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Everything posted by RochesterLifer

  1. It says, "get Garrett"
  2. I wouldn't think poorly of Josh if he wanted to go elsewhere. I recently left a job because I wanted to live in a different part of the country. I would, however, be disappointed in his choice. A great player can join a championship team. An all-time great can make a champion. I consider Josh an all-time great.
  3. 🧐 Joyous celebrations, parade planning, back-to-back MVP awards, and a lot of snow. Admittedly, I am an eternal optimist.
  4. I can see it now, December 2025, the Bills are 15-0 and have already clinched home field advantage. The TBD naysayers are in an uproar. "We haven't beaten anybody! The Bills are awful! Fire Beane! Fire McDermott!" Same as it ever was....
  5. No. I probably won't even watch the Super Bowl unless it's on in the background. My football is all about the Bills and very little more.
  6. Let’s keep it together. KC had a chance to double dip and instead we’ve taken the lead. Fight on.
  7. Wearing my Bills hoodie in Mississippi, I saw someone wearing an Eagles jersey while grocery shopping. We looked at each other and simultaneously said, “See ‘ya in a couple weeks.” I'm not kinda stitious; I am superstitious, and this is a sign. Big day, great day, Go Bills!
  8. Actually, given the how lethal Josh is when rolling out to his right, I think Brown may be playing a premium position at RT - a situation unique to the Bills.
  9. Your question is simple to answer - we're in the AFC championship game. Just go with the facts.
  10. The 1:33 remaining in the game was not just my comfort factor but my cause for optimism as the Ravens went for two. I was confident Josh would get us to at least three and was looking forward to our MVP putting his stamp of clutch on the game. No, we would have let Josh be Josh. And he would have won the game.
  11. I think the bolded is the key to last night's second half play calling. I was very frustrated as I watched the second half unfold, wanting the Bills to free Josh. Looking back, every Raven misplay (turnovers and drops) occurred in the open field - the cold, frozen, open field. Upon reflection, in this case, I think McDermott and Brady played it calculated and smart.
  12. That was an incredibly satisfying half of football. 💪
  13. 'Cause I'm so damned old, I'm going to guess we didn't exactly grow up together. But, being from Atlanta, we grew up as neighbors. Cool!
  14. Same, an hour south of Rochester and now in Northern Mississippi. Go Bills!
  15. Oh, this is very predictable, at least for the 2BD naysayers: If we beat the Ravens, we'll read that we can't win on the road and cannot slay the mighty Chiefs. If we go to the Super Bowl, we'll read that we can't win the big one because we haven't won the big one. If we win the Super Bowl, we'll read that we should have won multiple Super Bowls by now, and the lack of dynastic results is all because of McDermott's incompetence. The fact is, many on this board lack fulfillment in their lives and compensate with uninterrupted negativity, massaging their egos as anonymous keyboard warriors. For the record, we are blessed to enjoy this Bills' generation. We are blessed to have the Pagula, Beane, McDermott troika guiding the way. We are blessed with a promising future. And we are blessed to enjoy the excitement and intensity of Sunday night's game - regardless of the outcome. Speaking of the outcome, I see it as the Bills 34, Ravens 21.
  16. Honestly, I see that as a professional act of quality officiating. Admittedly, I am imagining the conversation. But, a respectful notification, "Hey 17, you can't behave like that. Tone it down, or you'll be penalized." That would be a case of the referee respecting the players and trying not to impact the game.
  17. Your ilk will move the goal post at every opportunity to piss and moan. McDermott out-coached Payton today. Fact and done. I choose to enjoy this great, long-tenured Bills run. On to next week. I’m excited.
  18. OP, love the humor. On this day, McDermott thoroughly out-coached Payton. File for the record when the negative Nancies come calling.
  19. I don’t think Hamlin is a good blitzer.
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