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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Obama is going to nominate some well qualified moderate candidates, if the Republican controlled Senate refuses to give a hearing they will be seen as the obstructionist that they have been, if they give hearings and vote two or more moderates downs they better pray their Presidential candidate wins because neither Hillary or Sanders would be under any obligation to nominate a moderate or they could nominate the same moderates that Obama nominated showing the previous refusal to confirm was just personal animus towards Obama not about any convictions about the quality of the candidate.
  2. I''m sure Trump will get the Lion's share of republican Hispanics
  3. and it's obvious that conservative climate deniers are traitors who support Russia, Iran and Venezuela
  4. Are you talking about yourself, I'll grant you, you seem pretty high most of the time because you know their hasn't been any record high ice cover in the arctic last year.
  5. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
  6. He'd like to punch the guy in the face if he could get a couple of people to hold him
  7. Sorry Gatorman you're late to the party - I use to tease "Jim in Anchorage" about being a dirty long haired hippy government teat sucker quite a bit
  8. That sounds like big gov-ment to me boy, what are you some type of commie pinko , and how many gov-ment brown shirts you going hire to do all these "audits"? next you'll be saying ranchers have to do their ranching on their own land or pay a fee or something - boy if you have enough guns the fee is free that's why this here is America - I always thought your conservative bona-fides were shaky, what with you living near SF and all, now you prove I need to keep my scope on you and my itchy finger on the lethal lever.
  9. If Obama did go to the funeral then 50% of republicans would say he only came to gloat the other 50% of republicans would say he didn't just come to gloat but to intimidate potential witnesses to Scalia's assassination.
  10. If I'm reading the UN resolution right, Iran isn't in violation for buying, but Russia or any other country is in violation for selling if they don't have the security councils approval.
  11. Any conspiracy DCTom makes fun of is likely to be true, it is a well known fact that DCTom is a disinformation agent for the Order of the Red garter, the white owl branch of the northern orthodoxy Illuminati- As we all know Obama is the living intersection between Set and Thoth making him commander of the shadow people but while Obama's ability to kill with undetectable stealth is Egyptian born his reason to kill Scalia is a bloody internecine conflict of Catholic sects, Scalia representing the haughty corruption of modern day Jesuits (worldly pleasure seekers and intellectual bullies) his death one day before St Valentines is to symbolize that such a life falls short of a life of self sacrificing love - consider something as soft and comfortable as a silk pillow being such a powerful man's downfall - I think the symbolism is pretty obvious.
  12. So have hearings and say no- what's so !@#$ing hard about that - but don't go on TV and say Obama shouldn't even appoint or that there won't even be hearings that's just baby ****.
  13. exactly, I've never seen anyone live anything but the merest subsistence life on just government handouts alone - I'll talk about the program from eighties back then it seemed that Rent, Utilities, and food was covered plus maybe bus tokens - no money - which means for supplies like toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, cleaning supplies and the like they either needed to do something to supply an income or they'd have go to the local delis use the food stamps on very cheap items collect the change then use the change - diapers were a huge dramatic issue- people who were doing Ok had financial support from their family or they might do off the book work like babysitting, doing hair or nails from home, one girl I knew was doing pretty good because she had a boyfriend sleeping over there giving her money but that didn't last long because a neighbor blew her in after which she ended up in a women's shelter and lost most of her furniture and kitchen appliances - now if you're really living high without a real job it means you are probably selling drugs or guns, or thieving, or pimping or coning or something equally illegal and lucrative.
  14. I'm not sure what you are saying here - are you saying Fox news is in league with the left wing loonies? or are you saying Fox news is saying "Scalia death conspiracy theorists" are Kooks so left wing loonies are sending them "Fox News" death threats .
  15. not a direct reply to you but I agree with Obama The Senate has the right to deny confirmation but they have an obligation to hold a hearing - what the Republicans are is !@#$ing stupid instead of coming on TV and saying you are going to block any candidate Obama puts up for appointment or saying **** like Obama should abandon his duty to fill judicial vacancies - you hold a hearing and say we no likey said candidate.
  16. We haven't sent very many arms first hand and what we have sent has kinda been outdated trash but we have paid Poland, Hungry, Bulgaria and some other countries money to send arms to Ukraine - which makes sense because American weapons systems are both very expensive and generally more complicated and require more training.
  17. It won't hurt them with their base, no one will get primaried by voting Obama appointees down - will they some lose independents? yep as well they should but I see nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate gets to act like petulant children without political consequences.
  18. That's right, Obama appoints, then the Senate has a hearing and if they don't like the appointee they deny consent - what's so !@#$ing hard about that - that's called doing your !@#$ing job- now if Obama sends up four or five very qualified moderates and the senate shoots them all down it will look stupidly political but that's because it is stupidly political but that won't hurt republicans with their base anyways so what's the downside?
  19. Well to you it will look like a galaxy eating black hole of misery and despair
  20. his or her greatness
  21. a great one,
  22. The Senate, they should block the Obama appointee
  23. I think they should wait until President Sanders and the new Senate take office to fill the vacancy, Obama would probably try to get some type of moderate appointed, he's weak like that.
  24. I'll just call you "camouflage Christian" since you blend right in and are indistinguishable from anyone else.
  25. Sorry LA, you just don't manifest anything resembling the fruit of the spirit, visible attributes of a true Christian life but I'm sure you have a Christian Identity just the same way you have an identity as a Bills fan - It probably very convenient, lets you mingle with the rest of the flock without friction.
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