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Everything posted by thr_wedge

  1. So are all the QB draft rumors smoke screens? Are we really going for a project QB when we already have one in our lineup (Edwards). I know I am not the only one who thought that with the right coaching staff (QB and off. coord) he could be good, neither of which we had last year. If none in the draft are really worth taking, any talk of picking up a QB is just that...talk. Sure I'd love to see them pick up Colt and turn him into a stud (I'm in Austin now), but why draft another project...
  2. Well all Tiger knows how to do is win, so hell yeah. The only person I would not "support" is Vick.
  3. I would go crazy (good crazy) if Shipley and McCoy went up to Buffalo. I'd also probably be able to cancel my Sunday Ticket since they would show all the Buffalo games here in Austin :-)
  4. More like 6'4", 233 and only 22 and his sophmore year probably the best college QB in all of college. Other than that, yeah he sucks, but that's just 'cause he's a Sooner :-p
  5. Well that was a bad example... I live in Austin, TX love my Longhorns, but still watch NFL.
  6. Can't they just interview Fewell to comply with this rule?
  7. Leach is in Lubbock, it rains mud there. Lubbock gets cold too and snow isn't completely uncommon. I like Leach, I like watching the Red Raiders (lose...ha ha, hook 'em), seriously I like watching the red raiders, UT v. TT is always a favorite of mine to watch. I would be behind Leach 100%.
  8. I'm actually going to watch the game this weekend! I don't even care if we win or lose, I don't have to look at Jauron's unemotional black hole.
  9. Have fun. I tend to go to Townie places when I am back up in B-lo (in Austin now). I always need to get some pizza (Bocce), wings, and a chicken finger sub. Not to mention some Molsen or Labbat. And some good Italian food. We went and saw the Bills play at Houston in 2006. Ended up being a very exciting game. Carr tied the NFL record for consecutive completed passes (WTF), JP passed for 340 yards and JP hit P. Price back of the endzone to win the game. The Texans fans were very cool from Tailgating, during the game and even after their loss. Some ribbing and a little trash talk, no one expected the game to be as exciting as it was. Traffic is NOTHING like Houston. I think Austin traffic is good compared to Houston.
  10. Maybe with Fitz we start to open up the WRs and quit relying so heavily on the TE/Slot and we'll see LE and TO open up.
  11. I am very happy that we have a win. I don't like Jauron, I still don't, but the team didn't give up and we got a win. WTG Poz on the final INT.
  12. And Poz is down again...
  13. McCoy looked bad today, probably one of his worst games in the last couple years. Glad they won. Wish the Razorbacks could have stepped it up today. 10:15pm & OU still sucks.
  14. Good point, new owner will already have a pretty dedicated fan base, why move away from that? Games are sold out. New HC next year, games will be sold out next year.
  15. I think that this is the end at least of this era. We can only hope that the new era is still in WNY and run to WIN.
  16. Slightly OT...BillsGuyInOrchardPark based on your avatar and as a big Texas fan, I am very worried about Colt coming to Buffalo & getting ruined if we don't change all our coaches first! back on topic: we need a COACH not a guy that has played a lot of football. They are not equal.
  17. Detroit Ravens both casually I've been following the Vikings and Bengals this year. Funny because they are against my other teams... I'm most passionate about watching the Bills though.
  18. Voted No. Done.
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