Im liking the idea of Nix,...former asst. gm, dude has that s.e.c. accent.
Imo seems to be a guy with the experience to be adept at building up the positives of what we have in place, (we are not devoid of talent) and with a little luck he should be just fine; but really....RW said it "luck"...he was talking about injuries. (i was quite impressed with his lucidity once he got goin) But he hit the nail on the head.
I believe that if you took our current roster, healthy, there isnt a team we couldnt compete favorably with..i think we could have been a playoff team. With the guys we had from day one.
Say Demetrius had stayed healthy. That would have been the weakest link on the team. Say we'd had a little luck with that guy, and hed taken his lumps and gotten a full year under his belt. If you got him through the year, and everybody else had stayed healthy, we would have been fine. But we got NONE of that.
All im sayin is, we start over next year...everybodies gonna come back healthy...we'll be excited about the first draft of a new gm that oughtta know what he's doin.....and we arent THAT far away
with a little luck