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Everything posted by TorontoBuffalos

  1. RoseBowl seats 93,000 IMO isnt any worse to see a game there than the ralph... La Coliseum seats 90k also... There has been talk of puttng 100M into the coliseum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Memorial_Coliseum Get your facts straight...
  2. True... Heres an interesting stat... the worlds fastest growing franchise in the last 20 years has been Starbucks... Theres 15 in Buffalo Theres 636 in LA
  3. is this is when the dillusionals wake up? heres an interesting study by Money Mag on Buffalo NY comparing it to top 10 places to live. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bp.../PL3611000.html interesting stats to me are median family income is less than 1/2 of other areas [*]higher taxes [*]job growth [*]home prices [*]test scores... (really? should i ask for my money back from UB?) [*]Crime rate (i thought Buffalo was safe!) [*]How many bars and restaurants... AMAZING! Maybe that has something to do with the cardiac mortality rate... To me this all adds up to a factor of why the bills will be leaving buffalo... Sad to say...
  4. For 1 AL Davis wont be involved...
  5. Why is the rogers center not an option? Its MUCH better that the crap hole the Vikes play in.. Also... LA has a much bigger TV market + corporate sponsors which Buffalo has very little of. We cant even sell the naming rights of Rich Stadium... err Ralph Wilson Stadium.. let alone sell boxes to companies trying to impress clients... I bet sky box sales in Dallas exceeds tickst sales in Buffalo.. Jerry Jones was crazy rich from things other than football. RW isnt.. His wealth is going to be realized once he passes on and this team is sold. I doubt very much that ralph has allot in his personal bank account which is why he seems cheap...
  6. Keep in mind if we spent to the cap (20-30M more this year) and paid a coach 3M more a year plus better assistants (higher salaries) the bills would be in the negetive... Ralph is right... he cant compete...
  7. Could play in the skydome... Im sure LA has some stadiums...
  8. This is dead on accurate and the reason the bills will move to TO or LA...
  9. Are you sure this is tounge in cheek? Im thinking the oriiginal poster was serious
  10. Ok... ALL of the 'B' listers you all have mentioned could probably kick in 1M collectively Wheres the other 999 MILLION gonna come from? Dumbest thread ever started on TBD
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