I get the Brady love but I dont exactly share it. I can't think of another player who has made better or more productive use of his particular skill set/talents. And to be clear his talent is obviously considerable and such as to place him without doubt amongst the best ever. He was also an outstanding player and a proven winner in college and him lasting into the sixth round of the draft was ridiculous.
But football is a team sport and I cant think either of another player who benefitted more from his association with a great organization top to bottom throughout his tenure in NE, great coaches, players. Those championships belong more to the organization than just to Brady himself. If I were starting a dream team from scratch today even just looking at currently active players and even assuming a Tom Brady at the peak of his powers, there is no way he would be my choice for QB. I'd pick Josh, Pat, AR ahead of him.
If the GOAT just means the most successful while still being a great player then sure. Clearly he's not the most talented even just looking at QBs.