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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. There are too many NFL teams and not enough talent
  2. If he can do that with this team more power to him.
  3. I'm sorry but if I'm between 2 smoking hot Colombian chicks I'm going to be rocking whatever they tell me to rock ... twice.
  4. Ones that came to mind The order isn't accurate The Godfather Angel Heart City of God One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest The Deer Hunter Pulp Fiction Goodfellas The Shootist The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Outlaw Josie Whales Unforgiven Blue Velvet Big Chill Fight Club Dog Day Afternoon Apocalypse Now The Shining Scarface Fish called Wanda Raging Bull Patton Fletch Amadeus
  5. My bumper sticker reads "If you don't like the way I drive then get off the sidewalk" My peeve would be the pair on the cell phone performing a roaming road block (driving side by side) going under the speed limit
  6. watch the guy in the background as well
  7. Good point, time to make witty pointless fun comments. Tom, from what I've seen, usually carves this stuff up... but I think he would rather pull out his Louisville Slugger with this "one". That is hilarious in its own right.
  8. Yes I am. The illegal poor people can't pay for anything....and they don't create jobs. Once they become legal they can collect welfare and a variety of other government hand outs which is a charity charged to me by law.... point addressed.
  9. How about just the illegal poor people. I'll leave the charity work for the church were it belongs. My acts of good will, will be of my free choice and not charged to me by the United Socialist of America... see where I'm going with that?
  10. Dude most of the people that have money already come here, and many of them invest here...We have a lot of foreign investment. I'm fairly certain your point is invalid.
  11. good comment, very interestingly put
  12. Because they don't hang out at the home depot and they're better at landscaping?
  13. Mavericks at Half Moon Bay Northern Cal 15 years since Mark Foo died there IMO one of the best surf videos ever shows Foo's last wave in the video. " " depicting Jeff Clark's secret break.A great documentary...excellent sound track
  14. and he can change his name to Uno Cinco
  15. The question for Scott would be "was it worth it." It cost him a lot of money.
  16. Yeah I was hoping to see more realistic opinions on this ... but beside picking a bad source I see it was poorly titled
  17. Only if somebody sends me an article in an email to my home (and I don't think I've been there).... I'm mostly on a classified network which means I don't get to see to much ... I'm pretty much new to the message board thing and all the news network outlets.
  18. First time I ever saw it but I do enjoy reading everyone's opinions ...
  19. Hey I'm just having fun...its a god damn Buffalo Bills Message Board, isn't it great.
  20. Well there is a sensitivity issue at hand and actually it works both ways....personally I stay uninvolved with the politics though I am aware of what incites hysteria Who are the "real greenhorns"?
  21. This is nothing short of a comedy "Good idea. Maybe terrorists will be less likely to bomb this area if there's a mosque there."
  22. We've had our chance! Your Overthruster's for ****! We're lost! .... John Bigboote
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