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Everything posted by USABuffaloFan

  1. I think this may be why Whaley doesn't do allot of press conferences!
  2. Be careful where you use " ' " if it is plural don't use one or the police dogs will hound you!
  3. Maybe 2 coaches in 3 years, record trending downward (9-7 to 7-9), needing a franchise qb still, 17 years without going to playoffs, Owner firing HC, not GM, then saying GM will make decisions going forward but we have to agree. REALLY!
  4. Not with the 10th pick!
  5. Baffling isn't it. Then they will ask you very soon to hand over a check for season tickets with probably another ticket increase.
  6. You would think the NFL would have vetted them properly. Maybe this is why they over paid for the team. Didn't want the NFL looking into their flaws. Money talks.
  7. No they haven't, they chose Kim and Terry Pegula to make the top decisions of their franchise. They didn't consult their "football guy".
  8. That is more in line with football mentality in the Bills parking lot than sitting in a enclosed suite!
  9. I am an engineer A$$HOLE, not a road scholar!
  10. What is your point? That all owners are fans and run their teams like fans in their arm chairs. The question placed is why does one owner get how to run teams properly and others think they should run the teams, not hire "football people". AWESOME!
  11. Are you saying that Bledsoe, who landed in Buffalo, put up Hall of Fame numbers in Buffalo?
  12. That is fine but don't throw Whaley to the media to answer for it than. OWN up Ownership!
  13. A FAN with money bought the team. I am not saying I should run the team. I am saying someone of a stature Parcell's, Belichek, Cohwer are needed to save this franchise. It has fallen to far. This team hasn't been to the playoffs in 17 years, that is the worst in all FOUR major sport leagues!
  14. So sad, my New Year has just been ruined as far as Bills go!
  15. I am not sure of this yet. But even if that is true, it is easily fixed firing him and getting the right guys in place. The Sabres have great young talent.
  16. If keeping a team in Buffalo means total dysfunction, who needs it. I argue he learned a lesson with the Sabres and did make whole sale changes and empowered Murray. Pegula's are doing the opposite with the Bills. They are controlling the football operation without experience and without accountability.
  17. This is new to me as a structure. Pegula's have Whaley as GM. Committee of Pegula's, Brandon and Whaley hire Rex Ryan. Only Pegula's make decision to fire Rex Ryan. Rex Ryan only reported to Terry Pegula. Whaley only reported to Terry Pegula. In all this change only Interm coach and now Whaley has press conference. We only get a simple statement from Pegula's on Rex's termination. This is DYSFUNCTION! You need a command line in leadership with full accountability. The Bills use some type of committee decisions that shield ownership. This will not work!!!! Whaley doesn't seem to care he is just a puppet in this organization. This is even worse than I thought it would be. I am not sure I want to be a follower of this owners teams. This is a Tyrant!
  18. EJ looks like a NFL QB, big, steps up in pocket, big arm. Problem is, he can't throw a short pass. Bledsoe had that issue too, So did Losman. I was fooled too but unfortunately EJ is also a quitter.
  19. All I know is he was 10-6, 11-5, 8-8 with Bills and also as DC he had 2 #1 defenses with Ted Washington leading the charge. in 98-99 he went to the playoffs, Flutie was on the Dolphins 6 yard line and couldn't get into the endzone on 4 downs for the win. Next year we went back, Flutie benched and we all know what happened. That my friends is a whole lot more excitement and something worth arguing when your season ends!
  20. Exactly, the Bills can't afford to lose it's fan base. Not like your in a huge market where you can advertise and bring a bunch of new fans in. If you lose interested fathers and mothers than your losing generations of Bills fans. I for one have had about enough, 51 years old and was in my mid 30's last time this team was worth anything. If something isn't done now, than I am done as a fan this year. I will not come back, not a threat. This team has showed me the only thing they care about is money, so the best way to hurt them is take away my NFL Game Pass, NFL Sunday ticket and stop following them. I will let the NFL know why I am walking away from their product. Too bad, I have 100's of Bills products I will have to throw away. I will forever love the old teams but can't stomach what this franchise has become. I will be watching very closely the next couple days to see which direction I need to go. For all you fans that think the Bills can afford to lose me, I will be posting a U tube video burning all my Bills gear, it will be a pretty big bomb fire because half my personnel wardrobe has the Bills logo somewhere.
  21. At least he hit a wide open WR for a big play and score!
  22. Taylor is not a true pocket passer. No interest in seeing this experiment, move on. He doesn't make Watkins better, McCoy better or Clay. He helps the Bills running stats, that's it.
  23. Tyrod doesn't come across as a leader. There is almost no passion from him. Doesn't seem to have any relationship with his o-line. EJ took his lineman out. One day I think EJ will lead a team again, Tyrod is one knee injury, slowing him down, from being in this league. He is not a pocket passer, doesn't know how to step up and throw, Flutie at least tried.
  24. Taylor is not a $20 million QB. This is why it was dumb for Bills to give him that contract. If he was walking into freeagency he would not get more than $15mil/yr, my guess is it would be closer to the $12-13 mil/yr. Until he can put up 4-5 300 yard games a year he is not worth it. He needs to win games like that Miami game, he was bad in OT. I would rip contract up, tell him no but say hit freeagency and we will put a offer in for 3 years 35 mil, that's it. He knows McCoy saved his job, not him. He knows Watkins saved his butt in Miami, weren't perfect throws. i would like to see Taylor have a chance, that said I am for going to get Foles and move on, he is better than Orton and we were 9-7 with him.
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