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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Hopefully past is not prologue. One difference this year is a comparatively easy schedule. Of course anything can happen, but there should be 2 wins against the Fins, and wins against the Jets, Redskins and Broncos to get to 9, which actually may be enough to at least make the playoffs considering how bad the AFC appears to be. If they can manage home wins against the Eagles and Ravens you get to 11, and perhaps even 12 against a Benless Steelers team. Unfortunately, even 12 wins is likely a wild card berth, and winning 3 games on the road is a daunting challenge to say the least. Ultimately it should be out to be a good season but I wouldn't lay money on even making the AFC Championship, let alone the Super Bowl. If they make it, it'll be the defense that carries them there.
  2. It's kind of funny, Allen really hasn't played all that well but people point to his 9-7 record as a starter as evidence that he's a Franchise QB. Flutie had a 21-9 record as a starter and many Bills fan think he was a crap QB. Maybe Allen is great an Flutie sucked, or maybe its somewhere in between, but it's interesting that consistency has never been a hallmark of a message board (and I'm probably as guilty as the next guy).
  3. Yeah, you kind of wonder how the teams Taylor led would have fared with this defense. Somehow I have to think the Bills would have made the playoffs each year.
  4. Titans looking for a new FG kicker for next week, lol.
  5. Which isn’t saying he won’t be in the future, but he clearly isn’t at this point.
  6. Not when you consider how badly Brady has played the last two weeks.
  7. I’m not one to blame the refs but that call on Milano was atrocious.
  8. I find it amazing how easily people here make excuses for Allen. Is it that people are so desperate for the savior QB? He certainly isn’t any better than Manuel at the same point in their careers. Very odd.
  9. I have to laugh at myself. I recorded the game because I had more pressing matters, but I start watching the recording and there are no announcers. Just crowd noise and other sounds from the field, including ref call and QB shouting. At first I thought may it was one of those announcer less games, them maybe a cable problem. In any event I watched the whole game that way (crowd was jacked all game), and didn't realize until after the game that my center speaker had come unwired. So, the lesson is if the game is being broadcast in 5.1 stereo, and you're sick of the announcers, just unplug the center speaker and it will be like you're at the game.
  10. Not saying they are comparable, but I remember exactly this sort of thing being said about EJ Manuel. It's too soon to declare Allen a flop, just like it's too soon to anoint him the savior. I think at this point perhaps the best we can hope for is a Jacksonville like season with Bortles as QB where their defense got them to the AFC Championship game. Hopefully Allen gets better than Bortles eventually, but at this point a Bortles like career for him isn't out of the question.
  11. Yeah, and it gave the team a chance to win. Just like it won the first three games. Even a below average game by the offense would carried the day today. Putrid, on the other hand, left the Bills a TD short.
  12. I've said it before I'll say it again. This team will only go as far as the defense will take it. Today was one of the best defensive efforts I can recall, and an offensive performance that was absolutely putrid. Allen may turn out to be a franchise type QB, but anyone suggesting that is a certainty just hasn't been paying attention. His first half today was just north of a Peterman performance, and all three INTs were just bad throws on bad decisions. NE may have a good defense, but those throws were inexcusable. If the Bills win more than 8 games it will be because the defense holds steady. Just have to hope it stays relatively injury free.
  13. This team will go as far as the defense takes it. Fortunately the defense looks pretty good.
  14. So much of what makes a terrible team is doing really dumb stuff.
  15. allen to brown is really working today
  16. Good first half, but it's pretty clear this team is going to go as far as the defense takes it.
  17. Unfortunately the only thing I get to see from this game on RedZone are Bills' mistakes.
  18. Bills should win this game. Jets missed countless opportunities, and things should even out in the 2nd half. Still. Pats should easily go 6-0 in the AFC East, which will once again get them 1 seed in the playoffs. Dammit.
  19. Bills could easily win today, but the one certainty after one half of football today is that the Pats are a certain AFC East winner unless Brady goes down (and maybe even in that event). Dolphins are perhaps worst team ever, and Jets and Bills seem to be pretty hapless.
  20. In my mind the only thing more tedious is week 4 of the preseason, where the majority of guys are playing their last game of organized football and others are fighting for a practice squad berth.
  21. A guy decides he doesn't want to become a physical and/or mental cripple later in life. Seems like sound judgement to me. He doesn't owe anything to anyone, and he didn't just try and milk a paycheck. I say good for him. Given all the evidence out there now, I really won't have all that much sympathy for football players in the future falling prey to CTG or crippled knees and hips.
  22. He was a walk on at Alabama to start with and worked his way into a scholarship and a starting position. He grinds away and learns. He should be even better this year and for a rookie who started the year on the PS he wasn't bad at all last year.
  23. As an Arizona fan I should have liked Gronk but once he joined the Pats he became the enemy. Worst of all, in reading about this I found out that the old Children's Hospital where I was born was closed down and moved to a new facility. For some reason that depresses me.
  24. Tucson has even inquired about the Raiders moving there for a year. Arizona Stadium is pretty much a dump - the west side is in dire need of renovation, and I can't see the Cardinals being too happy about it, but they might draw 40K per game. Sunday afternoons in September and October would be a B word though.
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