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Everything posted by Bacchus44

  1. Man, I thought this thread was going to be about kinky stuff.
  2. No, no, no...she's at her church service now, praying for us Bills fans!
  3. This is Buffalo, we all know how this is going to work... Mario will go to NE next year and then he'll get 8 sacks in two games against us because Belicheat will actually know how to use him. Then they'll waltz their way to another division title on their way to another Super Bowl and we'll all be sitting here crying in our beer and calling the Patriots cheaters.
  4. Never even turned the TV on today as I had a gut feeling that this team had already given up. Well, HA HA on them...I already gave up on them last week! Now I'm going to go visit my 96 year old grandmother in the nursing home...which will still be more fun that watching these overpaid a$$-hats get their butts kicked all over the field by a wannabe playoff team.
  5. Not sure that I 100% buy into the whole age thing. I remember guys officiating games in their 50's-70's back in the Bills glory years and they were 110% more competent than the yahoo's that they have on the field these days. Yes, calls were occasionally blown, but it was a rarity compared to the boatloads of crap penalties that are called (or not called)...and it seems to be getting worse with every game that I watch. To the point of being a total joke anymore. While I can see increasing the amount of penalties for hits to the head, QB, chop blocks, etc...most can't get an easy pass interference, OOB, or catch right the first time. And there are way too many instances where they can't even get it right even after reviewing the play! Disgusting.
  6. I agree in that TT is better than what we have had in a while. Stick with him and get him some O-lineman help that can give him Tom Brady-like time to pick out his receiver to throw to (without penalties) and we will be much better next year. Well...that and after they fire their DC/defensive linemen and special teams coaches... AND...Rex starts holding players accountable for major eff-ups... Easy enough, right?
  7. Great post...I agree that there are some tweaks needed. But if Rex cannot start addressing the stupid penalties on all sides of the ball, I am not sure if he will make it past the end of next season. PS - Fire the special teams coach at the end of the year too. I don't think that I have ever seen special teams this bad for the Bills in all of the 30+ seasons that I have watched them. Just awful.
  8. I agree...the failure to address the horrible penalties and failure to hold players accountable for the horrendous ones during key situations will doom the coaching staff in the future. It was a joke for me to be calling which penalty was going to happen on which play. It was amazing at how spot-on I was!
  9. The Cardinals have been my #2 team since Neil Lomax played for them if that gives you any indication. I have probably endured as much suffering liking the Cardinals as I have being a Bills fan. Oh, did I mention that I also like the Sabres and Tampa Bay Buccaneers too? At least I have one team that I like that has won a championship during my lifetime!
  10. ^Maybe we can bring on Chip Kelly & Rob Ryan in the off-season to quell our concerns at the coaching positions!
  11. I would take Red Skelton at QB, please. I know nothing of this Tebow that you speak of.
  12. My brother in law said it is because the Jills are gone.
  13. Yeah...frack the Pegoooola's and their fracking loser sports franchises! I'm gonna so root for college basketball from now on, so there!
  14. It's hard to win in the NFL (when your headsets don't work & said head is up hind-end).
  15. Or better yet, we can bring Pettine back as HC after the Browns fire him! Brilliant!
  16. ^ I agree.
  17. I honestly don't know what's worse...never seeing a competent Bills team, or seeing one that was and then not seeing it again for 15+ years?
  18. I have pretty much made amends with myself that I will never live to see Buffalo win anything but a high school football championship.
  19. Was it just me, or did it seem like the Chefs got away with a lot of holding calls from their left tackle? Every time we were coming with pressure, it seemed that their left tackle was holding, holding, holding.
  20. My thoughts exactly! I said to my friend..."they can't be leaving points on the field like that" when Carpenter missed that extra point. Can't be doing that on the road in a crucial game. I said the same thing on the first failed challenge and when they failed to throw the challenge flag on the Hogan catch, I actually burst out laughing. Not a regular laugh, but a "throw me in the nut-house" laugh. Not good at all. I agree. Why do coaches think this is our #2 guy and Hogan is more of a slot guy? Yeah, Hogan has made a couple of mistakes here and there (see below), but I think he is more of a threat than Woods will ever be. When you think about it, Woods could have very well cost us the game by getting up and making the catch call to the sideline that caused Rex to throw the challenge flag. On the replay, it showed him staring at the f-ing ball and he had to have known that it hit the ground. And why didn't Hogan jump up and start doing the catch signal when he knew it was a catch?
  21. Did you see all of the empty seats at Arrowhead? What happened to their rabid fan base that I used to remember? Did they stay home because they didn't want to get wet? C'mon, your team is 5-5 playing out a 4 game win streak and in the playoff hunt...and you can't show up to support your team because "boo-hoo....it's waining out?"
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