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Everything posted by RochesterLifer

  1. Holy cow Dick, let's not do this now...Dick
  2. That Fins poster lost me at "My feelings is".
  3. Is that, literally, a bad thing?
  4. Get the same job in Boston you had in Western NY and watch your income increase by 40%. Then watch your spending cash decrease. A locale’s cost of living, or doing business impacts everything.
  5. If this isn’t this year’s highlight, then it is the start of something special.
  6. I read it and thought it was crap. Any other false caveats you would like to float?
  7. Those five words of reality trump Dunne's 20,000. Journalism, my @$$.
  8. It's a hit piece. Denying it brings your level of literacy into question.
  9. Honest question here, as I have never been on an NFL team. Is it possible Josh and Stef may not be aware of the whole story, or see (evening they are supportive) a need to comment?
  10. Nah, I paid $8 to learn something and draw my own conclusions. I definitely learned something. But, it was more about Mr. Dunne than Coach McDermott.
  11. I paid the $8 and spent the past two hours reading the article. When I finished, I canceled my subscription. In the box that asked the reason for cancellation, I wrote, "I paid $8 to read your article on McDermott. Your agenda, the contradictions, and your blatant dishonesty were all too obvious. You will never get a click from me again. " If I had another two hours, I would pull apart all of Dunne's one-sided contradictions. That is too much time and work. I'll provide two: Dunne attempts to condemn McDermott for not having relationships with players - being too distant and unrelatable. In a different section, he quotes multiple players who comment on how much they enjoy their one-on-one conversations with the head coach. One anonymous (always anonymous) player complains that the Bills offense is built for a dome. In another section of the novel, Dunne condemns McDermott for wanting the offense to be more physical and run-oriented. Dunne began writing with a conclusion, "McDermott must be fired," and worked his @$$ off to prove his conclusion. Unfortunately, in 2023, this is mistakenly called journalism.
  12. I think this bears repeating.
  13. OK defense, keep up the good work.
  14. Who is "we"? I don't watch with that assumption at all. False narrative.
  15. I love the opening sentence, "Let’s strip away all on-field results from the 2023 Buffalo Bills for a second." This is how you create a false narrative. Whether it is politics, at work, or socially, the way to misguide and absolve yourself of being incorrect is to establish a paradigm that eliminates facts that contradict your point. Laughable.
  16. Followed up by an even dumber take. Keep going, you’re on a roll.
  17. No, McDermott is not fighting for his job. Epic dumb.
  18. Well stated. No look-at-me drama queens here. I sure did not enjoy the Patriots game and sure do enjoy cheering for Josh. That's sports. This old man will buy that old man fan a beer if we ever meet.
  19. I spent all last season believing DaQuan Jones was our defensive MVP. He was/is the rock up front that frees the other ten to perform.
  20. Olive Branch, about 20 minutes from Memphis. At age 62, I decided I want to grow old with my college friends. I like the south, like this area, and am loving being back with my 45 year friends. And, 😁 I no longer own a snow shovel. Do you live in this area?
  21. Thad Lewis was not a name I expected to be reminded of when I got up this morning.
  22. I moved to Mississippi about five months ago. We see the commercial here and my local friends enjoy laughing at (with) me about it.
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