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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. They removed illegal immigrants
  2. so..whats your point, it's Islamic fundamentalism and the home grown terrorist I thought we were examining here. People that can't differentiate one from the other are ignorant.
  3. Terror Charges Unsealed in Minneapolis Against Eight Men, Justice Department Announces Who has more, Michigan or Minnesota? Are these two states in a race to see who can become the first Islamic state of America?
  4. Gene did you watch the video? ... not only did I not hear heckling when she spoke, but they took a still photo of someone with a smile on his face who may have thought she was a fraud...but that's it. IMO No one was making any disparaging remarks
  5. If you are pregnant and uninsured, contact your local Medicaid office ... Like millions of others have done ... OR don't get pregnant without having the ways and means for care. Take responsibility for your actions so the rest of us aren't paying for your lack there of.
  6. It looked like every other play they call .. ie "Chinese fire drill...on one"
  7. Perry busting ass downwind
  8. You mean the "The Club of Rome"
  9. PJ ... LMFAO
  10. The email asks Obama supporters to donate $5 to “help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies.” Here’s part of the email: Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn. It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists. Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform. ABC News --------------- I think I might create a website and ask for donations. I'll call it Palinwatch.com
  11. Kilcullen: It’s all or nothing, Mr. President / minimizing corruption is a first priority
  12. The Raiders have the highest pay roll and the Browns have the 4 th highest so not only no but !@#$ no ... the Patriots are ranked 30th
  13. HAHA...Tom I was waiting to see who was going to bring that up.
  14. List some of the free agent wr's
  15. WAR to making the world a better place by punching Bill Bellichik in the face Thats pretty funny
  16. He's alright in my book ... you don't pound the !@#$ out of people for as long as he did without suffering collateral damage That was one punishing RB
  17. John Riggins said Snyder is a menacing little prick, or something of that nature
  18. My friend asked Schottenheimer about possibly coaching again at the HOF ceremony and Schottenheimer said no, he was to old.
  19. I bought 3 cords of American firewood cut by 3 Americans and 1 possible illegal alien
  20. Shanahan has turned Dan Snyder down twice from what I heard
  21. Washington D.C., local radio news station WTOP is reporting that the Buffalo Bills are interviewing Mike Shanahan Here in Washington D.C., local radio news station WTOP is reporting that the Buffalo Bills are interviewing Mike Shanahan to coach the Bills. The report did not say whether, if accepted, Shanahan would finish the season up in Buffalo or would take over at the end of the season. I think if he did take the job he would start at the conclusion of the season. I also think since the Bills do not have a General Manager, Shanahan would be negotiating for that position as well. "Bleacher Report"
  22. what website?
  23. Like Leahy said, "They committed a crime in America". So he thinks they are no longer combatants of war and the act of flying a jet into the twin towers, being it is in America, is under civil jurisdiction. So now we use the military to go to foreign lands to capture common !@#$ing criminals? (not sure, but is that legal?) "I think that Eric Holder, our Attorney General, is right; I think the president is right in holding the trials of these murderers in New York City,".... Leahy So much for them being involved in a heinous act of war.
  24. "They have breakdowns in three areas: players, coaching and scheme." That pretty much covers the gambit, minus the front office
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