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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Have to laugh at the pollyannas who get so worked up at the press who write negative things about the Bills. It's not the press' job to be cheerleaders, and when a team goes 16 (soon to be 17) years w/o making the playoffs, any objective member of the press who ignores the perpetual dysfunction of the team would be laughed out of journalism. It's not Sullivan's fault that Rex is a terrible coach (no one who liked the Ryan hire has any right to be upset with anyone who thought otherwise), or that the team is at the very best mediocre. I realize how frustrating it is to be a Bills' fan, believe me, other than the mid-60's and the Super Bowl years it has been pretty slim picking for the Bills.
  2. Unfortunately, it is mid-December and we are at the Arctic Circle - dawn a long ways a way and the light is very short-lived.
  3. To some extent it may have been due to the Jets' desire to keep TT in the pocket and make him play QB, which is a strategy that plays to TT's weakness.
  4. Don't get me started on those dumb ass uniforms. If you're going to do that **** then have the Bills in all blue, not all red. I really really hate Nike.
  5. I think the water just broke, and sadly, the baby will be stillborn.
  6. I'm doing what I have been doing for the past 17 years, waiting for college basketball to start. As for the Bills, nothing is going to salvage this year, but going forward try and get high character guys, stop getting guys who commit stupid penalties, stop getting brittle guys, stop getting guys from Clemson, get a coach with quiet dignity but fire in his eyes, hire coordinators who are in touch with today's game, and somehow find a QB who is worth a damn. I freely admit, I don't know how to accomplish all that, but then again, neither has the Bills' organization the past 17 years and they have made a ton more money than I have from football.
  7. Thank goodness the easy part of the schedule is coming up. Oh, wait.
  8. No, he's a dick, and a lousy head coach to boot.
  9. I'm as anti-Rex as it gets, he fits in my BasketOfSportsDeplorables, and I think the team will be average at best this year (and any year in which asshat Rex is the coach), but I do think they beat the Jets on Thursday, which will turn attitudes around for a while (i.e., until the next loss).
  10. But if the system sucks, which is likely the case when the head coach is a clownish blowhard like Rex Ryan, then does continuity do any good? If the Bills miss the playoffs again, which admittedly has yet to be determined, it will be 6 years in a row for Rex (and 6 years in a row without a winning season if they don't do better than 8-8). You would be hard pressed to find a coach with that kind of track record thought of as a good head coach.
  11. Reality, for Bills' fans, has a miserable bias.
  12. Fat chance of that happening.
  13. Sullivan references some rumors that Watkins is not now and will not be fully recovered from the foot injury for some time. If that is true, you really do have to stick a fork in the Bills. An 80% Watkins with the rest of the Bills' merely average receivers would not bode well for the Bills.
  14. JFH is the Bill Kristol of Bills' fans.
  15. The thread title says it all. There are 15 games left. That's it. No playoff games.
  16. If the Bills make the playoffs, my hat will be off to Rex Ryan. The schedule appears to be brutal, with 10 games against teams above them in the ESPN initial power ratings (including 5 games against the top 4 teams) and only three against the bottom 10 teams. Obviously, the initial ratings are just that, the first take on things before anyone has played a game, but still, given the missing players in the first quarter and half of the season, this year's schedule is a bit disconcerting.
  17. I don't know, some people with thousands of posts have really stupid takes.
  18. Actually, I thought the discussion, for the most part, was far more civil and restrained than I expected given these hyper partisan times. Perhaps I'm just desensitized by the hyperbolic discussion I see on political boards.
  19. Guess it's obvious who is the glass is half full guy and who is the glass is half empty guy
  20. All I know is that the Bills were undefeated during the Trainor Era.
  21. I was just trying to be nice by only alluding to the hypocrisy.
  22. How ironic that the ones most vehemently blasting Kap are most likely to be supporters of a certain Presidential candidate who took every deferment in the book to get out of serving his country (one of the deferments being a bogus bone spur), trashed POWs saying he liked the men who didn't get captured, and trashed a Gold Star family and has refused to apologize. This isn't the United States of America, it's the United States of Cognitive Dissonance.
  23. In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka, "Lighten up Francis." I was making a joke, and even if it was a lousy joke, it was just a joke. I meant no offense. And, I admire your typing skills.
  24. And given his enthusiasm, I imagine it was with one hand.
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