, looking over my post to I regret writing.......... their as there.
  10. DR you can't get worked up about Gatorman insulting you when you are both are trading insults, now maybe you think that your insults are witty and intelligent while his are more mundane but the truth is Gatorman serves a purpose of engaging an therefore wasting the time of clueless regressive dolts here where there negative energy can be harmlessly contained - while your participation seems to stroke some ego issues you have.
  11. Well, first you throw it on the road verge, then when that fills up you throw it on your front lawn and when that gets higher than your capacity to throw a shovel of snow you bring out a big tarp and shovel the snow into the tarp and then drag it into the backyard if the back yard fills up beyond your capacity to jam more snow into it you curse God and drink heavily. bro have you even ever lived in Buffalo?
  12. You can't move Dareus to NT, it is a complete waste of talent and money - Damon Harrison or Knighton - Kyle Williams can play NT on passing downs btw Dareus will probably have to lose a pound or 20
  13. Trump's chums are chumps
  14. Ted Cruz has changed, he use to be a skinny little narcissistic weasel..........................now he's kinda plump.
  15. Hey Tom, these are better numbers than a meme that compares unfavorably the energy to de-ice a wind turbine that's rated at 3 mega watts than that wind turbine produces.
  16. Bloomberg says he'd get in the race if it's Trump and Sanders, political geek thinks this would give the race to Trump- My opinion-Hey I'm a big Sanders supporter because I hate how this country's government has been rigged for the rich- Oh wait Billionaire Bloomberg enters the race and he's just smart enough to keep his narcissism under wraps I'll vote for him instead- thought nobody ever.
  17. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-11-12/fossil-fuels-with-550-billion-in-subsidy-hurt-renewables
  18. Nice, I suppose you post from your "urban strife" protection bunker.
  19. I'm farther left than Sanders and about half my friends, work associates and family is farther left than I am.
  20. Sanders is center left, Richard D. Wolff would be a moderate leftest
  21. We consider Obama and Hillary center right.
  22. I think we could really use a legit NT Damon Harrison or Terrance Knighton- would Kyle Williams accept a role as a part time passing downs specialist? We could also use another 3-4 DE - Mo Wilkerson is the best but probably out of our price range maybe Jaye Howard
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