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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. i wasn't necessarily hammering, just opining that he seemingly has the talent, just never really played with any kind of abandon.
  2. i am kinda hoping to see dickerson on some screen passes today, but who knows. maybe smith will be amped up for the jets.
  3. it would be great if the bills fans were singing this so loudly in the stadium that the broadcast picked it up!
  4. i would add 1. sustain blocks. 2. wrap up and take the ball carrier to the ground. both are rather obvious fundamentals, but very impotant.
  5. there's a couple superbowl rings there too, i'd like to see fitzy go 2 for 2 on that list!
  6. absolutely ready for sunday. i don't know if i will be bearable to be around as we get closer to kickoff. with all of the offseason moves that have happened, and the fact that we open with the jets...oh my god i am so ready for this!
  7. in a perfect world the bills defense will completely destroy the jets offense regardless of what formation they run out of or which quarterback they are using. i am just really hoping that rex yells and screams so much that in his after game presser, he is reduced to scribbling with a pad and paper to answer all the questions of what went wrong. beating the crap out of the jets in their house would be great. rendering rex ryan speachless....priceless!
  8. i would like fitz to be in rhythm with his recievers and healthy. if he can put the ball where they can catch it on the run, then i feel we definately have a group of guys that can turn upfield and get some good chunks of yards.
  9. hopefully we can exucute some screens to good effect with multiple personel packages, seems this year i am really excited to see who gets the ball, how much, and what they do with it after they get it.
  10. i like edwards and wish him success. as far as alex carrington, i hope he steps his game up and puts in the work. i'm very comfortable with spencer johnson and if carrington finds some confidence and consistency, the interior of the d-line can really be something special for 60 minutes every sunday.
  11. i really hope that this is the case. i would like to see the ball spread around as much as possible so that teams have to respect all personnel in all formations. not only that, but the versatility of these players should make teams respect pass, run, and the occasional gadget play.
  12. it seems like there are a lot of players on this team that fit that description. seems like a gorup of good guys preparing to do bad, bad things!
  13. i'm pretty happy this kid made it, seems like he worked his butt off to be here and the staff took notice.
  14. i'm really intrigued and hopeful about this guy, seems versatility is definately the word to describe him. i'm thinking that chan could really get creative with this guy.
  15. i think that the two quarterbacks are quite different. edwards seemingly had superior physical skills to fitzpatrick, but was either unwilling to take risks or unable to process information quickly enough to go downfieldd. fitzpatrick, while physically less gifted than edwards, seems to process the information very quickly and is definately willing to take those risks. also, ryan fitzpatrick is well respected by his teammates and coaching staff, is a good leader and has all the intangibles you want at the position, edwards seemingly was not wired that way.
  16. i'm thinking that this is the year that jones makes his presence felt.
  17. not only is he a rookie, but this is his very first year in the league!
  18. i really don't see him as being better than any of our recievers. the only thing that owens has on his side right now are the fact that he has taken extremely good care of his body for his whole life, and that he may desperate. thanks, but i'll stick with the gang we have right now.
  19. kyle williams is playing out of his freakin' mind. you can't take much from the preseason but you can absolutely take this to the bank: a healthy kyle williams is the best player on this team and makes everyone around him better.
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