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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Blow it out your ass, I thought it was funny...
  2. I appreciate your comment.'ll look up one or two of those books you mentioned now that you've tapped my interest into this.
  3. Yeah I don't no anything about him but he did seem like the A typical con artist.
  4. Wade was a great coach....Both John Butler and Wade Phillips told Ralph to eat **** and die
  5. He quit, remember.Ralph didn't fire him
  6. Tonight the over venomous Dykster Rachael Madcow had this dude Richard Cohen on her show. He wrote "Coming Out Straight". Apparently he saved alot of homosexuals from ruin and she did what she could do to try to marginalize him. It was interesting to watch her get offended while not directly showing her gaydom. (is gaydom a word )
  7. I don't understand where the economic gain would have come from by raiding Pearl Harbor. I thought Japan's goal was to cripple the Pacific fleet hoping America would opt out of a long range war with Japan in the pacific. I didn't know the Japanese were having that difficult of a time in China. I thought their main goals were China's raw material and of course expanding into China or establishing a hegemony over China and East Asia....Unless they figured without America's intervention they could invade most of Eastern Asia and save China for last. My knowledge on this is very limited
  8. Nice ... I like it. The story line .... is above my pay grade ? Orphanogenesis is landscaped sort of in the elemental world/activity...umm, per say... maybe? I have no idea what I'm trying to say. I am curious about the written text though "Orphanogenesis by Greg Egan"?
  9. Stupid is 1 good word ... but even still the talent wasn't there to go past the first round
  10. Girlfriends with big boobies
  11. Rumsfeld was an avid supporter of special-operations forces (SOF). Against Navy resistance, he led the effort to refit ballistic-missile submarines with SEAL delivery vehicles in place of Trident nuclear warheads, to make it easier to land special operators on beachheads. His passion for SOF was shared by a number of Democrats, including Senators Carl Levin, John Kerry, and Jack Reed. With Congress's support, Rumsfeld got SOF's budget doubled, from $3.5 billion to $7 billion: proof that just because Donald Rumsfeld believed something, didn't mean it was wrong. Where Rumsfeld's shortcoming were and part/or maybe much of what led to his demise was his understanding(lack of) of COIN by 2004. His idea of handling this red headed step child of warfare was to treat it as a low level task and drop it off in the lap of a much dismayed USSOC. At that point USSOC understood that the immensity of developing a COIN strategy was not understood or appreciated by Rumsfeld, and began to keep their distance. Those interested, a very informative read What Rumsfeld Got Right ALSO!! - An hour with Counterinsurgency expert David Kilcullen with Charlie Rose I am a fan of Rumsfeld but he had some very serious shortcomings
  12. Tom, outstanding bit of historical reference
  13. This improves blood circulation ..... suggests “ a D-cup for partying.” umm what blood flow.. where? whose?
  14. !@#$ing A your right. No more Red Bull in my Vodka ...... after, or when I finish this one.
  15. Yeah a zoning variance must stipulate the difference between nudity and obscenity.
  16. You guys argue it out and give me a call when you come to a conclusion....The only way either one will help the Bills is when they start for the team the Bills are playing
  17. My 2 cents worth of humor "Speak to me o' toothless wonder" "Hey I didn't recognize you, breaths the same but your voice is a little different" women pass gas but men bust ass and in the office...To bust ass covertly while walking around is know as "Cubical dusting"
  18. No...you definitely kill him, nothing else But yeah it sounds like the real crook is the one telling the story ... actually pretty smart move
  19. That story is just a story
  20. Your right. He should have shot and killed that man. Those who carry a weapon know you don't brandish your firearm unless your going to kill somebody (anything else can be used against you).... your going to spend the night in jail regardless and go to court but you will be acquitted of any charges. He decided to spare his life but teach him a lesson...wrong move. Now that thug can have him arrested for robbery and aggravated assault with a weapon when he should be 6 feet under
  21. Like the Mexicanum illegatos alienus
  22. We already saw what Edwards has so/and what can possibly change ... It doesn't make any difference who plays QB because a few good passes in one game does not translate to a few good passes in another. AVP could probably play and look no worse than these two ... Hell even Kelly could don a Helmet and look better. It's over for Edwards and Fitz. They are not starting QB's ... ever. There both back-ups at best
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