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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Soon it will be able to vote, and then the next milestone - the first legal beer!!!! Oh, how our team is growing up so fast.
  2. I don't doubt his talents as a defensive coordinator. It is the complete joke of a head coach that I focus on. Sometimes a good coordinator becomes a good head coach. In Rex's case, it's the Peter Principle on steroids.
  3. I'd ask Ryan to rewatch his presser after his hire and ask him whether he fulfilled the promises he made at that time. Then I'd ask him if he ever tires of blowing smoke up people's arses.
  4. It is precisely this that I find most curious. During last season I don't think you heard an ounce of praise for Ryan; he was generally viewed (correctly I might add) as a clown and all hat and no cattle. Then he gets hired by the Bills and people were ready to, ahem, provide him with a certain type of sexual release typically referred to with two initials. Homerism is a strange phenomenon.
  5. How smart can they be? They fell for Ryan's con job. They have to be the dumbest owners in the NFL.
  6. starting with a slow clap then rising to enthusiastic applause
  7. The fact that TT is not even in the top 5 of the Bills' problems speaks volumes. He hasn't been great, but he's not the reason the team stinks (hint, think of the initials RR). On this team, that makes him a hero.
  8. I'll take who gives a rat's ass for $1,000 Alex
  9. It's not just one week. It's until next September. It's a long 9 months before the Bills play a game that means anything. I just wonder what the hell they're going to do to convince people to buy season tickets next year. After setting a record for season tickets sales this year, next year will likely set the record for largest percentage decline in season ticket sales.
  10. More than anything McCoy's behavior is emblematic of what's wrong with this team, and what's wrong with the buffoonish blowhard clown of a head coach. Everyone is concerned about making themselves the story, whether it is Douche Bag Ryan (I guarantee this team will make the playoffs, look at my cool truck in Bills' colors, etc.), or Watkins grumbling about not enough touches, or McCoy making this game about him rather than a game that was absolutely necessary for his team to have any shot at the playoffs. Now, just like the 15 seasons before, this team is just playing out the string during the regular season and will watch the playoffs sitting on their respective couches. Ryan is not a leader of men. The players "love" him, but he doesn't garner, and doesn't earn respect, so his teams lose. He's a loser, and an awful choice as head coach. People try and defend him by coming up with excuses why the problems are elsewhere, but I've still never heard what good attributes he has as a head coach. Nothing but crickets when it comes to answering what makes him a good head coach. At this point the answer is clear. He isn't. He stinks and the Bills are stuck with his stench for at least two more years, which translates to at least two more playoff less years.
  11. It's not just the head injuries, you have people who played only in high school needing knee and hip replacements in their early 50s. Once you get to college ball the severity of the hits increases tremendously. All sports to some extent put people at risk of injuries and problems down the road, but football in particular requires many things out of your body that can lead to significant problems in later life. Heads and knees simply are not meant to be rammed by very hard plastic items with great force.
  12. Honestly, I don't think anyone gives the Cowboys much of a chance against the Bills, so that game is pretty irrelevant. Perhaps the media thinks the Bills pretty much suck as well, so two road games, even if they against sucky NFC East teams, are not gimmes for the Bills. The Bills haven't shown the ability to stay focused for three games in a row all year, and given that the Eagles and Redskins both are in the thick of the playoff race, albeit because they are in the sucky NFC East, the games are not going to be a breeze for the Bills.
  13. Except the flag was thrown by the official behind Rodgers. The replay clearly showed another official in front of the play, staring right at Rodgers who did not throw a flag. That official should have told the official who did not have a good vantage point that there was no penalty. The head snap was clearly caused by the grabbing of the shoulder, not a very slight brushing of the face mask. If you are going to use replay, it seems like it should be available for that kind of situation (I know it currently isn't). Oh, and as for the PI, it was not PI. The defender had turned around and had every right to the ball just like the receiver.
  14. Anything is possible I suppose (let me check for those pigs flying out of my ass), but the Bills better make the playoffs. It isn't every year when a team gets to play it's 8 of its out of division games against the two worst divisions if football. A playoff caliber team would win all 8 of those games or at least 7 of the 8, and the Bills are 2-2 thus far. That's not particularly inspiring. Of course, Rex sucks so not really a surprise.
  15. Whatever the situation is in Philly, so long as the Bills are stuck with the clown they have as head coach, I'm not going to make any disparaging remarks about any other team's coach, not that I have any love lost at all for Kelly, who is also a genius in his own mind, just like Rex.
  16. The best example of buffoonery in the coaching is that Sammy Watkins was taken out of the game by double coverage from the safety. What, Sammy is only allowed to run deep routes along the sidelines? The safety can't get to him in time to cover on shorter routes. I simply can't believe the coaches couldn't come up with a way to target Sammy even once in the second half. I'm still interested in hearing from the Rex supporters regarding some aspect of head coaching that Rex is above average in. I also find it interesting that last year it was the virtually unanimous opinion on this board that Rex was terrible. Which suggests that those supporting him now are doing so out of tribalism. Well, if he sucked as coach of the Jets, he probably was going to suck as coach of the Bills, and the record thus far seems to support that concept.
  17. Why is the OP nuts? Can you name anything in terms of coaching that Rex Ryan has done with the Bills that is better than average? Or for that matter, even average? Are you telling me that a roster that is certainly no worse that last year's and almost certainly better than last year is headed toward a record that is likely worse and certainly no better than last year? What has Rex Ryan DONE, not SAID, but DONE, to suggest to you that he is a quality NFL head coach. I really want to know.
  18. Great, most of Arizona gets the Bills' game, except for my part of Arizona.
  19. Given the results of the season to date, there is little to suggest the Bills should win, particularly given TT's condition (either he doesn't play or will be limited if he does). KC's losses, except for the Bears, have come against the better teams in the league (and even the Bears aren't that bad with a healthy Cutler). Three of the Bills' losses have come against good teams, but the Giants are really no better than the healthy Bears and the Jags stink. The game is in KC, so they will have a good home field advantage. What gives people optimism that the Bills can pull this one out?
  20. LOL, I love the fans that discount other teams' victories without realizing the Bills haven't beat anyone good - and the win against the Titans was as narrow as you can get. Not only that they lost to the Jags. The Bills haven't yet done anything to suggest they are legitimate playoff contenders. Hopefully that will change and a win against the Chiefs in Arrowhead would certainly help.
  21. But why? I mean, I have been quite clear that I think Ryan is an idiot and a dolt as a head coach, but even a clown like him wouldn't avoid getting Watkins the ball if possible. There is no logical reason for the Bills to let Watkins rot on the vine. Crazy.
  22. While he should have hung on to the ball, the throw came late and gave the defender time to make a play on it, making it a tough catch.
  23. I love the people who think the fans are so bad. The team hasn't made the playoffs for 16 years, and it is the fans who are incompetent? Really??? I think the Bills have the most patient fans in the world, or at least 2nd to the Cubs' fans. It takes some intestinal fortitude to continue rooting year after year after year for the Bills when they suck year after year after year. Like every team the Bills have good fans, average fans and crappy fans. Unlike every team, the Bills only have average years (rarely) and mostly crappy years. It has been a long long time since a good year. With all that said, Taylor may end up being ok, but it will be a waste no matter what as long as blowhard is the head coach.
  24. If the Bills make it to 11-5 I will glady concede I was wrong about Rex sucking. If they make it to 10-6, I will concede he does not suck as badly as I thought. If they end up 9-7, I will stand by my assertion that he sucks because Doug Marrone made it to 9-7 with what virtually everyone acknowledges was a less talented team. Will you have the decency to admit Rex is just a blowhard who stinks as a head coach if they go 8-8 or worse?
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