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Posts posted by GreenMan

  1. Just curious - what are your thoughts on Rex after the last couple weeks?


    I have patience, unlike many of my fellow Jets fans.


    Rex is the kind of guy that is going to run a certain defense - "and you can't stop it."


    Well, the problem is, when Kris Jenkins is done for the year, when Lito Sheppard starts interfering, when Vernon Gholston disappears, when Calvin Pace is rusty,


    YOU CAN stop it.


    This is a boom or bust Defense. Either the QB is killed or people pick us apart. Rex is only half to blame, as these are all Mangini's defensive players, most of whom had different roles.


    I like Rex going forward, especially after two more of his own drafts picking his own people. And in our losses, he wasn't "so bad" except for the Miami game. Bad, yes. Embarrassing, never.


    Jets fans don't hate Rex - we hate Brian Schottenheimer who is completely in charge of the offense. He calls plays with the wrong personnel "because the defense isn't expecting it." Today he only seemed to call long passes in important spots. Fricking Brilliant. A Rookie who's confidence is shaken is now going to force a pass into the wind, all the while Alan Faneca is letting his man through as if he's a ticket-taker. Sheer Brilliance. :worthy:


    Again, not taking ANYTHING away from your win. Its not your fault Sanchez sucks right now. Its not your fault that the Jets can't do anything but run. The Jets put that product out there and you feasted upon it like you were supposed to.


    Good luck this year.

  2. As a Jets fan, it pains me to say this, but the Jets suck (at least right now).


    You won. Its not your fault the Jets suck. You beat the team that was put in front of you.


    Congratulations on doing so.


    Hopefully in 2 years the Jets will finally have a mistake-free Mark Sanchez.


    For now, he is a defensive feast. If that's the product the Jets put on the field, then feast upon it. Not your fault.

  3. Jets Fan here.


    I told you all that you have a chance!


    A good, tough win on the road for you guys today. Congratulations.


    I expected the Jets to win, but so did the rest of America.


    Yes, we have a rookie QB who looked atrocious. But there are no excuses. YOUR D made him look atrocious.


    We also have the worst O-Coordinator in football. "Yes, lets call several long throws in heavy wind because they won't expect that."


    But, theres a reason he looked like the worst O-coordinator - YOUR DEFENSE.


    I won't say "good game" because it was a miserable game with mistakes on both sides. I will say that the team that deserved to win WON. Your bills deserved to win today and played the more complete game. They fought much harder than the Jets did.


    Congratulations. Us Jets fans have so many questions about our team right now, but for the time being the Jets are beneath you.


  4. Everyone has a shot.


    The Bills certainly do.


    1. Rainy Game


    2. Sanchez is prone to turnovers, especially fumbles in wet weather.


    3. Cotchery out. Clowney drops passes.


    4. Jones, as I've said before, is 31, slow, and top heavy. "Jones Run...for maybe a gain of one" is a line Jets fans are so sick of right now.


    If the Bills can make some defensive stops, it will be a low scoring game. You certainly have a chance.


    My Jets always seem disappointing in 4 pm games, in the rain, and because of stupid mistakes.


    Good luck, no injuries!

  5. Jets fans like myself, by and large, are certainly not sneezing at this lineup.


    Your LBs have talent. Thomas Jones is old and a step slow, and they always underuse/misuse Leon Washington. Brad Smith is no longer a viable gimmick option since defenses know the ball is going to him when he's in the game in a running formation.


    I expect the Jets to win, but the Bills to cover. Rainy and our Offense has not had a satisfying game yet. A lot of us Jets fans want a coordinator change in the offseason if he continues producing a pathetic run game.


    Also, Alan Faneca, our LG, can be had. He's old and can be beaten. An awful run blocker nowadays.


    It will be a much better game than everyone's expecting.

  6. A Jets Fan here.


    Listen, don't get so down on yourselves.


    Our running game consists of the following plays:


    1. Thomas Jones running up the middle for a gain of 1.


    2. Thomas Jones (annoyingly, instead of Leon Washington) going to the outside for a loss of 2.


    3. Reverse play to Brad Smith, sniffed out for no gain. When #16 is in the game, defenses know where it's going.


    4. The occasionally successful Leon Washington run off tackle, followed by the Leon run of no gain.


    Sanchez is constantly placed in 3rd and 7 - 12. Brian Schottenheimer is completely in denial about the abilities of Thomas Jones who is now 31 years old and "top heavy" due to living in the gym and, probably, HGH.


    I guess the reason us Jets fans are so pleased with the Sanchise is because he has done far better than expected when the running game hands him two straight disappointing downs. Happens all the time.


    I'd bet Jets to win but Bills to cover. I really would. Rainy weather, slow Thomas Jones, and Sanchez has been known to fumble the wet ball. Sanchez's biggest problem is fumbles. None last game, but he can certainly crank them out.


    The Jets Offense seems disappointing against bad defenses and the Jets have not had a satisfying offensive game yet.


    Good luck and NO INJURIES! As a Jets fan, I've been through some dark years. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, don't worry.

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