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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Yep, I wish him well but as he said "We are who we are".. a team responsible for Cleveland's only 2 victories in 20 games. Will he win a game this year....no, but I think he'll keep them close.
  2. Why Obama is mum about Harvard By Jack Cashill .....For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law. According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors. In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that. The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
  3. Or the more appropriate "Wahsuuuuuuup"
  4. Sounds like he's working for Ralph's PR team
  5. I saw that
  6. Partner its not a virus ... if your running spybot it should have given you a list of all third party software apps running from the initial 3rd party install If you need you go to the TOOLS TAB and over to the SYSTEM STARTUP it will show what is still in the command line that shouldn't be there -- OR you haven't fully uninstalled the original program -- If your confused follow what Gene said ... pick a date that proceeds the software installation
  7. It wasn't just the salute ... he did a little jig with it too then got dizzy and fell over
  8. Damn, that bow was quite awkward looking .. couldn't he just tip his head and say "Hey, how's it hangin" or "Please to meet you, your royalnesssessess"
  9. Once you run spybot the problem WILL BE fixed
  10. Listen, spybot does a much better job than Norton or any other spyware removal software... try it, I've used it for 9 years and so has some others I know .... it works ... very much so
  11. I use a professional version of Norton as well as spybot spybot is used on some very sophisticated systems as well as Norton (together)
  12. Are you running a free version of "spybot" if not, do it
  13. I'm all about playing Maybin but maybe we should work more on the fundamentals of tackling first ... then next, how to defend the screen play. They knew how to exploit the D's weaknesses. This cover 2 D has its problems.
  14. That's awesome ... Especially if Ralph showed him the finger he's wearing the HOF ring on
  15. They're a dead horse, no sense beating it any longer ... I still watch and just go through the motion of getting excited. Then I laugh my ass off at the incompetency ... with all due respect of course
  16. Yes he was fired, but he standing in as head coach until we get next HC
  17. If they buy tickets
  18. Semper Fi Brothers hmla 269 muscle "Born again Hard"
  19. Speaking of A-stan check out this vid for a laugh ... Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks
  20. Might I add it's the Marine Corps Birthday happy 234th .. all you devil dogs out there
  21. Yeah your just going to have small percentage of guys who join the military, see a skirt, and have an epiphany (in laymen terms)
  22. This is a bizarre set of circumstances ... any other soldier would have been sent to a psych for medical evaluation and I can guarantee no unit would have excepted him. This guy being a doctor sort of fell out of the loop for a real e v a l and from what I heard he wasn't taken seriously.... It was acknowledged he wanted out and his action were being perceived as those of cpl Klinger (mash) looking for a sec 8. Seriously, that was said. The Army paid for a doctor and they wanted their pound of flesh...It is felt it seems now by some that because no one would take him seriously it motivated him to act out in rage....Al qaeda would have been foolish to have anything to do with this guy Another point to mention .. If he was under surveillance and in all likelihood he might have been...He would have been left in place and allowed to deploy in hopes of him making contacts we could exploit. They would have used him as bait unknowing to anybody else.
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