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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Obama's Baghdad Bob Gibbs. Well, I -- there -- there were -- there was a reporting problem with one of the contracting numbers because that paperwork went up quite quickly. They've had a chance to go through the numbers over the past couple weeks and address any confusion or errors. This is paperwork directly from a project that money has been appropriated for, so I think the American people can have confidence in them.
  2. Employees in AIG Financial Products, the division whose complex derivatives contracts nearly led to the collapse of the insurance giant last fall, are due almost $200 million in retention bonuses in March. .....Remember / Congress over AIG debacle and I believe the start of the T-baggers
  3. Which reminds me of Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam oh, and
  4. It's the 11 commandment... Thou shall not educate the masses whilst inebriated
  5. Technology drives costs higher in two ways. First, newer technologies tend to increase prices because they are generally more expensive than the older technologies they replace. While the availability of more advanced, superior technologies can yield better results for some portion of the patient population, . That is one simple fact and the truth these technologies and diagnostic tests can also be used inappropriately Thats a shaky statement to throw out, not that it doesn't occur but maybe they should bring to light their own faulty mishandling and ever changing procedural input (huge cost?).... Insurance companies come across as crooked because of that...having said that, and with all due respect to their position in the overall management of health care, their job is not an easy one but vital
  6. Rep. Barney Frank, perennial presidential candidate Ralph Nader and the host Ed Schultz "Look, this is better than that MSNBC show that had two lefties - Barney Frank and the other dope, Ralph Nader,"
  7. "pst....pull my finger"
  8. Afghanistan spec ops mission /DEA President did the right thing which in itself is commendable ...
  9. Your avatar and your statement define the exact same stupid people your talking about Who in your head is a redneck ... its a slur just like fag I guess its true .. it takes one to no one
  10. The funny thing about this whole deal, this “no signs” provision didn’t exist until some point after the team’s rough start, when fans started blasting Snyder with both barrels Purely a coincidence
  11. Your right, he is a quality back up QB...nothing more
  12. There will be alot of cheering with just enough boos to make a statement
  13. UH OH MSNBC is going to have a poll which poses the question DOES THE STATE OF KANSAS WANT OBAMA TO FAIL The same as the one they had for Joe Lieberman today
  14. I predict pain If I have to endure 3 hours of that offense
  15. ....Roger that, our views share some similarities
  16. Good work Fat Kid! I noticed last week on the cbs fantasy free agents board they were 1 point from each other
  17. Well it was a concussion that marked the beginning of his poor play, maybe this one may be the cure
  18. The hate crimes bill is intended for any acts of violence against minorities and/or any other groups of people or person who support or might support a liberal left and liberal political agenda. This also includes those who the liberal and the left show sympathies toward No acts, hideous in nature or violent otherwise can be deemed virtuous of such sympathy if the victim is a white heterosexual. hence...If said victim is a white heterosexual and victimized by any individual or group(s), so such they may be categorized as belonging to, associated with, or having the sympathies thereof, liberal(s) and or those persons associated with left wing political agendas, herein these acts will be considered as marginal, indistinguishable and in most circumstances deemed unworthy of media publication. Future referendums entitled"Whitey deserved it" "Cracker had it coming" and "200 years of oppression is my confession" have been outlined and a date for approval is forthcoming
  19. Jackass speach PRESIDENT OBAMA: "First of all, I don't think people quite understand, Nancy Pelosi is not simply the first woman Speaker of the House -- I think she's going to go down as one of the greatest Speakers of all time. And she's very nice and she's very friendly, but, boy, she is tough."
  20. Your right...and my point of contention is primarily with congress as it seemed to me that Pelosi and gang pushed this administration around in the beginning...hence my underlying issue with this administration
  21. Well, he did shoot a Vietnamese teenager in the back according to his own testimony. This is why that stupid !@#$er should never have been there in the first place ... let alone given a rifle. John Kerry was then and is now the prototypical poser Arrgh
  22. In advance of the current new pay restrictions, 12 out of the 25 highest-paid executives have already left A.I.G ...and they are now in direct competition with AIG ... Now Reed wants to curb bailout. This bailout fiasco is showing how horribly inept this administration and congress are. Their claim "We have to do something" should have been tempered with "Can we !@#$ this up even worse" Gives a whole new meaning to "Yes we can" and "Change"
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