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Everything posted by coldstorage5

  1. I have not worn a football jersey all year ,they kept wining so I kept to not wearing my Bruce smith / Jim Kelly or JA jerseys. ive worn a bills mafia t shirt.
  2. He sigend a 5 year 25000000 contract so he wont until thats over
  3. So here we go, Allan is gonna slide now: https://sports.yahoo.com/offensive-tweets-josh-allen-surface-hours-nfl-draft-024847843.html I liked the guy, Once a racist, always a racist....
  4. So the left overs of the jets.
  5. After watching the Bills Jags with average NFL Qbs, the watching NO and Carolinas Qbs making great throw after throw,.... Sorry tyrod, Its time to move on. Good Guy, back up qb.
  6. Hello, Now that KC lost (1-11 in the last 12 playoff games) Here is the latest value of what the Mahomes/White trade looks like. Presuming KC gets the 22nd pick ( they could be 21-23). Their loss last night helped out. The Chiefs received the #10 overall pick in 2017 , The Bills Received the pick # 27 in the 2017 draft and the #22 and #86 in the 2018 draft. Also White has been a great pick and we don't know about Mahomes yet. I used two charts. The basic 3000 point chart and the Rich hill more modern chart. #10 pick =1300, #27 Pick 680+ #22 Pick 780 + #86 Pick 160= 1620 Version #1 #10 pick = 369,# 27 Pick 215+ #22 Pick 252+ #86 Pick 49 = 516 Vesrion #2 So Overall Its looks like the front office did a nice job last year with this trade, providing Mahomes isn't a top 5 Qb in the future.
  7. Fire Whaley, He has done a poor job, Poor drafts, Poor coaching picks. clean house
  8. You gotta be Kidding, That Piece of >>>> left B-Lo, Quit, because he thought he had the Jets job. F Him.
  9. Hello, I feel I need to share my back ground. I come on to this site 365 days a year. I rarely write. Im a 36 year Bills fan from southern NY. Ive lived in NYC for 25 years and now I live in westchester county for the last 21. In addition Ive been coaching HS football for 20 years, and Ive been a head coach for the last 5. With all this talk of people getting fired, if you are going to fire and blame someone lets look at the facts. This is what we all know. Rex is 8-8 + 7-7= 15 and 15. The Bills have a bottom 1/3 QB in Tyrod. In the 32 starters he is likely # 20-22. They had a below average Rec group where their best player ( Watkins has been gimp for 2 seasons), What makes this bad is that the rest of the core is below average and when Watkins went down, the Core is the worst in Pro Football. How they can such an terrible group bobbles me. They knew Watkins has not right and they didn't sign other guys and let 7/11 ( Hogan) go. I get not paying Hogan but if your #1 is hurt you gotta add depth. O line is Above. ( Rex's pick up of the incognito for 3 years for 15 million was great), Yes that was Rex's call. Rex pushed for it The front 7 is solid and in the top 8-10 in the NFL. The secondary is below average. Specialists are above average and a strength. You add this up and the job Rex and his staff has done warrants more time. The roster is not a championship roster. its a 7-9 to 9-7 roster, Rex has done his job. The players have not quit on him and play hard for him. Now you look at the great teams, the Packers, the Steelers the Patriots they all have the same thing in common. They draft well. Whaley has done a poor job. Ej with a 16 pick. ( yes he is responsible for that pick) Watkins was a reach and to use 2 #1's for him has terrible. Beckham and Evans were taken ahead of him and are much much better. Whaley wante to make a slash and gamble, They did and lost, Spending those 2 pickas has been a disaster. They could have waited and got Beckham or Evans ( who even when healthy are better than Watkins) But just to make a splash is so inept. The good teams never do that. This past years draft... Well to draft a guy that was injured. Terrible. The Bills only have like 20 something players on the team that was drafted. the Packers are in the 40's. Blowing the last 4 #1 draft picks has been a huge problem that I dont see the press or fans really taliking about. All in the top 16. That Ej pick was fire-able alone. Ej= Fail Watkins, im sorry, 2 #1's = fail. Lawson= fail. The Bills need to stick with Rex. Redo Tyrods contract or cut him, and if they fire anyone it should be Whaley. The Bills cant become the Browns Hiring and firing every year or other year. If anyone deserves to get Fired Its Whaley
  10. This past weekends game is why I became a Bills fan, ( 10 year old in NYC). Declining the ball, that caused a poor punt. Field position, Snow, Wind, Loud crowd, a big home field advantage. Thats Bills Football, I hope they never become like the Vikings, stale, indoor sterile football. NO DOME!!!
  11. Dude are you out of your mind? Please note, I havent signed in in over 6 months..... But I had too here... ( please note i come to this every f in day) This is the problem with bills fans. The fact this person even wrote shows: How gullible we are. How loyal we are How this team has been able to sell crappy fb for over 16 years.
  12. Thats great, Time to change that rasist name. White Skins, Black skins, Yellow skins,.... Redskins = Rasist. Ole Miss banned the confederate Battle flag, people didnt like it but they did it. Its time.
  13. This is HS football, Players rarely switch positions, and when they do most likely they fail. A TE can maybe switch to a T. A great College QB can switch to a Rec. But the Game is so advanced now, players need to acquire skills and master them.
  14. Im a Lib and I hate Andrew Cuomo. I did not vote for him in the Primary, nor the gubernatorial Election. I will never vote for him. Horrible person.
  15. Thank goodness The bills don't need a 35 retread. If you want a retread go get Hoyer or Sanchez, at least they are in their mid 20's
  16. Ali is climbing up the charts. Great senior bowl. Fastest at combine. A 3min piece on NFL Network. Im now wondering if the Bills will draft him.
  17. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/01/24/senior-bowl-recap Article in SI, had Ali as the " Biggest riser".
  18. Very Well, No missed blocks. Played Physical. 80% of all offensive snaps. Both LG and RG. after a pick he hustled down the C, and threw him 10 yards out of bounds. Did well on the pull plays, run plays and pass protection.Ali did as well as any one out there. Don't just believe me, look at this article, there are many more like it. http://www.d3football.com/seasons/2014/contrib/201501248islrf
  19. Hey Bills fans, Check out Hobarts Ali Marpet today at 4:00 He has had a great week of practice. He needs to play well to climb up the charts.
  20. Lets get your Report on ALI Marpet G, Hobart, 6'4", 307 LBS. Playing in the Senior Bowl On some boards he is the 10th Guard. he is doing well in the senior Bowl.
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