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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. well, i don't read the news[aper much, but i read tkig quite a bit, and i have a smile on my face while doing it. you keep writin', we'll keep readin'!
  2. i think our defense is going to have to have a bit of time to gel. i think they will have some moments early on where they will just put a whoopin' on someone for stretches, but i think they will be succeptible to the big play as well. somewhere around the midpoint of the season, i imagine this defense as a whole really coming together. and if we make it to the playoffs, i really think this is going to be the team nobody wants to play against.
  3. it would make sense to me. 4 inside, 4 outside and a swing. the theory is sound, i like it.
  4. glad to hear that the lt position has been won. now as far as the rt position goes, may the best man win. good to see that there is talent and depth. also, i don't think that hairston is going to just sit back and be content cashing a paycheck, he;s going to push pears to either be on top of his game or get out of the way.
  5. good for him. it's nice to have the head coach notice you for positive reasons. underdog at a position of need, i'll take one!
  6. i think that buddy has done a great job, he seems to have done all he could. as a fan i sure appreciate that. as far as the preseason games go, i'm trusting that the coaching staff going after it in a certain way with the intent of evaluating personel in a televised scrimmage atmosphere. there are butts in the seats, and there are tv cameras and broadcasting crews, but this sure as hell isn't football yet. now pass me that kool-aid!
  7. i was on board with glenn in the first round, when he slid to the bills in the second i jumped up and did a stevie j. end zone celebration! it was so bad my 4 year old daughter just shook her head and laughed at me. i think he is going to be good, the question is, does he have what it takes to be great? i am really liking the way this o-line is shaping up.
  8. i may be completely jaded over here with my bills colored glasses on and a tall glass of kool-aid in my hand, but i think if the recievers that we have on our team stay healthy and get a good chemistry with our quarterback, we may be very happy with what we have.
  9. i am intrigued by the idea of dickerson, but i love corey mac. do you think there is any way we keep both?
  10. i agree with this. i want to see the lines put on a show and i want to see who amongst the youngsters will be demanding a roster spot. i'd love to see a reciever destinguish themselves from the pack, and i'd like to see which of our o linemen really wants to serve up some pancakes. also, let's see whether we go with fullback or h-back.
  11. "the cornhusker shucks in between fits, that's a good one shanny!"
  12. i have no idea how this could really be the case. seems like that much weight gain or loss in such a short span would mean a player would either be bloated or dehydrated, neither of which would be ideal.
  13. i've been a bills fan since somewhere in the late 80's, and while this team is unproven and hasn't "done anything yet", are they the most likeable bills team ever. i remember loving the 90's bills, but i also remember hearing stories of some of the players at the time not being the most humble, polite, or sociable people. but this team, as currently constructed, seems to be full of great personalities with stories that make you really root for them. even the coach and gm seem to be wildly popular right now. and i'm glad to see that mr. wilson is being talked about with respect once again. my memories of the bills' teams of the past do not stretch that far, but i know the general feeling right now so i ask the mighty collective of this board if there has ever been a more likeable cast of characters to wear the red, white and buffalo blue?
  14. i'm kind of interested to know what happened to chuck dickerson. he was on wgr a few years ago and then just disapperared.
  15. i'm more of the impression that buddy doesn't give a good gosh darn about where anyone was drafted or who did the drafting. it's all about how you are progressing. and from what i heard in the form of sound bites on wgr, mike jasper was struggling on a number of fronts and just wasn't where they had expected him to be. this is extremely unfortunate because i really like the story behind the man, and from what i understand, he's a really good guy. i wish him good fortune.
  16. i really want to see what this team can do as presently constructed before i start kicking guys to the curb or wishing for players from other teams to come in. ask me again in february.
  17. i'm hoping that the bills are going to tear through whatever offense the jets put on the field. whether it be sanchez, tebow or if rex himself comes out to take a few snaps. i'm going out of my mind waiting for opening day of bills season!
  18. wow, it has been a long, long time since my buddy. but i remember it pretty well, actually too well, now i'll have that damn song in my head all day.
  19. i am still thinking i like corey mcintyre on this team, it's nice to have a battering ram and special teams monster.
  20. i think that marcus easley is an unknown quantity at a position of need with potential (he has good size, speed, strength). we, as bills fans, are constantly hoping that we will have someone step up from within to fill a void and fill it well. for a lot of us (i certainly can't speak for everyone) i think it comes down to just giving this kid a chance. he's been through a lot and i'd like to give him the rest of the preseason to convince the coaches and his teammates that he belongs.
  21. this is a wonderful thing, this guy gets it. he is percieved as probably the biggest "i wanna have fun" guy, but he obviously understands you have to put in the work. just another reason to love having stevie on your team.
  22. this was the only part that got to me, they had several chances down there and didn't have the horses. hopefully that's where a healthy eric wood comes in and makes a big difference.
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