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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. http://www.protectourcoastnow.com/
  2. maybe as vice president Lady Gaga /Baslago 2016
  3. Bills have Blake Annen I think Braxton Miller might be a possibility in the third round - as maybe a cheaper, healthier Harvin type player.
  4. http://theconversation.com/why-the-federal-budget-is-not-like-a-household-budget-35498
  5. or it killing the proposal will save thousands of tourist based jobs and sea food industry jobs, or do you think putting those jobs in jeopardy is a good thing?
  6. Can't put them all in one post but lets add death of Pat Tillman narrative , the Jessica Lynch narrative, the Iraqi throwing infants out of incubators narrative, and the Bin Laden hiding behind his wives narrative.
  7. The problem is going to be self correcting - Peyton is gone, big Ben and Brees are fading, that leaves Brady and Rodgers skewing the curve just like those damn Asian kids in your math class.
  8. Ann Coulter was a dude dude dude looks like a ugly lady.
  9. Gulf of Tonkin The attack on the US Liberty Operation WashTub Operation Northwoods The bombing of the Chinese embassy The bombing of doctors without boarders just add to the list of false flags, rejected false flags, or accidentals on purposes
  10. lol, you needed to know about my love life? I don't need to know about your love life and I'm sure the cows ain't telling.
  11. because they have a printing press - they didn't say that the investment wouldn't lose value
  12. does the Constitution provide a definition of what consent is? maybe silence is consent "Qui tacet consentit", Obama nominates and when the Senate does nothing that is considered consent.
  13. Nobody understands the economy - the real question is how many of these fine lads can beat their benchmark indexes over a five year period? answer not many so most people would come out ahead just putting their money in a Vanguard fund at 25-10 basis points - I don't know what's going to be offered in "myRA" but the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) offers investments with costs of around 3 basis points- pretty hard to beat over the long term.
  14. Which Amendment do you think has bearing? the 19th?
  15. Nope, Obama was born on American soil.
  16. well link to a counter argument or write your own or STFU
  17. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-lee-is-ted-cruz-eligible-to-be-president-20160110-story.html
  18. http://legisworks.org/sal/1/stats/STATUTE-1-Pg103.pdf
  19. Except any "Constitutional Origionalist" could tell you he doesn't pass the "Natural Born Citizen" clause of the Constitutional attributes needed to be President of the United States
  20. The NY and NJ Port Authority officials
  21. Controlled demolition was set up in World Trade Center buildings after the 1993 bombing attempt by the blind sheikh - They couldn't afford the Towers falling like dominoes, the liability was too great and after the attack you couldn't claim it was an unforeseeable event.
  22. Actually DCTom was the inspiration for X-Files "Smoking man" much of it is very accurate except in reality he never smoked instead he was always sucking the fillings out of Twinkies, Ho Hos and other pastries - TV executives just changed the activity because focus groups thought it generated more physical disgust than ominous tension.
  23. I heard Ted Cruz was a big "Constitutional Origionalist" except for that whole "Natural Born Citizen" part, that part he wants to live and evolve.
  24. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/oct/01/viral-image/viral-image-wrongly-accuses-clinton-stealing/
  25. A trailer park, a rough area not ghettos your wife only became poor after she married you "that poor poor women, married to Tom"
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