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South Jersey Bills Fan

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Everything posted by South Jersey Bills Fan

  1. Often times, I agree with the "let's let this settle in and figure out what happened" crowd. These warts need to be surgically removed...Compound W will not do.
  2. Guys, this may be too petty, but do any others avoid buying gillette products so that you are not feeding in to the evil empire? As I stand in the grocery store, I look at my choices, and I get sick when I see gillette and realize that Marcia is going to receive a lot of that dough. I'm not even sure if Kraft still owns Gillette, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is at least on the board. Anyway, this is a call to boycott ALL gillette products!!
  3. What is with all of these "conditions"?! "Yes, Mario, we will wipe your ass for you" or "No Mario you don't have to shower with the rest of the guys"....GET IT DONE ALREADY!!
  4. ...the man's a genius! He's shakespeare! "My biatch better have my money"
  5. Along with the NUMEROUS girls in the Niagara Falls area you and Ahab are doing the horizontal momba
  6. I just had a horrific thought...what if Manning gives them a huge discount so that they can sign Mario as well....I just threw up in my mouth
  7. I just had a horrific thought...what if Manning gives them a huge discount so that they can sign Mario as well....I just threw up in my mouth
  8. I remember the Jacksonville game...my brother and I went at the last minute...we drove my dad's old Chevy S10 pickup and brought a hibachi. We set it up right in front of the truck between the bumper and the guard rail. My brother was lighting it and at the same time suggested I turn on the radio on the cab. It was my 2 or 3rd time driving a stick, so I jumped in, started the engine and turned the radio on. Then I let out the clutch, forgetting to put it in neutral. Man, I never saw my brother move so quick! His head was this close to being popped like a grape. It was a bad start to a bad day. I can't stand Tony Baselli... How about that ALMOST glorious evening against the Cowpoles at home. Man we should have won that game, but to top it all off, we got to watch that jerkoff JJ jump up and down in our stadium. I hate Jerry Jones...
  9. I've been renaming my fantasy football team every week for the last few weeks and would like to do so for the rest of the season. I started the season off as "LET'S GO BUFFALO", then went to "The Amish Rifle" and now "Fitzbeardy". Can you guys start pumping me with some new ones?
  10. I really don't know why this would bother anyone...
  11. I wouldn't care how people perceive it....let's take a win and stay under the radar!
  12. That and the Sabres letting drury and briere go...
  13. I don't know shot from shinol, but I haven't heard anyone talk about belicheck in terms of their defense...true they don't have the best talent on D, but BB knows his shot and he knows Buffalo...I'll remain cautiously optimistic about beating the Pats, but until I see it happen, I'll have a hard time writing off their D.
  14. I'm just glad to hear it wasn't E.S.S.
  15. he's got a snaggle-tooth?
  16. Nice! Thanks bro!
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