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voodoo poonani

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Everything posted by voodoo poonani

  1. +1 Detroit went 4-0 in preseason the year they went 0-16 in 2008. I saw things I liked and things I didn't like. Give it time, it was one preseason game.
  2. Those were the first two. Third was stuffed. Fourth was a fumble.
  3. Looked like bottle caps It was right after the int-TD, Colts fans did not approve
  4. Stahovich has good directional control of his punts
  5. Gaskins seems to run right at people
  6. LMAO He's a possession receiver like Woods
  7. The long snapper downs the ball
  8. Easley needs to prove it against starters. And stay healthy.
  9. According to dictionary.com jag-uar [jag-wahr, -yoo-ahr; especially British jag-yoo-er]
  10. I've always thought it was "jag-war"
  11. Ugh if you have kids don't let them have a Kinect upstairs, sounds like an earthquake
  12. Stahovich may not get a chance this game
  13. Umm I am giving him a chance and not trying to rain on anyone's parade. Just trying to keep perspective. And he was playing with the starting Oline and receivers. Dickerson, Choice being an exception. Graham and Woods were in.
  14. Halftime show: Mario making the line calls, looks like he knows the defense and what needs to be done
  15. It was against backups, but I'm glad EJ got his first TD pass. Hopefully he gains some confidence and poise from this.
  16. Defense is probably saying "can't we get a breather?"
  17. I think he was trying for a friendly push forward that ended up being a pancake of his own guy
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