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Posts posted by BADOLBILZ

  1. Lindell has really come through. I was all for canning his ass this season, but he's surprised and impressed me.


    Very nice catch and run by Reed. The guy tried to make something happen, and did. He's a much better receiver than he's been in the past, albeit that no one is paying any attention to him.


    Well, that's about it. Can't think of any more. I'll go away now.


    I've been a Bills fan a long, long time. Seen a lot - and I know the game has changed. But in spite of everyone's hypes and hopes, it might be time to take the radiator cap and park a new car under it. The pieces that need to synergize just aren't there. This team is going absolutely no where without some wholescale changes that will probably take a few years.


    Oh wait...I said that about 5 years ago.


    I meant to say, correct changes.


    Almost everyone loved the coaching and coordinators last year, but they haven't adapted. They don't seem to innovate. Other teams do it, and they get better. Other teams management address player-position issues when they can. The Bills gimmick. It starts at the top, and it will be a roller coaster ride of inconsistancy, as it's always been until that is adequately addressed.



    I'm with ya', the re-build didn't take. The old dogs up the middle of this defense need to get back on the porch before they end up in an ambulance. Adams is the only vet of the bunch who can still play good football. This defense was built with veteran talent up the middle and young speed on the edges, and now that the core has rotted out, the edge guys are getting killed. They probably need two new safeties, at least two LB's and a big stay-at-home NT type opposite Adams. Those guys don't appear to be on the roster, but it can be done, those aren't the glamour, big money positions in FA.


    On offense, they need to send Teague and Bennie Anderson on their way. Preston may be the answer at center. They badly need a big target too, preferably a TE who can control the middle of the field and keep safeties honest so they can actually throw a deep ball down the sideline once in a while and stretch out the D.

  2. and for the 2nd consecutive year, ol Chaz will be sound asleep.




    I haven't missed a Bills game in person or live tv since the 1980's, but I'm not watching this game. I don't get too down after losses, but there just isn't a good reason to waste 3 hours on a guaranteed beat down when the team doesn't have significant emerging talent in development to watch.


    Tim Anderson is the biggest problem on defense(honorable mention to Crowell), but there are a lot of old cadavers out there too, and no good young depth to step in and put them out of our misery. Posey, Fletcher, Milloy and Vincent just aren't up to the task. The good young defenders the Bills have are edge/finesse players(McGee/Clements/Schobel/Kelsay) who need a physical interior defense to make them look good. On the road that young talent is handcuffed.


    On offense, they can feed Moulds/Evans/Reed/FF Smith/Parrish short passes for the next 9 games and eek out a few home wins if they wish, but this team won't be playoff bound if Holcomb is starting next year or if Losman is starting but doesn't get his reps now. They need some line help and badly need a big target to provide the erratic Losman some margin for error and attract the safeties to the center of the field and open up opportunities for Evans deep. IMO, Everett, Campbell and Euhus ain't the guys for the job.

  3. in 4 games this year, how does Angelo Crowell have more tackles than spikes? thats so odd, granted spikes didnt play last week, but crowell never started and didnt get significant playing time, just weird to me



    Spikes wasn't off to a great start. In the Houston game, he was silenced until the play where he stripped the ball from Carr. He got hype for that play, but overall I thought his play wasn't good, ditto for Tampa and the first half of Atlanta. One thing that worried me in the opener was the general lack of speed out of the linebackers. David Carr was able to get out of the pocket and scramble for gains and get out of bounds untouched. Posey is an absolute stiff out there right now. Houston was rolling bootleg plays at Posey to the point that Gray had to flip Spikes to the strongside because that was about the only thing working for Houston. These guys remind me of the LB's the Jets had a few years ago, decent big-name LB's, but all starting to slow down at the same time.

  4. Bobby Beathard was also a major bust during his time at the CHARGERS after he left Washington ...


    Lets not forget that ...

    Remember the Ryan Leaf pick also ?




    He finished poorly in SD, but they did go to one Super Bowl on his watch which is more than most GM's can say.

  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2176813


    "There are no current players, former players or orthopedic surgeons -- at least among the dozen or so people interviewed by ESPN.com this week -- who could readily identify a quarterback who has even undergone two rotator cuff procedures, let alone come back from them."


    "It was the most miserable time of my life and there's really no other word to describe it," Miller said. "Unless you've been there, it's hard to explain, really. But you keep telling yourself: 'I owe it to the team. They're paying me to go out and play. I've got to go out there and try it.' And all you really do is make it worse, to be honest. Worse for yourself. Worse for the team. Worse for everybody."


    Majkowski said. "I mean, it's excruciating. People don't understand, maybe, unless they've had it. But the shoulder is the biggest range-of-motion part of anyone's body. Bigger than the knee even. Just to get back that range of motion -- to get it to the point where you can just function, and I'm not even talking about the football part, but more like everyday stuff -- takes an enormous amount of work and pain."

    Now with a second injury, even if it's not another torn rotator cuff, he's as good as done as an elite QB.  The Jets now need to find a long term starting QB.



    Pennington is a millionaire, he's as smart as they come, he will have a huge career in coaching if he wishes, so to heck with feeling sorry for him or Jets fans.


    What sucks is that his presence gave us one team in the division with a QB who had legitimate physical weaknesses that could be exploited. Now the Jets will seek an improvement, which always opens up the possibility of another All Pro QB surfacing in the division. It's nice knowing your opponent is always going to have a so-so QB. Ten more years of Pencilarm would have been nice.


    To me, this is a lot like when things fell apart for the Fish last year. If Wanny could have just held that ship together and salvaged an 8-8 season, we probably would still have a below average head coach in Miami. You knew what you got with Wannstedt, a guy who could take the best talent in the division and either barely make the playoffs or miss them altogether.

  6. Vick isn't perfect.  Neither are we.



    I love the Vick as victim attitude, especially from the so-called conservatives. Question is, if Vick knowingly infected their daughter with herpes, would they be so compassionate? The guy did a damn near unforgivable thing, if his punishment is only to be harrassed about it and pay the woman some damages, well lucky him. OJ isn't perfect either.....I guess? :devil:

  7. i remember that post. edwards is a good substitute situational passing-situation dt, but i fear not much more than that. he was godawful in 2002, and while i hoped (probably against hope) that he had miraculously improved, but i fear i'm wrong.



    No doubt, Tampa had their way with Edwards and the Texans actually had a few decent runs at him last week. He's not very active versus the run, he stands up, locks on and gets steered aside. What really blows is that Tim Anderson is incredibly bad. Let's not forget, this guy was a high pick too, and he is a boy among men out there. I don't disagree with letting Williams go, he and Adams were a mismatched pair because neither excelled as a clogger and Adams was by far the better of the two. Their lack of discipline usually showed up against good teams like NE and Pitt. But the Bills should have sought out a two gap, nose tackle type to complement Adams.

  8. To me Willis doesn`t seem to be running with the same fire  as last year ,{ fighting  for yardage ,or the big -STIFF -ARM, I know the blocking sucked today ..BUT ..he doesn`t seem to be running as hard..tough D next week  hopefully they`ll figure it out...LET`S GO BUFFALOOOOOO :angry:



    The offensive line is not playing worse than last year. There were no holes when McGahee took over last year, he made them by grinding out a lot of 4 yard runs and wearing down the opposition. I mean, this was a 4.0 ypc back last year, not a HR hitter. In that role, he was more effective than a lot of backs with better numbers because he helped keep the Bills in reasonable down and distance situations and keep the defense rested. Wills is just not playing the same style, he's looking to make the big play on every down, and the truth of the matter is that he is not quick or nimble enough to play that game. He is a downhill runner with buildup speed.

  9. I don't agree with the Fletcher statement.  With 6 min left in the 1st quarter, TB was driving until Milloy got the sack.  The were running at will at that point.  Maybe later in the week others who analyse the game will take a look at the first quarter.  Maybe it wasn't quite as bad but it was still there.



    I agree, they were running with success from the get-go. Blaming that effort on fatigue or lack of Fletcher is just not accurate.

  10. 1) Going with a PASS play when pinned against your own goal line. WTF was that? Pound the ball with willis, and if he gets the 1st, great. If not, Moorman gets a little more room.


    2) Pulling JP.  Anyone who says this is a good move is thinking with their ass. Way to build the rookie's confidence.  Then put him BACK in? Holy sh--... awful.




    The dumbest thing Mularkey did was punting on 4th and 9 from the Bucs 38 yard line with 13 minutes left in the game, trailing by 2 TD's and knowing that the defense could not stop the Bucs from churning out first downs with the run. The Bills were probably going to lose anyway, but you have to be in it to win it, and when you can't stop the run, 13 minutes is more like 5 minutes. Mularkey got what he deserved when Moorman blew the punt for a net 15 yards. If nothing else, it would have been a big opportunity for Losman to make a huge confidence building play and salvage something from the day.

  11. The more I think about it the more I realize how bad JP was schooled today. Remember in that first half JP was almost picked off twice for 6 points each. His throws to the sidelines were a bit off target also. He had a major learning day from a very very good defense. Having a running game today would've helped also. Our line just just couldn't get it going. The Bucs D looked like a swarm of bees on Willis today.

    Jeez, let's forget this week and start to worry about the Falcons.



    I haven't seen it mentioned, but I was irate when Mularkey sent the punt team out there on 4th and 9 from the Bucs 38 yard line in the 4th quarter down 2 TD's. There were 13 minutes left, but when you can't stop the run, it changes how you have to handle the game clock. In effect, it was a two to three series game. I thought Mularkey had a better feel for the flow of the game than he showed then. It was also a prime opportunity to let JP make a play.


    Mularkey got what he deserved when Moorman screwed the punt for a net 15 yard gain. As that Simmons guy says, the "football gods punished him". Shades of "4th and stupid". The Bucs then proceeded to effectively run out the competitive portion of the game on the ensuing drive. Pulling Losman AFTER Mularkey had thrown in the towel was also stunning, but the prevailing belief after the fact on radio was that by putting in Holcomb and having him bumble thru a 3 and out Mularkey actually quieted the vocal minority in Buffalo that always think the backup QB is the best player on the team.

  12. Just a young offense growing up - it is better than the Bledsoe era, because they were at least competing on offense until the end.  Give it time - I for one am not surprised by this (in fact I predicted it, and got blasted).  I do think some things need to be addressed - Ron Edwards can't play in this league, Willis needs someone to tell him to make one cut and run straight ahead, and the receivers need to start making plays.  But, this was all to be expected.



    Ron Edwards has been a disappointment to say the least. The sorry Buc lineman were pushing his fatass around and that was reason #1 Williams was able to go off. Adams is not playing well either, but at some point he will probably catch fire. The Edwards issue may linger, and Tim Anderson, his supposed competition, was terrible in the preseason. He makes Ryan Denney look like a draft steal. I've seen a lost step in the LB corps as well, and truth be told, Takeo Spikes was not having a good game against Houston until he forced that fumble. I know I tend to be pessimistic, but while everyone was reveling in the stats last week, I was wondering how the Texans could be so inept and still be in the game against this team in the fourth quarter.

  13. If you tamper with the way the current throwback uniform looks, you're totaly defeating the purpose of returning back to them.


    It's either go back to them the way they were on Sunday, or don't go back to them at all.


    We did go to a blue pants for away games in 1973 while still wearing that logo, but 1974 was the year we went to the charging/leaping Buffalo.


    In 1976 we went to the blue facemask, and in 1982 the Buffalo logo was increased in size.


    I'd like to see us to go back to the throwbacks EXACTLY as they were on Sunday, and not change a thing.

    BILLS Helmets 1960-2005


    *** This post was edited to fix the link to the helmets ..




    The grazer makes me hungry for steak. I think all teams with animal logos should depict their animal in it's most docile state.

  14. Dang Badol', I never knew you could be such an a-hole.



    Dude got waived. He acknowledged his behavior and told me he was going to quit anyway. There was much rejoicing among the ranks. Then, in typical no-account fashion, he called his rep and denied all claims. That's how the game works. :D

  15. Hmmm...I thought the team that lost the coin toss got the choice to either kick-off or receive in the 2nd half, so if you win the toss and elect to kick off, you will probably have to kick off to start the 3rd quarter...no? <_<




    It's amazing how much we forget with 8 months away from football. Losing the coin flip is the best way to start a game, because the first drive of the second half is huge, IMO, especially at home. At home, I want our defense on the field first when the crowd is jacked up, then our offense on right after halftime when half the crowd is still in the bathroom.

  16. I just got a "I think you might want to find something else, this isn't working for you. If you don't want to, I can't argue that, but we might have to make that decision for you if your not able to fit in with the group. You're not happy. This isn't what you expected.  You need to make sure you're happy.  You don't have to make up your mind now."


    This place has screwed me pretty hard since I got here. I think the grace time is the VP's apology.





    I hire a lot of people, I fire very few. Instead I put them on waivers. That's what your boss is doing. You've been waived, time to find a new job or go to the minors(unemployment). Unless of course, you want to work hard to get back in the good graces. It's much better to waive someone. As a matter of fact, I decided in the shower tonight to waive one particularly annoying a-hole tomorrow am in front of everyone. Sometimes, you gotta shake up the team a bit, it's healthy. Looking forward to an extra productive workday tomorrow. <_<

  17. Some of these were mentioned.


    Cleveland cuts Mike Pucillo.

    Green Bay cuts Cletidus Hunt.

    Jacksonville cuts Muuamalamate Fumalala-oompapamowmow.

    Miami cuts Lamar Gordon  :)

    New Orleans cuts CB Jimmy Williams, but who knows if it's the former 7th rounder?

    Oakland cuts the aforementioned Hicks and Foreman.

    St Louis cuts John Parrella.

    Seattle cuts Bobby Shaw.

    Washington cuts Kevin Dyson, and a Wayne Chrebet clone named Jimmy Farris. Similar story to Haddad, kid makes all the plays and gets cut anyway.


    And a couple guys born to play for the Bills are now available.


    Green Bay cuts Andre Thurman.

    Atlanta cuts Bobby Blizzard.



    I was surprised former Cortland State DE R-Kal Truluck was cut by GB.

  18. A. Has improved on the blatant droppsies he had as a sophmore. He isn't adequate enough to even be a consistent #3 but that is not the job we have for him as we are looking for a #4.  Does anyone one want to seriously say that his droppsies were as bad as they were when he was our #2?



    Reed's hands are as bad or worse than they were 2 years ago when he was starting. I'm not sure how you can say they've improved, he dropped at least one pass in each preseason game. His problems actually appear to be snowballing. No excuses about poorly thrown balls either. Where's the improvement?

  19. You must have been one of the people who inserted this when we were 0-1, while losing to a non-playoff team at home last year.


    Or, when we went 0-2, losing to a pathetic team on the road last year.


    Or, when we dropped to 0-3 after taking an ass-beating at home by the first good team we played.


    Or, 0-4 when we choked away a late game lead for the 2nd time in 4 weeks on the road.


    Oh, by the way, we finished 9-7, and missed the playoffs by one game.  But don't worry.  I'll start the "fight" now, while hoping we can defeat the real "pussies" (Texans) instead of waiting until we are  in week 5 this season.



    Don't you know we're DOOMED. I love that. The same people who don't think the preseason has any meaning have been yucking it up to that nonsense the past 3 years, only to find out that the team actually did suck. Then they whine and b*tch and sob and wonder why the Bills didn't identify and address the problem earlier.


    I am excited about this team, and IMO, the bar has been raised from fringe playoff possibility to chamionship contender by JP Losmans command of the offense. But they have areas they need to improve greatly if they are to challenge New England.

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