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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. except you are not uneducated you went to college - my main problem with you is that **** about Trans gender molesting people in bathrooms and you should know why coming from you that makes me grit my teeth- are you going to make me spell it out- you fake Southern !@#$
  2. nothing about the election just about violent protest in general - as for the election in particular I doubt there would have been violent protest although people here often talk about taking their guns somewhere and tree of liberty stuff.
  3. Nope they ignore it and concentrate on a small minority of the left - you think a large percentage of the left are somewhere weeping ?
  4. Trump is going to re-open the 9/11 investigation find it was the Saudis fault and tell them they owe us 6 trillion dollars plus interest - will that cover it
  5. I'm confused who are you talking to? I'm guessing some of it is for me
  6. right back at ya - as if the right on this board ever admits fault or condemns the worst elements on their side - on this board I'm one of about 5 left-wingers as compared to about 30 right-wingers- where I talk about our deplorable are on boards where I'm not quite so out-numbered.
  7. Well I guess so but I tend to remember this http://swampland.time.com/2012/08/23/the-party-of-no-new-details-on-the-gop-plot-to-obstruct-obama/ plus the constant drum beat from the right-wing birther movement saying he was an illegitimate candidate for president
  8. This part- "As long as he secures the border, people will be okay with not having a wall."
  9. don't think a large armed protest in DC isn't a possibility many of these guys have been soaking up 2nd Amendment, tree of liberty narrative for decades - they don't listen to Alex Jones for entertainment
  10. You live in a bubble as much as any left-elitist if you believe that - I live in 40 miles away from Buffalo now surrounded by Trump supporters and they 100% believe he's going to build a wall and deport illegals and bring back good manufacturing jobs and they are going to be very very very pissed if he doesn't.
  11. so give Trump one more month than the Republicans gave Obama
  12. they done learned it from Texas
  13. !@#$, talk about triggered you have to watch that video just looking for something to offend you to get that.
  14. geezzzz I don't know why folk just don't stockpile guns, ammo, and freeze dried food like normal people.
  15. Rex and Whaley aren't great but don't think it can't get worse it could be much worse- I'm not a fan of getting rid of someone unless you have something better- do they have a Watson AI for football?
  16. Nope I don't Know - I think the odds are about a billion to one against but I don't know - I do know it's playing with fire promising those jobs and then not delivering them to well armed white people who haven't totally been conditioned to accept being screwed over.
  17. I'm interested in how he will provide the high paying benefit laden jobs that people are pissed about either losing or never having a chance at, basically he has promised those types of jobs to guys with a high school level of education at least they think he has around here- if they don't come in a year or two I think mass violence is not out of the question.
  18. I kinda wanted a yes / no I went here https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions
  19. yes or no Starts to Build wall gets rid of ACA rips up Iran nuclear deal leaves Paris Agreement Dumps TPT Dumps NAFTA Infrastructure Bill Starts increased deportation Child care Bill Mental Health Bill Military budget increase Trade war with China Russia Reset end offshoring act congressional term limits
  20. You know why it's because she was the corporate candidate and they are the corporate media not hard to figure out - Morning Joe was speculating whether Joe Biden would have beaten Trump and while I have nothing against Biden how about talking about whether Sanders would have beaten Trump, you know Sanders the guy who was actually running but they can't because Sanders didn't fit in their corporate parameters.
  21. Someone should get a fix on what those kids are worth now so we can compare it to what they're worth at the end of Trumps presidency.
  22. Look on the bright side (The Wall, rebuilding our infrastructure, hiring 100,000 I.C.E agents,rebuilding our military, and cutting Taxes) that's a hell of a stimulus package. I also think he will reduce income inequality
  23. As much as it pains me to say it OC was right- now republicans have to govern should be interesting.
  24. I love TT at 5mil , I like TT at 10mil, don't like him for the team at 15mil and don't want him at all 20+mil - I'll take a cheap Jones with a couple more weapons
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