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Everything posted by Bacchus44

  1. I agree...I expected this. Didn't want it, obviously...but it's not surprising. Would have been interesting to see JA with Wood and Incognito with a healthy Shady on O. Those two names right there are the main reasons for why the Bills are where they're at right now. Gotta be good in the trenches and our o-line is a hot mess.
  2. I took the dog for a walk, cleaned out the flowers and garden, pulled the solar lights. I'm with you, brother...gonna be another long, horrible season, I'm afraid. November and December are gonna be rough.
  3. Can't believe how very few are bashing the offensive line that are appearing weekly in Bills uniforms as living theme park turnstiles. After watching the pick six play, you can clearly see a defender running with a full head of steam unblocked at Peterman. He panicked and choked. Bad throw, yes...but the o-line and coaching blow...plain and simple. No one was picking up that block, but Peterman is just not good enough to see it and either try to elude or throw it away. I think Allen would have seen that and threw it away or would have at least tried to elude the blitzer. Edit - A player did pick up the blitz just before Peterman got smoked. Peterman with the jitters and yes, too many mistakes are going to cost him a job.
  4. Rookie throw there, but I have to admit that I would like to see Allen have this o-line and offensive talent that the Browns have shown in this game.
  5. Another questionable call in the Browns/Raiders game - looked really close to a 1st down to end the game for the Browns. Stretch the game, I guess?
  6. Great Browns/Raiders game, but yeah...more horrible officiating. Wow.
  7. ^ It's crazy, isn't it? I admit that I haven't watched a ton of NFL games as the last two years of my life have involved my partner battling and eventually succumbing to cancer. In just watching the first few weeks of this NFL season, my mind has been boggled over how they can blow so many calls when the evidence is so clear!
  8. Very similar "fumble" in the Browns game as Allen's fumble, but the footage wasn't as evident/clear as Allen's knee being down. Browns retain possession. WTF NFL.
  9. 100% agree with this...great post! ?
  10. Browns...looking pretty good??? ?
  11. Definitely. I took the dog out for a mile long walk at halftime, just so I could take a time out. ?
  12. I'm with those that say that it all starts in the trenches. Gotta get way better on the O-line despite our sucky receiving corps. Otherwise Allen is going to get killed and there will be no development.
  13. All of the above...and the o-line was pathetic in terms of pass protection and opening running lanes. They gave him ZERO help today. Throw in the OC's inability to change/adjust schemes at halftime equaled Pettine owning this game and the Bills being blanked.
  14. I know, right? Not that it would have made much of a difference at this point, but that was a pathetic call.
  15. But that might be few and far between when your QB is running for his life on nearly every play - especially when we don't have much talent at WR.
  16. I'm afraid that it's yet another year of opposition stacking the box to stuff the run due to no talented receivers or a good offensive line. I'm with others that say we should trade Shady while he still has his health. He's really not going to do us a lot of good this year, unfortunately.
  17. Been watching the Bills since '84 and this is the worst opening day game that I can remember. If we have guys that remember War Memorial and THEY say it was the worst, then yeah... And that first down thing...that too. lol
  18. My fear if we start Allen going forward is someone going for his knee with that colander of an offensive line that we have.
  19. Thanks for that...I don't detect any sarcasm and appreciate the sentiments. Need to build on this and focus on areas for improvement in 2018!
  20. Agree on this loss - not as mind-numbing as others in the drought. But I knew that interception wasn't going to be over-turned as there was no conclusive evidence that it hit the ground. Figure the odds that the camera would see Clay step out of bounds in between two Jax players though....now THAT is sooooo Buffalo!
  21. Ha ha...had to laugh at this thread. Here are mine... 10). Gap integrity wasn't very good on that part design and that's why it now leaks 11). Boy, I really sucked at my job today 12). It's hard to win in the world of manufacturing
  22. I'll give anyone credit that is still watching this joke of a team. I shut it off when it was 21-7 and my blood pressure was likely through the roof then. My body is getting too old to put up with the stress of watching our two "professional" sports teams - I drink enough already as it is. Both the Sabres and Bills should be forced to send individual letters of apology to season ticket holders as punishment for most of them not showing up to play as professional athletes. Heck, they ought to refund the entire season ticket $$ too! In addition, they all ought to feel embarrassed that they cannot provide something better than a train wreck for their 110% dedicated fan base. It just keeps happening year after year after year. I'm only hanging onto these two teams by a thread now and my interest in either one is waning more and more with each depressing losing season. I think I'll just cash in the chips on both teams now and wait and see what next season brings. I'm done.
  23. Saw O'Leary whiff on a couple of blocks, but then again so did several of our OL at different stages of the game. This offense is in trouble without any semblance of a deep threat. This loss was not a big surprise to me, but I still like the direction McDermott is taking with this team.
  24. I actually haven't watched either of the games this year as it's been way too nice to be indoors - especially when we know that the team is in rebuilding mode. Despite knowing this, if I were to watch the games, I know that I would just be a stressed out mess anyway...so I simply haven't bothered. Maybe it's time that I am finally becoming an old fair weather fan after all of these years? Dunno, but I still love my Bills and won't check out on them - just taking a temporary leave of absence for now. From what I have read, they had every chance to win the game at the end and held the home team's opener to 9 points - which says a lot for their defense. They'll get there in another year or two, but I just can't see devoting much time to this team this year when there are other better things that I could be doing with my time. Although it is still fun to come in every now and again to catch up on some of the decent threads...as well as have a howl at some of the God-awful ones!
  25. Agreed...here, here!!!
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