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Everything posted by starrymessenger

  1. Right. The storm troopers already have their very own forum on this board. We should all stick to football here.
  2. A little soft in the middle of the line. Hmmmm
  3. Whether Beane will actually be successful depends entirely on whether he can turn his draft assets to account. A lot of that will depend on how our "revamped" scouting department performs. As for the approach (process) I can't fault it in principle. What do you think BB would have done with Marcel? The one move I am still uncomfortable with is the Watkins trade especially given our WR situation, but thats JMO.
  4. Never found Saint Doug to have an endearing personality but he'll be on Marcel like an old fly on flypaper. I think there is a decent chance he turns him around. If he does Jags front will be phenomenal.
  5. Jaguars front is awesome.
  6. Well yeah sometimes for sure. What are you, some kind of pacifist? Nah. I think everybody is congenitally inferior. Especially you. Boys, if this is true I want you to know that you are one colossal pervert.
  7. Depending upon the end yes of course it can justify the means. That's pretty self evident. Dropping a couple of bombs on the Japanese spared the lives of maybe 200,000 US servicemen.
  8. Never heard of Rep Wilson before this blowup. Can't pretend to know everything about her now, but just based on recent reading (so just a general impression) she seems to be a lovely lady with decades of dedicated public service to the community she represents. As for George Zimmerman, on balance of probabilities I think the world would be a better place if Treyvon had taken him out. JMO.
  9. Transactional sex is ok as long as its on offer. I know because I get laid alot (whether I pay for it or not).
  10. Don't know about George Jefferson (not into sitcoms) but Miles Davis is very cool.
  11. JMO but I think that is going too far. We are all to some extent products of the cultural environment we grew up in. The debate that is today centre stage in America is nothing new. It is a constant and enduring theme of American political life and the conservative voice has had much more eloquent and credible spokesmen than the current president in the past (and probably also today). George Kennan for example is without question one of the greatest American diplomats. He lamented the changes in the cultural configuration of the southwestern United States resulting from Hispanic immigration. This caused Averill Harriman to remark that while Kennan understood Russia he didn't understand America. Kennan was from Wisconsin, Harriman was an Ivy League blue blood born in NYC.
  12. It took John Kelly 10 minutes to vaporize a reputation he had built over 40 years of distinguished service. Thats what hanging with Trump will do to you.
  13. Funny how different people can see different things viewing the same tape. Anyway it a shame the best player in the league will now be exiting the stage. Advantage Brady and the Pats.
  14. ok my bad, I thought we had concluded that AR was entitled to the same protection outside the pocket as a passer in the circumstances. If you agree with that statement and if you think it would have been flagged had it occured inside the pocket than you would logically have to say it should also be flagged outside the pocket. BTW imo you would be better off referencing someone like Dungy, a real man worthy of respect, to support your argument. I can remember many stupid calls secondary men like Blandino and Perreira defended in their official capacities.
  15. There are two ancient and well known dictums in English law: 1) "The divel himself knoweth not the thought of man" and 2) "The state of a man's mind is as much a fact as the state of his digestion". We will never know what was going on in Barr's mind and actually we don't need to know. All we need do is determine what the visual evidence objectively tells us he can reasonably be considered to have known or ought to have known. He had plenty enuf time to know before contact that AR would be in a vulnerable position and he chose, and I suspect consciously (tho this is not necessary to my conclusion), to land with his full weight (especially damning given the express wording of the rule) on the obviously defenseless AR (instead of opting for a less punishing type of contact). So Mannc 1, 26 0 (in my humble and respectful opinion). I will say that lots of wise heads disagree, for example Tony Dungy, who says it was just football. Still I think I see stuff like that called in the pocket all the time. As for the fumble through the endzone, Corrente agrees that SJ regained possession and control (as in having a firm grip) after bobbling the ball, but he claims there was a second loss of possession as he went to the ground which none of the tape supports. To the contrary, the tape and two AP still frame shots from the back of the endzone show him with a firm handle of the ball as he breaks the plane at the pylon while still in bounds. So 100% coverup and fake news. Next time Corrente shows up in the meadowlands Jets fans should string him up to a goal post and let him hang there till he rots. And whats with Brady doing all the time joining in on on field ref conferences (when all other players get pushed out)? There is another legal sayng, "justice must not only be done, but it must also manifestly appear to be done". Maybe someone should tell those dufusses in the league office how bad that looks.
  16. He's not that young (unless you're really old). He was never very talented either. Mario made him the player he was at NC State.
  17. Whenever I've seen him I've always been impressed with Brissett. He's the prospect I wish EJ coulda been but just wasnt.
  18. S-Jenkins touchdown somehow turns into a turnover. Go figure. Reviewer spent more time watching Butler plead his case instead of the action. SF clearly regained control before hitting the goal line/ pylon. Yes sir Mr Butler, comin right up.
  19. Should be good. KC is the team most fun to watch on O and we get Watson, Clowney and JJ.
  20. Coach is a fool. Trusts in Folk.
  21. 10 second runoff was a killer.
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