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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Meanwhile, can someone figure out a solution for Plastic soup in our ocean
  2. Either make it legal or just shoot the mother !@#$ing users... either way the problem is solved
  3. Tiny Tim or better yet Lita Ford...back in the day when she took her top off.
  4. -------------- Robin Trower Band +! I don't know if Ian Anderson would be considered a household name or Leslie West
  5. If any agency should be concerned about security, it's the IRS. I can just imagined the thousands of threats they receive.
  6. Sec 111 row 30 ... coincidentally, the same as the view they offer
  7. No thanks, I have 2 exceptionally big ones of my own.
  8. I'm going to have that put on the back of my new Bills jerseys #4Q
  9. Poverty, Creole language, Voodoo, French, welfare and crime?
  10. My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah Big bottom, big bottom Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em Big bottom drive me out of my mind How could I leave this behind? My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo classic
  11. a) First...do you have a modem and a router. If your router (wireless or not) won't accept your ps3 (and you don't know why) then reset your router to remove any programmed security. (any other explaining would be too involved) b) plug your game directly into your modem (if that don't work call Time Warner)
  12. umm.. doesn't the private network mean a lan setting where all the ps3's are connected through 1 router? Can you connect via your computer?
  13. The Big Labowski (forgot about that one, one of my favorites)
  14. not in order and off the top of my head to name a few Fish called Wanda Happy Gilmore Who's Harry Crumb Hangover The Pink Panther Strikes Again (peter sellers) Johnny Dangerously Christopher Walkin in Fletch Buffalo Bills (the previous 10 seasons)
  15. Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide: (forgive me if this is a bit long) ...this time only. Next time use far less words and a little more vulgarity. It makes for a better feel good rant and the rest of us neanderthals won't get bored reading it.
  16. He is a good guy and his actions on and off the field prove it...I don't know how someone would come away thinking he's not authentic unless it's one one of those hormonal touchy feely kinda things I don't understand.
  17. Sutley, of Santa Rosa, said "The damn thing kept looking at me"
  18. Even if the Bills lose, if the Bills can shave off a few years from setting the NFL back a decade ... it's a moral victory in my book.
  19. Right...and if he survives that he has passed his initiation
  20. McGruff The Crime Dog Attacks Michael Vick
  21. ...and those are the catches you make to stay employed in the NFL
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