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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. Beck may not have all his marbles but he does have the impudent moonbats and the msnbc kooks chasing their tales. He be smarter than the thing he's !@#$ing with...theyz r not
  2. Evert thing is about racism with some people. It's like the Salem witch trials.
  3. Since the Italians and Irish quit breeding like rabbits the Churches only hope are the Mexican and or Latino litters.
  4. Thanks for stopping by Andre, Trent's a backup...and wtf is a Linky Thingy
  5. Being a volunteer on an archeological dig for a few weeks would be enjoyable ie.. the temple of Pachacamac, or any of the pre-inca archeological sites
  6. LMAO, dude this thread is so not PC .... Nice.
  7. "Your mother is an antique dinosaur, old cripple that we do not want at Citi Field." Damn that's a tough crowd
  8. Black w/clearcoat .. It's an awesome feeling guitar, at first I wasn't crazy about the style but it grew on me. It was all about the feel and balance when I played it. The sound and effects I knew I could create but it was already close and with the floyd rose tremolo my only concern was how well it would stay in tune.
  9. First thing I thought of is your losing a day of free day care, and all we need is another day for delinquents to have nothing to do.
  10. Nice guitar...I owned a '78 strat for almost 2 decades. When I decided to get another one I went into Guitar trader and looked at everything they had but the guitar that seemed to fit comfortably around my neck and sit in the right place for my hands was that Jackson (the neck and the body sat perfect and it was incredibly light) . I have enough money to buy what I want and I don't care WTF peewee Herman plays like astroshit seems to be worried about but the thing to do is try it on and see if it fits and then work with the sound you want....trust what you feel, your hand should be able to move effortlessly along that neck without any tension from the rest of your body to get your fingers in the right place... IMO
  11. He's wrong you'll love them ...
  12. I own a Jackson DKMG and enjoy mucho grande. Identical to this one
  13. Connor I'm not trying to pile on but...."distinguished climatologists"...Tom has forever linked you with Bill Nye brother
  14. A shout to the Arrrgh crew 8 "Surrender the Booty" located somewhere in the Horn of Africa .. um "that would be Djibouti" ...
  15. Is this the crackers with a black friend thread
  16. I love it when the **** starts to fly on these threads.
  17. Coming too? It's pretty much the same as it ever was. People kill people and in this case either these people were very hungry, didn't like the guy or are very afraid of getting their own ass shot. How about "Don't mess with a man's chicken, you'll get your ass shot.
  18. Chet Adkins is a legend Has anybody mentioned
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