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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. to me, and i'm often wrong, the bills' offense just looked like they weren't clicking. maybe timing, maybe communication, maybe just familiarity, i don't know. but i keep thinking that i'm waiting for something to just snap back into place and they will be up and running. this is either going to be really good for the bills, or really bad for me.
  2. nice story, a little depressing, but nicely done. i tend to think of the buffalo bills as my kids. all i ask is that they give me their best effort and do things the right way and never give up. i know they can't win them all and i know that there will be tough times, but they're my kids and i will always love them. having said that, if they win the championship i will be a very proud, and probably very annoying papa. and if they marry into the los angeles or toronto families, they are disowned!
  3. looked good sometimes, bad others. as the season goes on i expect him to get better and better. you can definately see the speed and physicality out there.
  4. the boys in green not fit to play against the men in the red, white and buffalo blue!
  5. i saw a few good throws by young, and his recievers dropped those. i saw some really bad passes, a few questionable decisions where you might have thought a person with that athletic ability could have tucked the ball and run. and i saw some really weird throwing motion/body language. the only thing i got from the second team offense was that vy looked bad and possibly depressed or disinterested. and that the only players i noticed doing anything at all were choice and naaman. i'm really liking what i see out of choice, and how can you not love naaman? i hope there is a spot for him on this team.
  6. i think this makes a lot of sense. offense and defense both will benefit from stability and experience.
  7. when the real games start, i don't care what they look like or who gets them, i just want the quarterbacks down in the dirt.
  8. all i can see is homer simpson. "mmmmmmmmmmm, quarterbacks".
  9. it seems as though this team has a lot of talent, they just have not completely come together yet.the biggest problem i had with fitz last night was that he looked really out of rhythm with his recievers, but he did have some zip on the ball. and the defense, imo, looks like they need more time together. i think they will get better as the season goes.
  10. the running game was looking really nice with freddy, the cj fumble was bad, i felt really badly for him, but hopefully its an early reminder that you have to take care of the ball. but i think the timeouts were good on that last drive. the bills defense had been dominating up to that point. it seemed logical they would continue and then the bills would have been running their two minute offense. good plan, poor execution.
  11. didn't the bills have a complete knucklehead with a drug problem and a hit and run that everyone wanted run out of town and a pre-breakout freddy jackson on the team? while i loved the way marshawn played for us, he just never quite seemed to fit with this team, and i would not consider that kind of baggage a position of strength.
  12. it all depends. if spiller turns improves upon his performances from the last few games of last season and moats ends up being a good starting linebacker for us then it's really not that bad. two guys making an impact from that class is not bad. if troupe can get right and contribute next year, even better. but yeah, if everyone $#!@& the bed then it wasn't a very good draft.
  13. that sums it up quite nicely, bacon and banana peppers are fantastically diabolical, and the correct answer is both green and black olives have their place, in my belly!
  14. i enjoy listening to wgr. there are a number of personalities that are very enjoyable to listen to. some of my favorite moments have been jeremy white and sully absolutely going off on one another. love it when howard gets so mad he is about to explode, and yes, i enjoy mike schopp and the bulldog. you have to cut these guys some slack in regards to all sports all the time. right now there is absolutely nothing but a potential lockout in hockey and in football it is the preseason in all its glory. i understand why many people don't like certain personalities on the radio or television, but you can turn the station instead of listening to something you don't like.
  15. i can't ignore his character. would you want to go to an o.j. rally where he is speaking of all of his football accomplishments?
  16. if we can add carder and bradham as depth/st guys, and potter as a kickoff wiz, it's looking great as far as potential goes. let;s hope they're not happy with "potential".
  17. they need to "learn how to win", not too fond of that one.
  18. this is a pretty legitimate arguement right here. plus, having him learn from lindell is a good thing imo.
  19. then you'd really get a kick out of the shane doan conversation they were having today, mr.schopp seems to be stirring the pot pretty good. definately not boring radio.
  20. he's been freakin' great, and i think he is somewhere around 100% seriously, every kickoff i have seen him boot has gone either into the back half of the endzone or out of it. i'm real good with this kid having a roster spot.
  21. do you suppose that mr. wiltson has someone to do his warsh for him?
  22. last name is benjamin. amazing how many people say ben-jer-min. amazing.
  23. i really hope that there is a spot for naaman on this team. he seems like a really good kid with a tremendous attitude and work ethic. he may not be flashy, but he is extremely dependable.
  24. time will tell, but i really liked the pick when it was made and i'm still very excited and hopeful.
  25. my thinking is that the coaching staff is trying to temper the enthusiasm of this team early. by going through all of these experiments, and letting the other team know exactly what we are trying to do, it puts their own team at a severe disadvantage. having said that, if the team was buying the hype, they should be humbled and want to hit it even harder. and if they overcome those odds, then confidence goes through the roof. it's pretty much just runnin', kickin', blockin', throwin', an' tacklin'. i definately think there is rhyme to this reason.
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