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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. they are playing great right now and representing buffalo very well. these guys are very easy to root for. very likeable and i am very happy they are wearing the red, white and blue.
  2. i'm assuming it is a league-wide thing in order to create offensive numbers and overall excitement towards the game. the gaudy offensive stats for quarterbacks and recievers would seem to support this. the blatent holding/tackling penalties don't seem to be called but all of the hands to the face penalties seem to be called still. even the announcers are getting in on the "that shoulda been a holding call" action. another thing...how was vick not in the grasp of dareus?!?!?
  3. i believe that says that he is our best defensive player at this time and teams will try to make sure that he does not eat them alive like many games last year when he was just beginning to gain the national respect and recognition.
  4. let me just say that what i've been watching cannot really be classified as "holding". grabbing, clutching and tackling is more appropriate.
  5. just give the d a bit of time to gel. we've got a bunch of new players/rookies playing on that side of the ball right now and we've got a couple injuries too. i think the overall lack of anything spectacular is due to the players becoming comfortable with the system as well as the coaching staff becoming comfortable with the personel. that being said, this is not a tryout and we absolutely need to get better quick.
  6. this is exactly how i would rule this. but apparently you and i and every other moron out there with at least one eye and a 13 iq is wrong. it takes a very special kind of stupid to truly comprehend the tuck rule.
  7. to elaborate on point #1, how much longer is shawne merriman going to get completely jobbed by the refs? this guy is being completely molested a handful of times per game that no one will call. i understand there is holding on every play in the nfl, but this guy is getting f----d so hard that if i were him i'd go get a pregnancy test asap!
  8. i'll take this loss because it was a good time for a "don't let the hype getcha" game. hopefully now we can get some focus back and put that damn chip back on our shoulder. now that everyone will be saying "see, the bills really do suck" our boys can go out and play pissed and prove everyone wrong again. they didn't seem to have the swagger today, but i am optimistic we'll get it back in time for kickoff next weekend!
  9. i'm thinking more along the lines of when they're on, they can play with anyone...and win. and when they're not, they can disappoint just like any other team. it's 1 outa 16 and i'm not ready to call the wins a fluke. but yes, in the first few games we got all the breaks, bounces and calls. today i felt like we were given a physical by a doctor with very rough hands.
  10. regardless of which team is getting hosed by the tuck rule, and even if the bills got a break because of it. i say the nfl needs to take the tuck rule and shove it right up tom brady's behind where it originated from. this rule is such a bs rule in and of itself, it seems like some people got together and just made something up to mess with people. i hate this rule and wish it were abolished. anyone disagree?
  11. seems to me that YE OLE was on a roll, well done sir!
  12. it all makes perfect sense to me!
  13. that is both wonderful and horrible at the same time...but mostly horrible. but i still gotta love it.
  14. i agree that the team should look to make a statement in this game. show the patriots and everyone watching that this bills team is gonna bring their "a" game every week, and you'd better follow suit. also, i think that the fans need to pick up where they left off and show everyone that when you come to buffalo, it will be LOUD!
  15. i am certainly hoping that the bills come out focused, prepared and p!$$ed off. i hope that they are all playing with huge chips on their shoulders for this one. the stadium should be absolutely roaring for this game and i think that is huge for a team playing with emotion. win or lose, i think the boys in blue are going to make their presence known!
  16. tuesday evening now and i still have no voice and am still dragging @$$. well worth it, and am wondering how awfully wonderful we would be fealing if we can do this to new england!
  17. very happy to have mr. roosavelt back on the 53, if we need another, i'd just as soon see aiken elevated. seems that our young guys are hungry and eager to prove themselves.
  18. we've got some new faces and new coaches on this side of the ball, i believe when they truly start to gel we will see some nice things.
  19. i have not felt the stadium that pumped since the glory days. the crowd was hungry for football. new unis, new field, unbelievable game...where else would you rather be...(i think i owe marv a nickel for that).
  20. i was at the ralph on sunday and the first thing i noticed was the new field...absolutely beautiful. after years of looking at that nasty whateverthehell shade of yuck that was, the new turf with the blue endzones is fantastic. and then when the team came out of the tunnel with the new unis i really could tell how much better our team and stadium look. and yes, they look great in hd too!
  21. at this point i am more interested in how well they run routes and catch (and hang onto) footballs. because speed is wonderful but discipline and consistancy i feel will serve our team better.
  22. i'll be there and i'll be loud!
  23. my lowest moment as a fan was not a moment in a game but rather actually getting to a place where i wanted my team that i love to lose games to get the coach fired and maybe pick up a better draft pick along the way. that to me felt pretty low.
  24. yeah, but 41-7 still has a nice ring to it.come to think of it so does 1-0! think of it some more, and we did goose egg them where it counts...the win column! this is gonna feel nice all week long!
  25. i don't think that the networks would put him in the top ten, but he deserves to be there. the pure WILL of this man is inspirational. he never lets the first man get him down and seldom the second or third. he has great vision and patience, runs with his pads low and never lets a defender square up on him. and he is also a quality human being, another guy i am very happy is on my team!
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