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Frit0 Bandit0

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Everything posted by Frit0 Bandit0

  1. For those who don't have HBO Watch the movie... HERE Hit the red button..wait, then hit the green
  2. My take on these guys at Guadal from the movie is they look like boots in over their head
  3. Something that pisses me off is why do they make an ass out of an officer in the field...What's the message there? Beside the fact it didn't happen. Cut the seen and give more time to the firefight and make that more real
  4. Tom there is ALOT of unreality in there ... and some of it is pure comedy
  5. I haven't heard that expression in a long time...Your right the series is a good drama about real people ... some of us might get anal...cough cough Tom cough. I'll try to keep it tempered.
  6. I bet you were calling bull ****.
  7. Noway Jose, that sheets real. Technical and Operational flaws? .... Part of It looked liked the damn thing was filmed in my bathtub. You know, though they were still boots coming from New Zealand, the snap shots of the moral reflection cracks me up....time to look at a picture? Naw, he better get busy wiping the **** out of his pants instead. For real, if someone did get soft, someone else would have said "knock it the !@#$ off" M! Garand, The m1 sakinaw (carbine already field tested and used by the Raiders and Paramarines), The Thompkins (I don't know about that magazine clip/maybe), and the M50 which replaces the Tommy Gun (was issued to the 1st in New Zealand prior to Gaudal...guess it can look like an M1 carbine, from a movie point) Having been on my share of Amtraks I couldn't help but smell the diesel and feel a short ping of sea sickness when watching those LVTs go up, down left and right ...all at the same time. This movie is more about personal drama than factual ops...which is fine and probably well done but the only firefight put me to sleep with its lack of realness from being condensed One point I thought rediculous was when those Bozo's decided to go to the shore and watch the Japanese ships off shore...Who by the way were looking right back at them and saying in Japanese "look at those Bozo's on the beach".
  8. 29233 kbps Download 4150 kbps Upload 22 ms Latency 7 ms Jitter cox / VA
  9. ...."We found some of our boys with their heads chopped off and stuck on a stick left on the trail where we could see it....well they didn't scare anybody, they just infuriated us and we set out to do them one better"... "I'll tellya, we carved their ass up" "Some of the fighting on Guadalcanal was so brutal and primitive...." Marines at Guadalcanal
  10. ummm, that would be "It matters more what's in a woman's face than what's on it" - Claudette Colbert
  11. I don't have a favorite anymore ... I even enjoy The Wall so much more now than I did when it came out
  12. In a world of 1's and 0's you are right, there will be an Atheist in a foxhole somewhere. I will add that might be the exception and not the rule... To me a spiritual person is not an Atheist, that is just my opinion. What it is I'm not getting is irrelevant but I understand your point
  13. Happy 91st birthday to your dad Cablelady!
  14. +1...They earned their blood stripes.
  15. Get what? The Atheism or the spiritual being part or your personal experience. To be honest with you I'm fairly certain "I really do get it".
  16. This all brings to mind the philosophy of Existentialism.... Believing that man is entirely free and therefore responsible for their actions .. Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre for exanple, great short vid about the book
  17. The Pacific (miniseries) Part 1 - 1st Marine Division, 5th Marine Regiment's assault on Guadalcanal as well as the Florida, Tulagi and Gavutu Islands * The Marine Raiders @ Paratroopers suffered significant casualties This was as BRUTAL as it gets / absolutely no quarter given
  18. Believe in God or not...There is not one person who cares deeply enough for another that will shun hope for divine intervention when a crisis occurs. Let cancer strike one's child and watch that atheism melt away like wax on a candle. The rules that govern this existence of horror and delight leave one either desensitized or desperately hopeful. As St. Peter Canisius I believe once said(not sure) ...Your religion can be as little as calling forth the father into all you do thereby assuring the smallest of task have been illumined for all to benefit I like little religions, besides Mass is 30 min. too long
  19. These threads on the stadium wall are going down hill Some stupid !@#$ing poll about some kook's view of racism belongs somewhere else.
  20. Nice. That will help effectively clear those insidious insurgent fighters from classrooms
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