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Everything posted by marsadale

  1. I still wear my Kurt Schultz #24. Schultz was COOL!!
  2. Kurt Schultz would CLEAN YOUR CLOCK!
  3. eat shet and di mudafeckah
  4. who cares...the Bills HAVE a QB.
  5. Bill-dozed....awesome I guess this puts the Keebosh on the Andrew Luck conversation.
  6. Those guys make Riemersma seem like Tony Gonzalez.
  7. Im satisfied with Fitz. Maybe draft somebody two years from now for him to start grooming. I know this is kind of off topic, but i thought Id say it before anybody had a chance to say something stupid.
  8. I have a buddy who's a huge Lions fan...this is the closest we've been to being able to imagine a Bills/Lions SB since like 1994. We know its not going to happen. But this is the best both teams have looked at the same time in a LONG time. Go BILLS!!
  9. 158.3 qb rating the other nite against Jacksonvilles starters...you people need to back slowly away from the crack pipe.
  10. Andrew Luck can kiss my a55.
  11. It IS time for Easley to step up. With the injuries, the need is certainly there. What better opportunity could he ask for? Lets see what you bring Marcus. Potential be damned. Show us the baby.
  12. Comparing CJ to Maybin in any way is your first mistake. well said. There must not be any good reality shows on TV. Im sure Bills Nation would love to see Snookie start in place of Kelsay.
  13. If its THAT close between the two of them...Levitre/Rhinehart...it can only be a good thing.
  14. watch the highlights from last nites game and see Kelsay drive the guy trying to block him up into Cutlers lap. He set the edge exactly like hes supposed to. I havent seen a Kelsay basher do **** since Ive been watching Bills football.
  15. Wrong on basically everything
  16. When has Bills nation NOT said that about a middle-linebacker? The "yeah but all his tackles are 8 yrds downfield" crowd. Seems like a familiar, empty beef about MLB's in general.
  17. who has he prodded besides Maybin?
  18. Im not sure what your expectation might have been. I was impressed with how sincere the guy was. I think his perspective on a prospective rookie wage scale said a TON about where the guys head is and where his motivation comes from. A cynic could say it was lip service, but thats not my read on him. The guy was as beastly on the field as ive ever seen, AND he's a good dude with his head on straight. What more could we ask for? This guy aint no one year college wonder we're talkin' about.
  19. eat a couple more welbutrin.
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