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voodoo poonani

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Everything posted by voodoo poonani

  1. I thought for sure that was in
  2. Wow great use of the TO there Rex,
  3. KC is losing linemen left and right but no pressure
  4. Are you !@#$ing kidding me
  5. Offense now shitting the bed
  6. God !@#$ing damn it, defense has !@#$ing puked
  7. Carpenter sucks this year
  8. TT is just throwing it up there
  9. Is my feed the only one that keeps cutting out?
  10. Momentum is fully on the side of the Chiefs
  11. Chiefs !@#$ing spanked us on that drive
  12. For !@#$ sake tackle!
  13. I hate the fact we waste a timeout then have a 24 yard punt
  14. Damn it TT make a better throw
  15. KW shoulder questionable to return
  16. They're scared of Sammy, Woods can take the middle of the field
  17. It looked like he was holding his groin
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