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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Carp is the fruit of the lake. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautee it. There's, um, Carp kebabs, Carp creole, Carp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried. There's pineapple Carp and lemon Carp, coconut Carp, pepper Carp, Carp soup, Carp stew, Carp salad, Carp and potatoes, Carp burger, Carp sandwich... Carp Czar... incredible. Bush let the Gd damn Carp overrun our perimeter and now BO has to fix this too. Thank you Obama, you da man.
  2. I know right. Two wars and a failing economy, Fanny frucked Freddie and Katrina water boarded New Orleans. Not to mention whatever else Bush done did while doing it. Chenny war criminalized ... criminal, war, war criminaler. Yeah, Bush damn near blew up the planet. It was bad, I remember now.
  3. What the hell, I didn't peck that. My spell checker betray me. 0paIWJ45 H0F18J=1JNF0jn, Take that spell checker.
  4. George is a Canadian
  5. At most the only thing I would have glanced at would be the expression of the face. So, why would they be glancing at his gonads to start with. May be they have the issues, not the Holy Jesus of Erectus
  6. ...and Mass itself is a ritual, spell or incantation, which ever one you prefer to use. That's not my objection to the faith just my understanding of the "mechanics" for lack of a better word.
  7. oh oh, the completion is on. Maybe I'll learn how to type yet.
  8. Jim, a friend of mine, told me to use the free online typing games. He said that's what he did and he's really fast...
  9. I took 2 classes and I still look at the keys / practice? I got better things to do, !@#$ typing.
  10. How many slaves became slave owners? (first one was from Virginia) What percentage of the slave owners were black? (If I remember correctly it was in the double digits)
  11. No This technology was being tested in a lab and I'm going out on a limb to say on one of 3 different types of testing they were bending the light waves and distorting the visual shape of an object ... The other was similar to what Tom was talking about but I don't want to describe what I'm not sure of. I'll hunt down the media in the next couple of days. It was about a year old
  12. I'm still trying to remember where I came across that information ... btw, This was a very unique, interesting and authentic thread even with Wiscons interruptions (with my sense of humor I found the comments exchanged hilarious) Tom you are one !@#$ing smart individual.
  13. Let me see if I can remember where I saw or read that ... you seemed to have described it to a tee...or, I may have misunderstood what you wrote. I'll get back with it.
  14. Is that the same experiment that was used as an example for future camouflage ?
  15. This reminded me of something I saw, you might enjoy it, might not. I found it a little intriguing but it could have been the music.
  16. Holy Moly, the poor thing took a pummeling..even Robinson stayed out of it (probably because he couldn't understand a word she was saying).
  17. Terence McKenna's "Stoned Ape" Theory of Human Evolution (interesting concerning the extraterrestrial fungus) This guy is a hoot...If you watch this video, ask yourself why are their so many guns on the wall...I'm thinking in case an extraterrestrial bear follows him back he can deliver some 3 dimensional buckshot...
  18. No ****. Freaking Extraterrestrial asshats need to get the lead out of their extraterrestrial asses and upgrade our DNA to a premium package.
  19. It's just between friends and it's not chain mail by any sense of the imagination
  20. That's great, I'm going to email that one.
  21. ' Heard of? Read and react was one of many terms used and that wasn't really an issue I would disagree with.
  22. Okay..this is theoretical bull **** and I'm not going to disagree with your point
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