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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Geezus Crackers, put her ass in the Peace Corp and send her to South America so she could do something constructive like help people who struggle to stay alive.
  2. This is easy Increase the amount of water you drink if any ... just drink an 8oz glass of water 1 to 6 times a day (whatever your comfortable with). Now I didn't suggest you replace soda with water so .. your desire for soda will diminish automatically without anguish. Your welcome
  3. I changed mine to URANUS ... see if my neighbor picks up on it
  4. MIT Red Balloon Challenge Team
  5. Tellem Cray...They don't mention the dude probably hits it in between video game breaks.
  6. From sweeping the streets in Buffalo to wearing a SB ring in Indy.....
  7. pentium dual core T4300 processor I like AMD Athlon but not not the Duron or the Turion
  8. Perry is not a good coach and he's not a bad coach ... He isn't anything yet but a figment of your imagination. We have had enough of the unproven coaches....Its like who's better Edwards or Fitz...its neither, they both suck and any analysis is irrelevent
  9. We had 1 decent possession and 1 average one This team is beyond any individual critical analysis Brian Moorman is the best player on the team
  10. offense performance 1st half 7 plays FG 3 plays punt 3 plays punt 3 plays fumble 5 plays TD 4 plays punt
  11. In comparison to the offense they look stellar
  12. Well maybe we should just redefine marriage all together. Why should polygamist be discriminated against. as Jonathan Turley writes in the USA Today 10/3/2004 Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy ....1878 opinion in Reynolds vs. United States, the court refused to recognize polygamy as a legitimate religious practice, dismissing it in racist and anti-Mormon terms as "almost exclusively a feature of the life of Asiatic and African people." In later decisions, the court declared polygamy to be "a blot on our civilization" and compared it to human sacrifice and "a return to barbarism." Most tellingly, the court found that the practice is "contrary to the spirit of Christianity and of the civilization which Christianity has produced in the Western World." Contrary to the court's statements, the practice of polygamy is actually one of the common threads between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Deuteronomy contains a rule for the division of property in polygamist marriages. Old Testament figures such as Abraham, David, Jacob and Solomon were all favored by God and were all polygamists. Solomon truly put the "poly" to polygamy with 700 wives and 300 concubines. Mohammed had 10 wives, though the Koran limits multiple wives to four. Martin Luther at one time accepted polygamy as a practical necessity. Polygamy is still present among Jews in Israel, Yemen and the Mediterranean.
  13. Same-sex marriage is legal in Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and, New Hampshire ....and, Iowa? Except for Iowa, I'm getting a sense of, or seeing a regional component here....maybe? I'm new to this debate. This just has never crossed my top 100 I give a **** about list....my knuckles have been known to drag at times.
  14. More to the point if someone wasn't buying what the other one was selling, (which at this point is now a covert operation) my issue with Fed express would be a minimal concern
  15. My biggest gripe with my wife, HSN and QVC is that the Federal Express trucks have left a trail in my front yard and they keep breaking the sprinkler heads
  16. ...I see you used a quote from the Catholic Bishops
  17. My thought exactly ... You have to be 3% smarter than the thing your !@#$ing with. What is wrong with a "Legal Partnership"
  18. It's pure gold..I thought anyways.
  19. 1 Right now as you type there are brutal beatings and killings going on between the sunni and shia ... as well as tribal clans still waging war. I am not defending Sadam but simply stating the killings post Sadam will greatly out number pro Sadam ... We already know this reality. It's just not Sadam doing it. 2 Gotcha
  20. You may think it's funny but I know some individuals who would buy it...seriously. Give it some thought.
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