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Posts posted by BADOLBILZ

  1. yes or no? i say yes



    Yes. Nate is awesome. When you consider his coverage ability, ball skills, run support, durability and sheer playmaking skills as a punt returner or on defense, who is better?




    Stats don't mean everything, but when you look at his, he just blows away a lot of hyped higher profile corners and he is a Dolphin killer to boot. He's not as dominant as a born HOF'er like Bruce Smith, but the arguments against Clements play remind me of those against Bruce in his day. Nate doesn't have to pick off a pass per game and never be burnt to be the best, IMO he is unsurpassed by his present day peers even if fans are too busy looking at the color of the grass Champ Bailey or whomever is standing on to notice that Nate is more productive.

  2. I agree. However, these are the cases where the NFL has too much leverage in my opinion. Paying that guy $325,000, steal of the friggin century.



    That's the system. It's a hell of a lot more fair to all involved(ticket buyers included) than the compensation system of the other two major sports, the NBA and MLB. Unless of course, you want to pay $500 per game for endzone seats so the NFL can have guaranteed contracts and cut declining players they still have to pay $50M to so that they can save money on the cap like NBA teams are doing right now. As for Gates, don't feel too bad, he'll probably get a big signing bonus that he'll never earn on his LAST contract, which should make up for being "underpaid" on his first deal.

  3. Looks like the weather is going to be crappy, but its not going to stop us...we just got 4 extra tickets to the game, so my parents, sister, and brother in law are heading up with me.


    We're expecting to be in town by 1-2pm on Saturday...



    We will be there, but probably not until 2 pm.

  4. To paraphrase a line Larry Felser frequently used about players like Gause, "I don't care how he looks running in his underware, what can he do on the field"


    We need to see a lot more production from Gause before he can have have a ligit chance of replacing Denny, IMO.



    I like Gause, but Denney was a workout warrior himself. Taller and heavier than Gause, with 4.7 speed. Denney also didn't have the reputation for not playing hard, which is the reason Gause wasn't drafted at all. I'd rather keep Gause at this point than Ritzmann because Ritzmann can't stay healthy.

  5. It was low and he was on the ground but he easily should have caught it. An NFL receiver should make that catch 9 out of 10 times. He saw it, he wasn't being hit, he had two hands on it, it wasn't like he was diving flat out. He needs to make that catch, especially on third down and when you're known for being a possession receiver.



    In a couple weeks he won't need to make that catch anymore.

  6. Nice guy, but an abominal safety.    :D



    One of the strangest things I've witnessed as a Bills fan is Wire's inability to learn to play his position. This is a man who is supposed to be very intelligent. Some have instinct, Wire has instink. He just naturally sucks.


    The Bills really don't have a backup for Milloy. They can always list Baker or Leonhard as Milloy's backup, but those guys are both centerfielders. My guess is that they cut Wire and carry 3 FS types and Milloy. With the exception of Lindell, the Bills are stacked with special teams players like they never have been before, even during the Tasker/Pike era, and they can endure the loss of Wire, especially if they keep Leonhard.

  7. I think its terribly popular to trash Reed right now.



    Actually, trashing Reed has been popular for nearly two years, and for good reason. Of course, THIS is the year he breaks out. You can only keep that kind of size, speed and soft hands down for so long.


  8. Lee Evans for Corey Simon

    :blink: I think it's funny.  :P



    I guess my question about these rumors, is if Simon were a free agent, would the Bills have signed him to the money he wants? I don't think so, he's not durable, and he's shown diminishing returns. I think I also remember noting that he played poorly in the Super Bowl against NE. I think this is all just wishful thinking from media and fans around the Eagles, because Simon is just not worth the money he's asking, so right off the bat there is little interest.

  9. I don't put much store in that kind of soupy, abstract observation.  He had "presence"???? He wasn't fazed by screaming fans?  He has played many years now in front of screaming fans, I wouldn't have expected him to be "fazed".  "Presence" is one of those meaningless, trite phrases that sportswriters and broadcaster like to gush about.


    I saw one play where he clearly looked the defense right off of Moulds helping him to get wideopen and then he hit him between the numbers.  I also saw him stare at a reciever for 4-5 seconds and then throwing to him anyway.  It would have been a quick six for GB but the defender dropped the ball.  Those are the kind of observations I wish we would hear more of from the writers and broadcasters, not a bunch of garbage about having "presence".  That is the kind of thing you come up with when you want to say something positive but don't have much to work with in terms of what actually happened.


    JP looked good here and there and also had a few goofs.  That is, I would think, just about what everyone expected.  No reason to call Kevorkian and no reason to schedule a parade either.



    Puff piece. His play was not good, but it was just one scrimmage. I don't mind them padding the story, it would be nice if the media was somewhat supportive of JP to help him along.

  10. Since I don't want to post the same thing on every single Simon thread that pops up...let me start this one thread.


    Let me also preface the following post with the fact that both Tom Donahoe and Joe Banner have BOTH said there is no substance to any rumors flying around...that they haven't even spoken to each other regarding any players for any trades.


    Now...onto my thoughts on the 20 threas on here about Simon (which is a copy and paste from another thread from a few days ago)...


    Some of you are really overvaluing Simon, he is NOT...I repeat NOT....a great player...but here are my thoughts on him and his situation here in Philly.


    He's asking too much money and having to deal with him come in fat and out of shape this season again, will hurt the team more than help it. While Trotter might have been a big reason the defense of the Eagles stepped up big time mid-season last year, the other reason was Simon's glaring lack of production until November (because he was so out of shape). Once he finally reached football shape (or as close to it as he could), the D started playing so much better..again, coinciding with the insertion of Trotter at starting MLB. But I'd rather not see that drop in production again to start the year with Simon, especially with the depth the Eagles have at DT.


    Just the fact that he held out and showed up fat and out of shape in a CONTRACT year proves to me (and obviously the FO) that he's not worth the money he's asking for. And to hold out again this year? Ridiculous. He's showing himself to be more a problem than he's worth...especially since he's priced himself way out of his league.

    PS...if you want to talk good football with good Eagles fans, check out our board through the Fan2Fan Alliance that this site is through...that's how I found this board :D




    Acquiring Simon makes very little sense for the Bills. The Bills have 2 inexpensive young DT's who they think a lot of, Simon is injury prone and wants to get paid like a superstar. I would say I don't know why the Eagles even franchised him, but Philly is cap-shrewd and always has plenty of room so they can take a chance and hope somebody gets desperate and coughs up a pick for him.

  11. They didn't say he was bad, but that he was inconsistent. They said (according to the paraphrase) some good, some bad, but you don't win consistently by playing streaky. You can debate the importance, but you can't deny the fact that he started off 3/3, and then went 3/8 the rest of the way. At the end of the day he was 6/11. I didn't see the game, but those sound like iffy numbers to me.



    They gave him some nice, easy, extended handoff type passes to start with and he completed them. I really like this offensive staffs playcalling, they are clever and keep defenses off balance and it should have been a great confidence builder for Losman, but when they gave JP the opportunity to throw the ball downfield he was simply awful. JP then had some discouraged body language going on and things seemed to snowball. He was outplayed(relatively) by all 3 backups. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a scattergun, but as I've said before, he reminds me of Donovan McNabb and McNabb was terrible in the preseason prior to his second year, then proceeded to lead the Eagles to the playoffs that season.

  12. well tuesdays practice was really kinda uneventful. im not gonna break down each position cuz its too long and im kinda pressed for time but heres the standouts and important players i saw today:


    Standout Players:

    -Terrence McGee: the kid was crazy today knocking down atleast 4 passes that i saw and playing real good man to man coverage. his style is very similar to nate clements and you can tell they worked together. expect much improved coverage from him this season.

    -Ray Preston: Mularkey likes him so clearly hes doin something right. after seeing greg jerman practice at center (and getting destroyed by the D-lineman and making some terrible shotgun snaps) preston stepped in and made some nice snaps and really controlled the line. hes going to be a standout and frankly, i wouldnt mind seeing trey teague at LT w/ preston our starting Center: hes really that good

    -Mario Haggan: this guy was a 7th round pick??? personally, he showed very good ability during the in-game situations but most importantly, he showed his leadership and knowlege of the game when he was in. he was constantly calling changes in the defense as the leader for the backups. i truely think he could start for most NFL teams.

    -Will Peoples: made a few nice catches and might see the practice squad

    -Roscoe Parrish: as good as advertised

    -Lee Evans: see Roscoe Parrish


    now jp losman looked alright by me. now im not going to question "billsguyinmalta" cuz i dont know him but frankly, i thought losman looked terrible during mondays morning session and just passable in the afternoon. today was more of the passable. he made the throws he had to but he didnt stand out. there were a few nice completions that would have been big gains but not much else. also, note to jp: the pocket is your friend and unlike at tulane, ur linemen have some skill so use them!!! he still runs too much for my liking.


    greg jerman has no chance to make this team. anyone who was at mondays afternoon session probably saw (or heard) takeo level him in some blocking drill and today, as mentioned earlier, he was awful again.


    fast freddie smith had a subpar practice as he dropped around 2-3 balls which isnt bad but they were definitely catchable. hes now fighting for a roster spot with Peoples making some nice plays.



    Fast Freddie was frickin' awful last preseason and I couldn't figure out how he made the roster. Then he proceeded to make a bunch of big plays. He's not an NFL quality receiver, but he is a playmaker so I would be reluctant to dump him in favor of this years version of Clarence Coleman.

  13. Depends on your specialty, what kind of practice, and which area of the country.


    Where I'm at he's pretty much spot on for a sizable proportion of practitioners.



    Our family GP makes $250K/year in Steuben County, WNY. He's 35 years old, so it's not about seniority or the like. I've got a sister-in-law who hands out advil samples to doctors for more than 100K/year and a brother-in-law who is a medical asss-probe salesman who makes six figures as well. Point is, I don't know where you would get a GP for less, especially when you consider the relatively low cost of living out here.

  14. Jefferson!! I thought Patten was wrong but I couldn't think of the name.



    I think Patten was the guy who was lying unconscious with a leg out of bounds in the 2001 game at Buffalo. Buffalo recovered the ball, but it was overturned as the refs ruled Patten was touching the ball while out of bounds, thus making it a dead ball. That was relatively controversial as well.

  15. Being a new poster and all maybe someone could explain what the "just give it to them" game I always here about? I know which game it was. Against the Pats a few years ago right? but why do we call it the just give it to them game?



    Shawn Jefferson caught a pass out of bounds and short of the marker on a 4th and 11 and the one of the refs was overheard to say "just give it to them" when the refs quickly conferred about the controversial play. Non-conversion of that 4th down would have sealed the victory for Buffalo.

  16. Three cheers for the camp reporters!


    Can't say enough about how this out-of-towner appreciates all your contributions. I've read all of them, and will continue to do so. This board is the best!



    Hey, that's why we pay all that unemployment insurance. Granted, it would be cheaper to pay for a subscription to SHOUT! and not have so many tax dollars funneled to non-content providers (single mothers, disenfranchised etc.), but ultimately, if you want that personal and timely information, it's well worth the extra money.



    Seriously though, thanks for the updates. I hate training camp, it's nothing but a month of crossed fingers to me, but I can't stay away from those updates anyway. Keep 'em coming.

  17. the D always leads the O at the start of the camp.  The Defense is mostly positional reaction.  The offense on the other hand takes muliple player coordination.  It will take some time for them to perform as a unit.  This is especially true of blocking assignments for the Offensive Line and timing patterns between the QB and the receivers.


    So for right now, the Offense is really in its infancy.  If they have the same problems during the last preseason game, then you can start worrying.



    I think back to the last preseason game of the 2001 season, the Bills played the Eagles and Donovan McNabb looked like he had no business playing QB in the NFL. By years end, they were playing deep into the playoffs and the Buffalo defense that had made him look so horrible was recovering from a 16 game scorchfest.


    Every player is different, but JP's style is comparable to that of McNabb(athletic, strong armed, not the most gifted touch passer, inconsistent with regard to accuracy), hopefully, he just needs the reps.

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